May 17, 2019
Cours d'eau et de fleurs
Participate with KUMA&ELSA to the Festival des Architectures Vives, by helping funding our installation !

End date
Out of €2,000
112 %
Cours d'eau et de fleurs
<h2>The project</h2>
<p>Water Flower courtyard is a <strong>winner of the Festival des Architectures Vives 2019</strong>. Thanks to our generous donators, it will be realised for the <strong>20 000 visitors of the Festival</strong>, from 11 to 16th of June 2019, and published in the book the Festival edits each year. Water flower courtyard has been selected among <strong>more than 150 submissions.</strong> <a href=""></a></p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>Water Flower Courtyard sets up a <strong>spatial relationship to nature, in a courtyard </strong>:</p>
<h3><em><strong>a garden usually blooms from the ground, but we suggest raising the flowers</strong></em></h3>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>As a result, two gardens, a water garden at our feet and a flower garden just above eye-level.</p>
<p>Arriving at the courtyard, on the water at your feet, sky reflects and flower petals float; from first floor, through the windows and from walkways, views of flowers floating in the air.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>Modules are laid out on a regular grid, creating a light space and suggesting places to play, walk and sit under the flowers at water level.</p>
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<h2>Who are we ? </h2>
<p>KUMA & ELSA is an international architecture and urbanism practice established in 2018, led by Shohei Kuma, a Japanese architect, and Elsa Escobedo, a French Spanish urban designer. They collaborate on international projects from their bases in France and Japan. Their first project has recently been published on Muuuz, architecture and design magazine</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>Kuma graduated in architecture from the Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and Kyushu University (Japan), and has worked for several years as a chief architect in the Tokyo based architecture office Mount Fuji Architects Studio.</p>
<p>Elsa graduated in urbanism and design from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (France) and École Boulle (France). She has worked as an urban designer at the London based office What if : projects, and as a consultant at La Condition Urbaine and at the Agence Ter in Paris.</p>
<p>In 2018, KUMA & ELSA was selected to create a pavilion in the Chartreuse Natural Regional Park. Their current projects include an art facility, a research centre and a private residence (Japan), a weekend house (France) and an artist atelier (Spain).</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p><em>Illustration Les toits de Paris by Elsa</em></p>
Allocation of funds
<h2>How will the donations be used ?</h2>
<p>The Festival grants 1000€ for part of construction and installation costs, and there is a team of volunteers working for the project. Its realisation relies a lot on sponsors : become a patron of Water Flower Courtyard and participate with us to the Festival ! </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Your donations will be used for the construction of 30 modules and to pay for KissKissBankBank’s commission and compensation’s sending fees.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p> </p>
<h2 style="text-align:center"><strong><em>Thank you ! </em></strong></h2>

Official patron of the Water Flower Courtyard
- 2 contributions
This project will happen thanks to your donation, so this installation is also yours : our generous donator’s names will appear by the installation, visible by the 20 000 visitors of the Festival !
Estimated delivery: June 2019

Official patron of the Water Flower Courtyard and a backstage access
- 2 contributions
Dear patron, your name will appear by the installation and you will have a sneak peek behind the scenes through an instagram account reporting (almost) live the construction, which promises to be epic.

Un mot doux de KUMA&ELSA, sur une carte postale illustrée par Elsa
- 5 contributions
Elsa’s illustrations are for sale in Bilbao and Paris as postcards, and she recently painted a mural for a restaurant in Tokyo. Because there is no installation without you, we send you a love letter on our illustrated Water Flower Courtyard postcard, to thank you for your generosity ! Naturally, your name will appear by the installation and you will have access to the behind the scenes of the construction !
Estimated delivery: September 2019

Tirage d'art du Cours d'eau et de fleurs, version S
- 5 contributions
Kuma is our chief photographer, and his pictures have already been published in several art and architecture magazines. To thank you for your generous donation, we send you an A5 size art print photograph of the installation by Kuma. Of course, your name will appear by the installation and you will have access to the behind the scenes of the construction !

For your tender words, a set of 10 illustrated postcards by Elsa !
- 4 contributions
You broke you piggy-bank, thank you ! For your love letters or your fridge, the set of 10 Bilbao postcards, illustrated by Elsa and for sale at Espacio Aerre Gallery in Bilbao. And if your are in Montpellier from 11 to 16th of June, we take you on a tour of our (your ! ) installation ! Naturally, your name will appear by the installation and you will have access to the behind the scenes of the construction !

Un tirage d'art numéroté version XL, un mot doux et une visite !
- 4 contributions
Kuma is our chief photographer, and his pictures have already been published in several art and architecture magazines. Because you splurged for us, we send you a numbered A3 size art print photograph of the installation by Kuma. And if you are in Montpellier from 11 to 16th of June, we take you on a tour of our (your ! ) installation ! Naturally, your name will appear by the installation and you will have access to the behind the scenes of the construction !
Estimated delivery: September 2019

Un jardin d'eau pour chez vous, un mot doux, et on fait péter le champagne !
- 2 contributions
Your generosity is overwhelming ! You earn the honorific title of Patron of the year, and we send you one module, so Water Flower Courtyard blooms in a second life ! Naturally, you will also get a numbered art print photograph of its first life by Kuma, and a very (very) tender word on a postcard illustrated by Elsa. And, icing on the cake, if you are in Montpellier from 11 to 16th of June we invite you to a glass of champagne to enjoy (your !) Water Flower Courtyard ! Of course, your name will appear by the installation and you will have access to the behind the scenes of the construction ! Due to sending fees, we can unfortunately only have the module travel around Europe, …
Estimated delivery: September 2019