April 28, 2021
BOOK & CD in French
![Project visual BOOK & CD in French](https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/resized/380x0/quality:90/https%253A%252F%252Fdjxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net%252Fuploads%252Fproject%252Favatar%252F208907%252Fcropped_e5c17052-22e4-4d04-a1a5-d6d45befa444.jpeg)
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BOOK & CD in French
<p>We are the duo MAZIMA. We have created the poetic show L’ENVOL/FLIGHT OF A BIRD, a co-production with La Ferme du Biéreau.</p>
<p>It is a music tale about following your dreams and the life in the big city. The music style is a fusion of afro, jazzy, electro-pop, French and urban songs… a mix, just like us!</p>
<p>We invite you to discover our first single: <em>La force de notre terre</em>, from our album, here is the link: <a href="https://mazima.bandcamp.com" target="_blank">mazima.bandcamp.com</a></p>
<div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src="https://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FeDwLDx-_6iU%3Ffeature%3Doembed&display_name=YouTube&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DeDwLDx-_6iU&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FeDwLDx-_6iU%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=8b7d8dd6504d41af9a77662672aabc2a&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" title="YouTube embed" width="500"></iframe></div>
<p>We have performed in Belgium in schools, at the <em>Kidzik Festival</em> in Louvain-La-Neuve, in cultural centres such as Soignies and Gembloux, at <em>La Maison qui Chante</em>, at <em>La Montagne Magique</em>, at the Staycation festival <em>Duprée Stationnée</em> in Brussels and at the international music festival <em>Le Printemps de Bourges</em> in France.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/710193/d75078b5-4f2e-46dd-a71d-727cad895647.jpg" width="100%" /></p>
<p>We were due to release our CD in March 2020 but the health crisis decided otherwise. The concerts and events having been canceled, we had to postpone the album release.</p>
<p>Despite a complicated situation for the cultural sector, we have chosen to release our music and to share it with you!</p>
<p>For this relaunch, we want to create a book that accompanies our CD: a beautiful poetic BOOK & MUSIC object, for everyone from 4 years old. </p>
<p>We have a wonderful team:</p>
<p>Music, logo and graphic desifn music album: <a href="https://www.esinamdogbatse.com/media/" target="_blank">Esinam Dogbatse</a><br />
Script and lyrics: <a href="http://www.marierose-mayele.org" target="_blank">Marie-Rose Mayele</a> Illustrations: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/veroniquehidalgo05" target="_blank">Véronique Hidalgo</a><br />
Graphic design of the book: <a href="http://https://karinedorcean.myportfolio.com" target="_blank">Karine Dorcéan</a></p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/717702/d2af505b-aa33-465a-b768-d375e9165eb1.jpg" width="100%" /></p>
<p>Good news! For this project we have the support of the <em>Fund Belgian Music</em>, (only 10% out of the 600 projects were retained).</p>
<p><em>Fund Belgian Music</em> finances half of the budget necessary for the realisation of our project, which is why we are launching this crowdfunding campaign.</p>
<p>We hope we made you want to discover our musical universe, to read our story and to participate in this crazy adventure.</p>
<p>We need your support to make our project exist in these difficult times.</p>
<p>BIG THANKS!</p>
<p style="text-align:center"><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/710194/09b9c05e-2e8e-471c-bfc9-1f426fac2b53.png" width="100%" /></p>
Allocation of funds
<p>The music album with 11 tracks is made and was produced with the support of the <em>FWB</em> (Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles).</p>
<p>This album, mixed and mastered by Jonathan Vanneste, will be inserted in the BOOK.</p>
<p>The funding we are seeking is intended to cover the costs of creating and printing 500 copies of the book.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/717965/655d75c5-5b90-4487-b93e-5c6d20ad87cb.jpg" width="100%" /></p>
<p>It is also a question of financing the promotion of the release of this album-book in April 2021. We plan to film our release concert in a BOOKSHOP in Brussels and to distribute it online.</p>
<p>In addition to the support of <em>Fund Belgian Music</em> and this crowdfunding campaign (from which we expect a great success), our organisation, <em>Cie sQueezz</em>, has already invested money and time in the realisation of the project. If, however, we exceed the collection target, we will be able to print more copies.</p>
<p>And <em>last but not least</em>, we are also doing this campaign out of a desire to expand our audience.</p>
<p>We can't wait to share our creations with you (young and old)! While waiting for the release, don't hesitate to follow the progress of the project!</p>
<p>Here is our financial "plan of attack" in figures:</p>
<p><img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/710429/02d3601d-9d14-4b5b-9596-46a04750e946.jpg" width="100%" /></p>
<div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src="https://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fplayer.vimeo.com%2Fvideo%2F509576969%3Fapp_id%3D122963&dntp=1&display_name=Vimeo&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F509576969&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.vimeocdn.com%2Fvideo%2F1054879374_1280.jpg&key=8b7d8dd6504d41af9a77662672aabc2a&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=vimeo" title="Vimeo embed" width="500"></iframe></div>
<p style="text-align:center">Digital scenography out of the show L'envol by June Peduzzi</p>
<p> </p>
Every little bit helps!
- 2 contributions
We sing: MERCI!
- 2 contributions
Postcard with the cover of the CD, designed by Esinam!
Estimated delivery: April 2021
E-MUSIC + drawing
- 3 contributions
You get a link to download the music of L'ENVOL + pdf of black & white drawing of the project to color
Estimated delivery: April 2021
- 32 contributions
To be picked up in bookshop in Brussels or sent home (postal costs not included)
Estimated delivery: April 2021
BOOK-CD + autograph
- 21 contributions
To be picked up in bookshop in Brussels or sent home (postal costs not included)
Estimated delivery: April 2021
BOOK-CD + autograph + E-BOOK
- 8 contributions
To be picked up in bookshop in Brussels or sent home (post-costs are not included)
3 X BOOK-CD with autograph
- 10 contributions
To be picked up in bookshop in Brussels or sent home (postal costs not included)
Estimated delivery: April 2021
5 X BOOK-CD for shops and organisations
- 1 contribution
You can sell our product in your shop!
Estimated delivery: April 2021
11 X BOOK-CD for shops and organisations
- 2 contributions
You can sell our product in your shop!
Estimated delivery: April 2021
SPONSOR BOOK-CD with autograph
- 1 contribution
Thank you for sustaining this project and the arts in general!
Estimated delivery: April 2021
Make a donation
Give what I want
Sold out
Sold out
BOOK-CD + autograph + 2 entrances release concert
- 4 contributions
You get your BOOK-CD after the private release concert date to be announced by the end of february
Estimated delivery: April 2021
Sold out
2 BOOK-CD + CONCERT/WORKSHOP in two classes of your school (possible in English)
- 1 contribution
The artists come to two classes and play an acoustic concert (20min) They bring a BOOK-CD to each class They give a rhythm and clapping workshop to each class (30min) You fix a date with the artists between May and June 2021
Estimated delivery: May 2021