March 20, 2013
Cinéma Libre sur les Terres Liberées
Can Art, Cinema, Music play a role fighting criminality, mafias and violence? YES, WE BELIEVE. Festival of travelling cinema against mafia.

End date
Out of €5,000
104 %
Cinéma Libre sur les Terres Liberées
<strong>(Versione in italiano in basso / Italian versione below)</strong></p>
<strong>THE PROJECT</strong></p>
Born in 2006, <strong>Free Cinema for a Free Land </strong>is an <strong>unique project in Europe</strong>, promoted by <a href="" target="_blank">Cinemovel Foundation</a> with the honorary presidency of <a href="" target="_blank">Ettore Scola</a>, and by <a href="" target="_blank">Libera, associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie</a>, founded by <strong>Don Luigi Ciotti</strong>.</p>
It is a <strong>Festival of travelling cinema against mafias</strong>.</p>
Since seven years, in June and July, a six people crew covers more than <strong>5.000 km,</strong> setting up every day in a different city, a real open-air movie theatre. The main goal of the festival is to allow cinema to do what he was born to do: <strong>tell stories</strong>.</p>
This festival originates from the belief that <strong>cinema and public screenings have an important double role in fighting against organized crime</strong>: they do not only unite people, bringing them back to the public plazas of complicated towns/cities like Corleone, Palermo, Napoli, Casal di Principe or Mesagne, but also to support those instances in the society (which are general hidden from the public eye) that daily fight against the mafias.</p>
Our decision to widen the itinerary of the festival year by year is explained by <strong>the evolution of the mafias</strong>, which moved from the South of Italy and are now not only in the North of Italy but also acquiring an <strong>international relevance</strong>.</p>
Symbolically “<strong>occupying</strong>”, even if only for one day, places and towns such as Corleone, Cinisi, Portella della Ginestra and Castel Volturno, has a very special meaning. The public screening turn these places into a “universal plaza”, a space were dialogue and discussion are the foundation on which it is possible to begin promoting public awareness and social responsibility and to strengthen the culture of equity.</p>
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<strong>FREE CINEMA FOR A FREE LAND - EUROPE</strong></p>
In 2012, together with <strong>Flare</strong> (link), <strong>Libera France</strong> (Link) and <strong>Ethicando</strong> (link), Focus-in the touring cinema caravan began its journey from Paris. On June 23rd and 24th, with the help of ad <strong>Ettore Scola</strong>, <strong>Robert Guédiguian</strong> e <strong>Pasquale Scimeca</strong> we organized two days of free screenings and public debates on mafias, equity and civil commitment.</p>
We decided <strong>to invest a portion of our limited resources in this project</strong>, because we truly believe in the importance of extending the discussion on these topics on an international level. Our choice was proven right in 2012 by the enthusiasm and the participation of almost 1.000 people in two days.</p>
We would like to kick start in Europe also the eighth edition of the caravan: in particular, we chose <strong>Paris</strong>, <strong>Brussels, Marseille and Duisburg</strong> for symbolic and cultural reasons.</p>
<strong>Based on the results of our fundraising, we are trying to realise all them.</strong></p>
<strong>Every 5.000€ collected we'll relise a stop more.</strong></p>
In June 2013 we would like to stop three days in the above mentioned cities using cinema, public debates<u> and other smaller and free of charge events to discuss about mafias, equity and active citizenship.</u></p>
<u>We can make it happen only with your help.</u></p>
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<u><strong>CINEMOVEL FOUNDATION</strong></u></p>
Cinemovel was born as a platform for social communication trough touring cinema, starting from a pilot-project organized in Mozambique in 2001.</p>
A touring cinema caravan travelled through the whole county promoting, with the support of <strong>Cooperazione Italiana, UNICEF, UNDP and the UN</strong>, a social communication campaign on SIDA. Since then, the foundation has successfully realised multiple projects in Italy, Mozambique, Senegal, Morocco and Ethiopia.</p>
<strong>Cinemovel Foundation</strong> is an international organisation which <strong>promotes democratic development,</strong> the need for granting everybody access to the new technologies and a more fair distribution of intellectual and material resources. With its travelling projects, Cinemovel Foundation re-discovers the important values of cinema, such as tradition, innovation and quality of the experience.</p>
The main goal of the foundation is to bring cinema around, and to use it as a tool to promote knowledge, discussion and social awareness; the goal is to actively contribute to the cultural, social and economic development of the places in which the cinema caravan stops. Through its journey, it allows to rediscover the bond between tradition and innovation and the quality of the experience as the important values of cinema.</p>
<strong>Ettore Scola is the Honorary President of Cinemovel Foudnation.</strong></p>
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Libera was founded on March 25th, 1995, with the goal of promoting equity and justice, thus supporting and stimulating the society in its fight against the mafias.</p>
Libera is currently co-ordinating over 1500 associations, groups, schools and other social instances that daily fight, in their specific territory, to create political and cultural structures which can support the culture of equity.</p>
<strong>TESTIMONIAL E PARTNER</strong></p>
During the seven edition of the festival we were supported by different authors, director and groups in the society.</p>
Also different sponsors and private partners chose to support us, being convinced that, for building a democratic Europe, it is essential to have a future free of mafias.</p>
Ettore Scola, Pasquale Scimeca, Matteo Garrone, Giovanni Impastato, Valerio Mastandrea, Paolo Sorrentino, Luigi Lo Cascio, Gabriella Ghermandi, Marco Risi, Sabina Guzzanti are only some of the authors who signed the <strong>Liberi Testimoni</strong> manifesto, supporting our jounrey and our commitmment to civil society.</p>
<strong>BLOG AND TRAVEL DIARY</strong></p>
To update audience about our caravan and stories founded during the trip, in Europe and Italy, every year we realise a <a href="" target="_blank">travel diary </a>(Video, Photos, Articles and informations).</p>
Since this year, to support our european project, we decided to realise a <a href="" target="_blank">blog</a>, to tell and inform about Free Cinema for a Free Land.</p>
<strong>PRESENTAZIONE IN ITALIANO</strong></p>
<strong>IL PROGETTO</strong></p>
Nato nel 2006, <strong>Libero Cinema in Libera Terra </strong>è un <strong>progetto unico in Europa, promosso da </strong></p>
<a href="">Cinemovel Foundation</a>, con la Presidenza Onoraria di <a href="">Ettore Scola</a>, e da <a href="">Libera, associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie</a>, creata da <strong>don Luigi Ciotti.</strong></p>
Si tratta di un <strong>Festival di Cinema Itinerante contro le mafie</strong>.</p>
Da sette anni, durante i mesi di giugno e luglio, una troupe di sei persone percorre più di <strong>5.000 km</strong> per realizzare ogni giorno in una città diversa una vera e propria sala cinematografica all'aperto. L'obiettivo è aiutare il cinema a fare ciò che ha sempre fatto: <strong>raccontare delle storie.</strong></p>
Il progetto nasce dalla convinzione che <strong>il cinema e la visione collettiva partecipata abbiano un ruolo fondamentale nella lotta alla criminalità organizzata: </strong>da un lato riunire le persone nelle piazze, in luoghi a volte difficili come Corleone, Palermo, Napoli, Casal di Principe, Mesagne, dall'altro sostenere il lavoro di quelle realtà che ogni giorno si battono contro le mafie.</p>
L'<strong>evoluzione del fenomento mafioso</strong>, che si è spostato dal sud al nord Italie, fino a un <strong>nuovo livello internazionale</strong>, ci ha convinti ad arricchire il nostro itinerario.</p>
Portare il cinema nelle città e nei luoghi pubblici significa <strong>occupare</strong>, almeno simbolicamente per un giorno, luoghi e città come Corleone, Cinisi, Portella della Ginestra e Castel Volturno. In questo modo, il luogo pubblico diventa piazza universale, spazio di dialogo e confronto per promuovere una presa di coscienza, un senso si responsabilità e l'allargamento della cultura della legalità.</p>
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Nel 2012, con <a href="" target="_blank">Flare</a> Francia, <strong>Libera Francia</strong>, <a href="" target="_blank">Ehicando</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Focus-In</a>, la carovana è arrivata a Parigi. Il 23 e 24 giugno 2012, assieme a <strong>Ettore Scola, Robert Guédiguian e Pasquale Scimeca </strong>abbiamo realizzato due giorni di festival con proiezioni gratuite per la cittadinanza, parlando di mafie, legalità e cittadinanza attiva.</p>
Abbiamo scelto di investire una parte delle nostre limitate risorse, in questa nuova parte di itinerario: crediamo fortemente, infatti, nell'importanza di allargare il dibattito al livello internazionale. L'entusiasmo e la partecipazione (circa 1000 persone in 2 giorni) ci hanno confermato di essere sulla strada giusta.</p>
Per l'ottava edizione, la carovana vorrebbe nuovamente partire dall'<strong>Europa</strong>.</p>
<strong>Parigi, Bruxelles, Marsiglia e Duisburg</strong> sono le città che vorremmo raggiungere nel 2013. Si tratta di città molto importanti e simboliche per la lotto contro la criminalità organizzata.</p>
In base alla vostra generotià e secondo la somma che riusciremo a raccogliere, cercheremo di realizzarle tutte.</p>
<strong>Ogni 5.000 € raccolti realizzeremo una tappa in più</strong>.</p>
<u>Durante il mese di giugno 2013 vorremmo fermarci per tre giorni in queste città: cinema, proiezioni e dibattiti sono gli eventi che organizzeremo gratuitamente per le comunità locali.</u></p>
<u>Tutto dipende da voi. Abbiamo bisogno del vostro sostegno.</u></p>
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<u><strong>CINEMOVEL FOUNDATION</strong></u></p>
Cinemovel è nato da un progetto in Mozambico nel 2001, come piattaforma di comunicazione sociale attraverso il cinema itinerante.</p>
Una carovana di cinema che si muove e che ha percorso il Mozambico intero per promuovere una compagnadi comunicazione sociale sull'AIDS con il sostegno della <strong>Cooperazione Italiana, Uniced, Undp e Nazioni Unite. </strong>Da allora, la fondazione ha realizzato progetti in Italia, Mozambico, Senegal, Marocco ed Etiopia.</p>
Cinemovel Foundation è un soggetto internazione che promuove l'accesso alle nuove tecnologie, una distribuzione democratica delle risorse intellettuali e materiali e processi democratici di sviluppo.</p>
L'obiettivo e portare cinema, come strumento di conoscenza, scambio e sensibilizzazione, contribuendo allo sviluppo culturale, sociale ed economico dei luoghi che attraversa.</p>
<strong>Ettore Scola è il Presidente Onorario di Cinemovel Foundation.</strong></p>
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Nata il 25 marzo 1995, Libera è un'associazione che ha l'obiettivo di sostenere la società civile nella lotta alle mafie, promuovendo legalità e giustizia.</p>
Attualmente Libera rappresenta una rete di 1500 associazioni, gruppi, scuole e realtà locali, impegnate sui territori per costruire un cambiamento politico-culturale.</p>
<strong>TESTIMONIAL E PARTNER</strong></p>
Durante questi otto anni, diversi autori, registi e rappresentanti della società civile hanno scelto di sostenerci in questa avventura.</p>
Tutti insieme, sponsor e partner privati, hanno scelto di impegnarsi in questo progetto.</p>
Condividiamo la stessa convinzione che un futuro libero dalle mafie sia un'esigenza fondamentale per un'Europa civile e democratica.</p>
Ettore Scola, Pasquale Scimeca, Matteo Garrone, Giovanni Impastato, Valerio Mastandrea, Paolo Sorrentino, Luigi Lo Cascio, Gabriella Ghermandi, Marco Risi, Sabina Guzzanti sono alcuni dei testimoni che hanno scelto di aderire al manifesto di <strong>Liberi Testimoni.</strong></p>
<strong>BLOG E DIARIO DI VIAGGIO</strong></p>
Per aggiornarci dei nostri viaggi e delle storie che incontreremo lungo il percorso in Italia e in Europa, ogni anno realizziamo un Diario di Bordo (Video, foto, articoli e informazioni sulle nostre attività)</p>
Da quest'anno per lanciare la campagna europeaa, abbiamo deciso di aprire un <a href="">blog</a>, che vi presenterà in francese i nostri materiali e le nostre iniziative,</p>
Allocation of funds
Thanks to the support of many different partners and sponsors, who believe as much as we do in a future free of mafias, <strong>Free Cinema for a Free Land will soon reach its 100th stop</strong>. During these years that we spent travelling across Europe and Africa, we learned many different stories that represent an incredible incentive to keep on working in the non-profit environment.</p>
For every edition of the festival, to better tell the stories we get to know and to better describe the different instances of the society that we discover along our way, we daily update and publish a travel diary on our website. In it, we post the original videos that are shot and edited during each day of the festival, in addition to pictures, links and information regarding our partners and sponsors.</p>
We are strongly convinced that <strong>Free Cinema for a Free Land has to become a European project</strong>, trying to connect in the fight against mafias places and people that are far away from each other.</p>
In order to achieve our goal <strong>we need your help and your support</strong>: join us on our road trip with the “van of equity”, fighting against the mafias, taking back the control of the places, the towns and the stories.</p>
<strong>The 5.000€ we are asking will be used to cover the organizational costs listed below for each stop.</strong></p>
<u>Logistics and Transportation</u></p>
250€ Van Rental</p>
250€ Fuel and Tolls</p>
1.000€ Equipment rental</p>
1.000 € Crew Accommodation (6 people for 3 days)</p>
700 € Crew Board (6 people for 3 days)</p>
300€ Expense reimbursement for two technicians (2 people for 3 days)</p>
<u>Film e Communication</u></p>
400€ Payment for movie royalties</p>
250€ Press and Communication Office</p>
<u>Other expenses</u></p>
250€ Space preparation</p>
250€ Caravan out-of-pocket expenses</p>
300€ Planning costs</p>
<strong><u>Any extra funds (above the 5.000€) that we will raise will be used to finance other stops of the caravan.</u></strong></p>
- 22 contributions
Thanks on our website and blog
- 25 contributions
Postcard from the team of Cinemovel mailed +
Thanks on our website and blog
- 9 contributions
Poster of Free Cinema for a Free Land to pick up at the Ethicando shop in Paris (or mailed) + Thanks on our website and blog
- 11 contributions
DVD of Free Cinema for a Free Land Libre Cinéma dans les Terres Libérées to pick up at the Ethicando shop in Paris (or mailed) + Thanks on our website and blog
- 5 contributions
Shopper of Free Cinema for a Free Land realised by Momaboma à retirer à la boutique Ethikando de Paris (ou envoyée par la poste) + Thanks on our website and blog
- 1 contribution
Shopper + DVD + Postcard from the team of Cinemovel mailed + Thanks on our website and blog
Tasting of wines realised on the places confiscated to Mafia @ boutique Ethikando de Paris + Postcard from the team of Cinemovel mailed + Thanks on our website and blog
Making Gift Libera Terra Medium (sent directly to you without extra charge). Contents: Paccheri Handcraft Gragnano 500 g, Lentils Soup 285 g BIO, BIO Fiaschetto Tomato Sauce 420 g, 270 g Orange Marmalade, Red Negroamaro Salento IGT-Hiso Telaray 0.75 l
- 1 contribution
Making Gift Libera Terra Medium (sent directly to you without extra charge). Contents: Negroamaro Filari From Sant'Antonii - Red Salento IGT 0.75 L, Centopassi Blanc - Sicily IGT 0.75, Centopassi Red - Sicily IGT 0,75 L
- 1 contribution
Gift making BIG Libera Terra (sent directly to you without extra charge) Contents: Pasta HandCraft Corleone 500 g Paccheri Artsanales Gragnano 500 g, 400 g BIO Lenses, Tomato Sauce 420 g BIO Fiaschetto, Red Pepper Pesto 140g, marmalade Orange honey zagara 270 g, Extra Virgin Olive Oil 0.5 l Red Negroamaro Salento IGT-Hiso Telaray 0.75 l
Dinner with the team after the projetion Cinemovel of Paris or Marseille + group photo with the team of cinemovel + DVD of Free Cinema for a Free Land Libre Cinéma dans les Terres Libérées to pick up at the Ethicando shop in Paris (or mailed) + Second Package Libera Terra (Inserire)
Partnership with a brand. Brand name on the festival's communication, active link to their site and thanks for support