<p>Here is the link to the website, there seems to have been a mistake in the previous one:</p><p><a target="_blank" href="http://conservation-costa-rica.jimdo.com">conservation-costa-rica.jimdo.com</a></p>
Conserving Rainforest - Costa Rica
Hello to all you lovely people! I am calling out to your generosity today to help me with a conservation project in Costa Rica!
![Project visual Conserving Rainforest - Costa Rica](https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/resized/380x0/quality:90/https%253A%252F%252Fdjxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net%252Fuploads%252Fproject%252Favatar%252F87646%252Flarge_Tapanti-1489082128-1489082141.jpg)
End date
Out of €450
107 %
The publications
<p>Hello lovely people!</p><p>After 3 months in the Rainforest I am back in France, having learnt a lot and helped a lot! Thanks to you all for contributing to this fabulous experience!</p><p>I have designed a website in order to share my work and workplaces with you : <a target="_blank" href="http://www.coservation-costa-rica.jimdo.com">conservation-costa-rica.jimdo.com</a></p><p>The website is in English.</p><p>I also want to apologise for the lack of information during the summer, it has been a constant fight with internet connexions.</p><p>The presents promised will be on their way within one or two weeks!</p><p>Thank you again to everyone, I wish you a lovely weekend.</p><p>Juliette</p>
<p>Bonjour bonjour!</p><p>Étant en stage de 10 jours dans un autre parc national du Costa Rica j'ai enfin pu avoir un bon accès internet!</p><p>Je vous envoie donc un lien vers un blog que je suis en train d'élaborer. Il n'y a pas encore grand chose dessus mais petit à petit vous pourrez avoir une impression du lieu!</p><p>Merci encore à vous tous, le stage se déroule à merveille.</p>
<p>Thanks to your help I have successfully arrived in Tapanti National Parc!</p><p>The work starts today and will continue until the end of August. Unfortunately I cannot, for the moment, update my blog or post any photos as internet is much too slow. I hope to be able to update you on our progress here as soon as possible.</p><p>Until then, greetings to all!</p>
<em><strong>A huge thank you to everyone!!</strong></em></p>
Thanks to your help I have been able to fulfill my aim.</p>
The next step is now to prepare for the trip before taking the big leap in June. I will keep you informed about the evolution of the project as it moves along.</p>
<strong>Wishing you all a lovely weekend!</strong></p>