Choclo Project : Free the creativity of the Mexican children.

Help Choclo Project fund a charity trip to Mexico to set the children's creativity free through art and provide them with an education.

Project visual Choclo Project : Free the creativity of the Mexican children.
End date
Out of €9,000
104 %

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Amogado supports the project Choclo Project : Free the creativity of the Mexican children.
Bushy3509 days

A wonderful project to get behind.

Analyzou3511 days

Tip top! bonne continuation ! Ah oui : débardeur: taille M merci!

Tibofrancois3511 days

Oh yeah!

nouchka853511 days

Vous y êtes presque, bon courage et bonne continuation. Débardeur en taille M s'il vous plaît Aurélie

Sand.Serrano3512 days

Bonne chance,débardeur Edith taille L svp.

Joshua.Niland3513 days

Congratulations on this project Roland..I wish you and it every success. Regards, Josh Niland

FrapaMatt3513 days

Bonne chance pour la fin ! Je croise les doigts pour vous...

blokblok3514 days

Well done Rozza, huge effort! All the best...

iduggin3514 days

Hi Roland! Good luck with it Cheers Iain

ilkschnilk3514 days

Ich hoffe sehr es klappt Jungs, ich drück die Daumen Ilka

Gillbiggerstaff3515 days

My daughter has been working with the kids at Mision Mexico and this year and last year. So glad you are going out to help them with their creativity.

dmathe3516 days

Très beau projet… J'espère qu'il aboutira !