Chasing Old Dreams

Help making my Olympic Dream a reality and portray the beauty of Canoe Slalom in a way that has never been seen before.

Project visual Chasing Old Dreams
End date
Out of €10,000
33 %

Chasing Old Dreams

<p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=vimeo" width="540"></iframe></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Chasing Old Dreams</strong> will be a 12 episodes web series that will follow my journey as I get ready for the last Olympic qualifier in May 2016, which will be the European Championships in Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia.</p> <p>  </p> <p> Throughout the episodes there will be many guests, from Olympians to our sports greatest, that will share their story on how they are or were getting ready for the biggest year in their career.  </p> <p>  </p> <p> Here are the names of the first 6 episodes and their release date:</p> <p>  </p> <p> Dec 1st: Back to basics</p> <p> Dec 22th: Winter to Summer</p> <p> Jan 5th: Okere (1st guest)</p> <p> Jan 19th: Memory lane</p> <p> Feb 2nd: Start Line (2nd guest)</p> <p> Feb 23rd: Vegemite</p> <p> … </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="G0093346_50_-1446401674" src=""></p> <p> <em>(photo example, go to </em><a href="" target="_blank"></a><em> to choose yours)</em></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Who am I?</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="0m9a7712_copy-1446535182" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> I’m a professional kayaker with an ambition to go to the Rio Olympics. My sport is my life, my passion. It’s also my profession out of kayaking shooting the worlds best whitewater in the most remote places of the globe.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p> <img alt="Sven_jump_flemming-1446402247" src=""></p> <p> <em>(photo example, go to </em><a href="" target="_blank"></a><em> to choose yours)</em></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>What are you funding?</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> You’re funding a dream and turning it into a reality. This concept is going to make my Olympic Dream a reality, but expose our sport in a way it’s never been seen before. Portraying the beauty of the river and introducing you, and the world, to the favourite personalities of the canoe slalom community as I meet them, train with them and we journey together to the Rio Olympics.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>What do you get back?</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> This isn’t just a hand out, it’s a hand up. You’ll be helping me and in return I’ll help you by gifting you an amazing shot to decorate your office, living room, 1on1 photo/video tutorial or even the unique experience of going down my favorite river with me and have a video of the experience.</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> Go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to choose the photo print you want.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Budget for the training program and web series post-production (6 Months):</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> Winter Camp (NZ/AUS): 3500€</p> <p> Irish Team Selection: 500€</p> <p> Euro Champs &amp; Training Camps (3 weeks) : 2000€</p> <p> Race Fees (8 races): 800€</p> <p> 12 episodes (filming + editing): 18 000€</p> <p> Music rights: 1000€</p> <p> <strong>SUBTOTAL: 25800€</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>How to follow:</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> After backing this project you will receive an e-mail every time there is a new episode coming out.</p> <p>  </p> <p> You can also check daily updates through social media. Follow @ciaranheurteau on Facebook </p> <p> and Instagram, or type #chasingolddreams.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Pano_snow_spirit_copy-1446470747" src=""></p> <p> <em>(photo example, go to </em><a href="" target="_blank"></a><em> to choose yours)</em></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Final note:</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> "In oneself lies the whole and if you know how to look and learn, the door is here and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open except yourself"</p> <p> Jiddu Krishnamurti</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> Cheers,</p> <p>  </p> <p> Ciarán.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Previous work (more can be seen on my website):</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>2014 REEL:</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=vimeo" width="540"></iframe></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>World Cup Pau Highlight:</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=facebook" width="540"></iframe></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>The Green Race:</strong>  <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=vimeo" width="540"></iframe></p> <p>  </p>



THANKS! Every little contribution helps towards this project! It will put some much needed coffee in my cup during those long hours of editing, and wake me in the morning to go training!


I'll send you a personal thanks video and I'll give you a high five when we see each other!

Estimated delivery: March 2016


SOCIAL SHOUTOUT On top of getting the personal thanks video and the high five, I'll include you in one of my Facebook/Instagram post throughout the production. I'll also send you a high-res photo from my portfolio for your desktop background or mobile.


GENERIC Back me here and you'll have your name on the generic of each episode! I'll also send you a signed 9x13cm photo to say thanks!

Estimated delivery: March 2016


You'll get the thank you video/high five/name on the generic combo, and you get a signed 9x13cm photo of your choice. Go to to choose which one.

Estimated delivery: March 2016


You'll get the thank you video/high five/name on the generic combo, AND a 20x30cm signed photo of your choice . Go to to choose which one.

Estimated delivery: March 2016


CANVAS! Choose your photo on and I'll send you a 30x40cm Canvas print of it. Includes the name on the generic.

Estimated delivery: March 2016


1ON1 TUTORIAL Want to have some tips on how to shoot? What gear to use? What to take and not take on the river? Tricks on editing? Need help on your latest project? Let's have a skype session and we'll talk about it all. If we ever cross paths I'll take you down with me.


CANVAS! Choose your photo on and I'll send you a 60x90cm canvas print of it. Includes the name on the generic.

Estimated delivery: September 2016


You'll get the thank you video/high five/name on the generic combo, AND 90x120cm Canvas print OR a Topoduo river run in Bourg Saint Maurice with a video of the experience. For the canvas print go to to choose which photo. For the Topoduo river run send me an e-mail to [email protected]

Estimated delivery: September 2016

Make a donation

Give what I want