KissBankers friends, we reached the 50% step! Thank you all !</p>
Furthermore, the previews of the 4 tracks of our Debut EP 'BVLGARI' including Oliver Shories, G-Pal and Rafaël Murillo's remixes forthcoming on Product London Records are now free to listen on Soundcloud :</p>
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Clip Vidéo de Brenn & César
Brenn & César - "BVLGARI" Music Video Project. Directed by Leo Parleur.
End date
Out of €2,000
100 %
The publications
Kisskissbankers friends,
The first third of the collection is reached, and if we stay on this momentum, we have every chance of reaching the final goal before February 23!
Do not hesitate to speak around you and see you soon.
César and Brenn