May 10, 2021
Covid Anti Gaspi, let’s boost the vaccination together!
Support the Covid Anti Gaspi platform
End date
Out of €20,000
13 %
Covid Anti Gaspi, let’s boost the vaccination together!
<h2><strong>➕More people vaccinated, ➖ fewer doses lost</strong></h2>
<div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src="" title="YouTube embed" width="500"></iframe></div>
<p>Today, 9.4 million people are vaccinated. The French government’s goal is to get 30 million people receive at least one injection by mid-June.</p>
<p>Facing the pandemic, we have decided to launch on April 6th 2021, a <strong>free, simple and secure platform</strong> named <a href="" target="_blank">Covid Anti Gaspi</a>. It allows people to register on a waiting list in order to receive a notification as soon as a dose is available for immediate injection nearby. The aim is to speed up the vaccination campaign.</p>
<p>In only one month and a half, Covid Anti Gaspi has already more than <strong>80,000 people and hundreds</strong> of vaccination centers registered on the platform.<strong> Our ambition is to reach 5,000 registered vaccinators by the end of June</strong>. If they can vaccinate 5 people per day via <a href="" target="_blank">Covid Anti Gaspi</a>, that represents 25,000 vaccines distributed per day!</p>
<p>The principle is simple:</p>
<li>Patients: only <strong>1 minute to sign up</strong> and to be registered on the waiting list in order to receive notification to get your jab by a nearby health professional </li>
<li>Professionals: save time and find your nearby patients to be vaccinated in 1 minute on a <strong>simple, intuitive and free platform</strong></li>
<p>Once the vaccination is carried out, all data concerning the patient will be deleted.</p>
<h2><br />
<strong>A citizen and participatory movement</strong></h2>
<p>The higher the number of registrants, the more we will speed up vaccination in France. Tell your friends !</p>
<div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src="" title="YouTube embed" width="500"></iframe></div>
<p>We maintain a collaboration with health professionals in order to collect their feedback. So as, we constantly keep improving the platform.</p>
<p><strong>Vaccinators, we provide you with:</strong></p>
<li>An ergonomic and <strong>free</strong> platform that let you in<strong> less than 1 minute</strong>, find a patient nearby who is willing to be vaccinated </li>
<li>the possibility to filter patients and <strong>sort by priority</strong>, according to the criteria of age, state of health and profession</li>
<li>the possibility to identify patients who <strong>have already been infected</strong> with Covid-19 in order to propose them the appropriate vaccine</li>
<li>a feature to refine the geographical distance to help you find patients beyond 20km.</li>
<p><strong>Patients, we enable you:</strong></p>
<li>To register by specifying your age, state of health and profession according to <a href="" target="_blank">government’s new recommendations</a>.</li>
<li><strong>Select your vaccine preference</strong> to avoid being contacted for a vaccine you do not wish</li>
<li>To manage and <strong>update</strong> your profile information by logging into your account</li>
<p>Thanks to you, we will be able to meet needs of the field and develop relevant functionalities. Which are :</p>
<li><strong>cooperating with big companies to schedule vaccination for their employees</strong></li>
<li>implementing<strong> a mobile application for patients</strong> to be notified of an available appointment</li>
<li>implementing <strong>a mobile application for healthcare professionals</strong> to manage the vaccination of patients on the waiting list</li>
<li><strong>translating our tool into several languages</strong>, including English, Arabic and Chinese, in order to make the information available to as many people as possible in France</li>
<li>provision of <strong>public statistics</strong> to patients and healthcare professionals: registrations, administered doses, density of waiting patients, to indicate where healthcare professionals should concentrate their efforts, etc.</li>
Allocation of funds
<p>Today, Covid Anti Gaspi is operating thanks to a more than committed team! The project is led by <a href="" target="_blank">Thomas Riquier</a>, Doctor of Pharmacy (graduate from EHESP and Paris Dauphine), and two computer science engineers from the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC): <a href="" target="_blank">Cédric Tang</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Pascal Huynh</a>.</p>
<div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src="" title="YouTube embed" width="500"></iframe></div>
<p>Since the beginning of the project, we have been spending € 20,000 of our proper funds for operating costs. <strong>To move faster, accelerate the vaccination campaign and help the health professionals which we applauded so much, we need you!</strong></p>
<p>Your contribution will help to:</p>
<li><strong>recruit and structure a full-time team</strong> until the end of August, including:</li>
<li>2 to 3 full-time engineers to keep adapting the platform when government’s criteria change and add new functionalities</li>
<li>1 to 3 people to contact the centers and professionals, i.e 60 to 80 daily calls to optimize appointments</li>
<li>1 to 2 full-time staff for the communication team to promote Covid Anti Gaspi to the general public and healthcare professionals</li>
<li><strong>integrate more professionals on the platform</strong>: a donation of 50 € = 5 new vaccinators on the platform</li>
<li><strong>expand the use of the platform</strong> and speed up vaccine delivery</li>
<p><strong>Your role is essential, your commitment is key. Don't wait any longer and support the Covid Anti Gaspi platform. Thank you !</strong></p>
<p><em>The Covid Anti Gaspi project was launched on a voluntary basis by the French start-up Medicamentum, the first interactive and responsible note which brings together the 15,000 pharmacy drugs to inform patients about their treatment and their risk according to their profile. The project won the Medicines hackathon and is now settled at H7, an incubator for start-ups in Lyon. Medicamentum is not generating any revenue at this time.</em></p>
Thank you ! Thanks to this amount: 🩺 1 new vaccinator registered on Covid Anti Gaspi 🎉 3 vaccine doses saved per day 💉 25 doses distributed per day
Thank you ! Thanks to this amount: 🩺 2 new vaccinators registered on Covid Anti Gaspi 🎉 6 vaccine doses saved per day 💉 50 doses distributed per day
5 vaccinateurs = 15 vaccins sauvés/jour
Thank you ! Thanks to this amount: 🩺 5 new vaccinators registered on Covid Anti Gaspi 🎉 15 vaccine doses saved per day 💉 125 doses distributed per day
🔥 10 vaccinateurs = 30 vaccins sauvés/jour
Thank you ! Thanks to this amount: 🩺 10 new vaccinators registered on Covid Anti Gaspi 🎉 30 vaccine doses saved per day 💉 250 doses distributed per day
🚲 Covid Anti Gaspi à vélo
Thank you ! Thanks to this amount: 🩺 20 new vaccinators registered on Covid Anti Gaspi 🎉 60 vaccine doses saved per day 💉 500 doses distributed per day 🙋♂️ Your name will be published on the donors page
🏍 Covid Anti Gaspi à moto
Thank you ! Thanks to this amount:
🩺 50 new vaccinators registered on Covid Anti Gaspi 🎉 150 vaccine doses saved per day 💉 1250 doses distributed per day 🧑💻 1 full-time recruitment to support us 🙋♂️ Your name will be published on the donors page
✈️ Covid Anti Gaspi en avion
Thank you ! Thanks to this amount: 🩺 100 new vaccinators registered on Covid Anti Gaspi 🎉 300 vaccine doses saved per day 💉 2500 doses distributed per day 🧑💻 1 full-time recruitment to support us 🙋♂️Your name will be published on the donors page 🤩 You allow the operation of Covid Anti Gaspi for 2 days
🚀 Covid Anti Gaspi dans l'espace
Thank you ! Thanks to this amount:
🩺 100 new vaccinators registered on Covid Anti Gaspi
🎉 300 vaccine doses saved per day
💉 2500 doses distributed per day
🧑💻 1 full-time recruitment to support us
🙋♂️Your name will be published on the donors page
🤩 You allow the operation of Covid Anti Gaspi for 10 days