November 9, 2016
Cérémonie de lanternes le 13 novembre
Lantern ceremony to remember the victims of last year's attacks in Paris. Join us on November 13th in Paris.

End date
Out of €4,000
133 %
Cérémonie de lanternes le 13 novembre
On November 13th, in memory of the victims of last year’s attacks in Paris, paper lanterns will float down the Canal Saint Martin. Organized by 3 Parisians, his lantern ceremony will benefit two non-profits supporting victims of terrorism acts and their families: and</p>
<img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2016-10-26_a__16.00.07-1477490442" height="163" src="" width="283"></p>
This candle-lit lantern ceremony has inspired many other countries to do the same: China, Thailand, Japan, Hawaii and more. According to some, the white paper lanterns are used to represent those who died in the past year. According to others, they represent wishes.</p>
<img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2016-10-26_a__16.05.23-1477494151" height="161" src="" width="390"></p>
In association with the City of Paris, we will remember the ones we lost and, together, wish for a brighter tomorrow. If you cannot join us, our staff can float a lantern on your behalf.</p>
Allocation of funds
ToujoursParis will collect your donations and share all profits with 2 non-profits helping the victims of terrorism acts and their families: and</p>
<img alt="Logo_13onze15-1477487925" height="90" src="" width="191"><img alt="Logo_afvt-1477487909" height="109" src="" width="176"></p>
The City of Paris is helping us financially and ordered 5000 lantern kits (lantern + LED candle). 2000 kits are available through this campaign; the rest will be available at partnered stores in Paris.</p>
If we meet our goals, we will float the Canal Saint Martin with thousands of lights and spend the money as follows:</p>
- Donation to 13Onze15 :<strong> 1840€ </strong><strong> </strong></p>
- Donation to AfVT : <strong>1840€</strong></p>
Help us reach our goal and go over, so we can donate more money to help the victims and their families.</p>
<img alt="Logo_mairie10-1477495238" height="114" src="" width="198"></p>

- 224 contributions
One lantern and one LED candle (2 options: local pick up the day of the event, or our staff can float one lantern on your behalf) + a thank note with your name on our social media channels.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

- 175 contributions
Four lanterns and four LED candles (2 options: local pick up the day of the event, or our staff can float one lantern on your behalf) + a thank note with your name on our social media channels.
Estimated delivery: November 2016

- 14 contributions
A 20-euro donation to (tax deductible)
Estimated delivery: November 2016

- 13 contributions
A 20-euro donation to (tax deductible).
Estimated delivery: November 2016
Make a donation
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Sold out
- 3 contributions
One of 3 art pieces from French artist Mathilde Dauguet made of the LED candles from the event + a special personalized thank you post on our social media pages.
Estimated delivery: January 2017