
An innovative independent automatic rig for 3ds Max for all lovers of animation and a sharing website for the animation!

Project visual Auto-Rig
End date
Out of €4,000
123 %
alexandre.vasilchenko.94036 days

I definitely need to learn some French XD

son.yonghyun4041 days

Thank you for creating this project. I will support you :)

Chaos234042 days

Thanks for the reply, Ludo! I am excited and look forward to the updates and like the idea for users to submit what they would like added.

LudoRig4042 days

Chaos23: For the future, I plan to add a free position of the knees and elbows, a multi-curves for members, a option to lock ik position for the knees, a auto-skinning, a more perfect system for quadruped, finalize the motion capture ... these are the first things that come to mind. The spine stretch will already be present in the first version. I'll make a list of the most necessary features to add on the website and each user will be able submit what they would like to see added. For the final price, I do not know, probably it will remain close to the price shown on the KissKissBankBank but kissbankers may receive additional free tools.

nildo.essa4042 days

Congrats Ludo...I Really have High hopes for your tool! :):)

LudoRig4043 days

Waouh! Merci beaucoup et merci à toutes les personnes qui ont participé. Je vais écrire un petit message sur la page principale pour expliqué la suite.

FlipFlapStudio4043 days

Voilou, je pense que maintenant le compte y est, bon courage !

Mateo.R4043 days

Allez Ludo, ca va le faire :) Cheers et encore merci d'avoir développé cet auto-rig !

Chaos234043 days

I've passed along your rig to others since it's something max animators would definitely appreciate. Can you say what you plan on adding to the final rig? I noticed the beta rig doesn't have stretchy spine yet, but that is something I hope would be included.

Manoo4043 days


LudoRig4044 days

Merci beaucoup Sen pour ton soutien ! Je vais essayer de poster une nouvelle vidéo des que j’arrive à trouver le temps, voyant qu'il y a un nouvel élan ces jours-ci pour le projet. Bonne année à toi !

_Sen_4044 days

Salut Ludo , Je pense bien que le projet va aller au bout . Courage et plein de bonnes choses pour cette année 2014 . Le début d'une longue et belle histoire avec ce projet . Sen