C'est pas pour moi, c'est pour un ami

Outil d'éducation à la pornographie par le biais de l'éducation aux médias pour les jeunes entre 12 et 15 ans.

Project visual C'est pas pour moi, c'est pour un ami
End date
Out of €1,700
100 %

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IHECS supports the project C'est pas pour moi, c'est pour un ami

The publications

<p>Et la suite des bonnes nouvelles avec Le Tag Parfait, site de culture pornographique, qui relaye et soutient notre projet.</p><p>Comme nous, ils prônent l'éducation et l'ouverture de la parole, alors on les aime.</p><p>Par ici l'article : https://www.letagparfait.com/fr/2017/12/05/cest-pas-pour-moi-cest-pour-un-ami-outil-deducation-a-la-pornographie/</p>
<p>Une méga bonne nouvelle ! On parle de nous dans le magazine MadmoiZelle.com. </p><p>Pour voir le tout premier article (d'une longue série on espère) sur notre projet, c'est pas ici : http://www.madmoizelle.com/education-pornographie-adolescents-861565</p><p> </p><p>Encore un grand merci à elles ❤️</p>
<p>Starting a conversation on porn can be awkward so we deviously talk about it. We’ve all been there, come on! Remember when you timidly asked your parents and teachers about it « <strong>for a friend</strong> »? </p><p>How surprising when we know that in Belgium in 2008, <strong>8% of teens under 11 had already seen their first porn imageries</strong>. « Millennials are such maniacs » you’d say. Well not really as their main (<strong>46%</strong>) source of porn exposure are pop-ups.  </p><p>If like our moms at the beginning of the project, you think we are going to shoot an amateur porn in the studios of our school, you’re going to be disappointed. We are actually going to create an <strong>interactive and educative platform</strong> intended for teenagers between 12 and 15. Alongside, we’ll produce a <strong>youtube series</strong> where we’ll be dealing with frequently asked questions in order to help them figure out pornography. </p><p>How did we decide to work on porn? Exciting question. Last year we had to find a idea for our <strong>thesis</strong>. Instead of working we decided to procrastinate a bit and watch an episode of a series online. When we saw a 9 inch dick deep inside the silicone lips of an actress we realized there was something to work on. We made some research and met plenty of sex ed experts. We learned that even though online pornography is <strong>ubiquitous</strong>, we have no tool enough in Belgium to discuss that with teenagers. </p><p>Who are we? We are <strong>Nérine</strong>, <strong>Olivia</strong>, <strong>Gaëlle</strong> and <strong>Séverine</strong>, four students in Sociocultural Activities and Lifelong Learning at IHECS in Brussels. But first of all, four friends passionate about food, bad jokes and funny movies (with or without clothes). We believe that education is the key to many current societal issues and will do anything we can to make the world a better place! </p><p>We need you!  If we want the projet to succeed we need money in this infamous capitalist world. </p><p><img alt="Crowd_diagramme_copie-1511690568" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/469215/crowd_diagramme_copie-1511690568.jpg"></p><p>Most of the funds collected will be allocated to pay a <strong>graphic designer</strong> and a <strong>professional voice over </strong>for our videos. Then we’ll cover our <strong>logistical expenses.</strong> Such as our Creative Cloud licenses, the objects we’ll use in the videos and all the trips we made to meet our collaborators all over the country. Finally, the remaining money will cover the <strong>KKBB fees</strong>.</p><p>A big thank you to all of you!  Nérine, Olivia, Gaëlle and Séverine a.k.a the pornstars</p><p><img alt="Bloggif_5a1a9bdb70134-1511693504" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/469222/bloggif_5a1a9bdb70134-1511693504.gif"></p>