<a href="http://www.maximeleroy.com/collabcities/collabcities-get-real.png" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://www.maximeleroy.com/collabcities/collabcities-get-real.png"></a>
Hello everyone,
98%! <strong>It's time to get real</strong>.
This campaign has given us the amazing opportunity to get to know you and the future community of our webdocumentary. While we are finalizing the planning of our interviews and building up the website that will give you access to this truly interactive experience, we are now looking for the final green light to pursue our efforts.
<strong>Let's give a "GO!" to the Collaborative Cities project.</strong>
You have been amazing since we launched this campaign and we know you will easily find people around you interested, like us, in this new economy made up of sharing and collaborating. <strong>We are 3 days ahead from our final fundraising deadline. Today and tomorrow, let's tweet, facebook and share the word on this project one last time</strong> (#CollabCities). If you are in Paris, are you sure you have your Official Premiere tickets? :)
<a href="http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/en/projects/collaborative-cities" target="_blank">http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/en/projects/collaborative-cities</a>
Bonjour à tous,
98% ! <strong>"It's time to get real"</strong>.
Cette campagne nous a donné l'immense opportunité de découvrir chacun de vous et découvrir ainsi la communauté future de notre webdocumentaire. Alors que nous finalisons le planning des interviews et construisons la plate-forme qui vous donnera accès à cette expérience interactive, nous attendons désormais le feu vert pour poursuivre nos efforts. <strong>Donnons un "Go!" franc et final au projet Collaborative Cities.</strong>
Vous avez été fantastiques depuis que nous avons lancé cette campagne et nous savons qu'autour de vous, vous trouverez facilement des gens intéressés, comme nous, par cette nouvelle économie faite de partage et de collaboration. <strong>Nous sommes à 3 jours de la clôture de cette campagne. Aujourd'hui et demain, tweetons, facebookons, et partageons ce projet une dernière fois (#CollabCities)</strong>. Si vous êtes sur Paris, avez-vous pensé à réserver vos places pour l'Avant-Première officielle ? :)
<a href="http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/projects/collaborative-cities" target="_blank">http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/projects/collaborative-cities</a>
À bientôt,
Collaborative Cities
Be part of a documentary about inspiring entrepreneurs and communities, building the collaborative economy of their city.

End date
Out of €12,800
112 %
The publications
Hello everyone,</p>
We had some good news this week! We <strong>already raised 25% of our crowdfunding goal</strong>. We also got many interviews confirmed this week including BetaHaus (an amazing co-working space in Berlin) and Trade School (a barter-based education space) in New York among others.</p>
Today, we are proud to see <strong>Robin Chase, Founder of Zipcar and Buzzcar supporting the project</strong>. Let's share her nice words for more Collaborative Cities! The Collaborative Cities project needs your help.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="281" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yNhKNQ8iIik?wmode=opaque&fs=1&feature=oembed" width="500"></iframe>
<i>De bonnes nouvelles cette semaine avec <strong>déjà 25% de la collecte</strong> atteints. Nous avons également confirmé de nombreuses interviews comme BetaHaus (un espace de co-working) à Berlin ou Trade School (une école basée sur le troc) à New York.</i></p>
<i>Aujourd'hui nous sommes particulièrement <strong>fiers d'être soutenus par Robin Chase, fondatrice de Zipcar et Buzzcar</strong>. Partagez avec nous son témoignage pour des villes plus collaboratives ! Le projet Collaborative Cities a besoin de vous.</i></p>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNhKNQ8iIik">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNhKNQ8iIik</a></p>
Best, à bientôt :)</p>
Hi everyone!</p>
As our campaign is just starting, we hope you want to know more about the Collaborative Cities project, as much as we want to know more about you. We are organizing two Collaborative Cities Coffees in Paris this Saturday (June 9th) and the next Saturday (June 16th) at l'Autre Café in Paris (<em>62 Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011 Paris</em>). It will be a great occasion for us to thank our first backers and give you more details about the project, who will be interviewing, where, and many other things that we will soon announce online.</p>
It will start at 3pm and will last as long as you, or we, have new questions coming up! :)</p>
In the meantime remember to help the project <a href="http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/collaborative-cities/">right here on KissKissBankBank</a>.</p>
Have a great weekend!</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="281" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mllxAwO7L3s?wmode=opaque&fs=1&feature=oembed" width="500"></iframe>