November 29, 2021
Demain le film
Fund the first film that’s inventing tomorrow’s world using today’s best solutions !

End date
Out of €200,000
222 %
Demain le film
<img alt="Notice" src=""></p>
<strong>There will be a full English version of the film. The Kiss Kiss Bank Bank system only allows one video to cover the French and English versions of the campaign page, so we had to subtitle it!</strong></p>
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<img alt="Message" src=""></p>
<strong>An big thanks to everyone who has been contributing to project, to the many people who are behind us, encouraging us and telling us how necessary this film is. We are very touched, amazed and greatly strengthened by all of this positive energy.</strong></p>
On May 27th we launched this campaign because we needed to start filming, and we had to supplement the financing we hoped to receive from our film and television partners. And we also thought it was essential for this film to be supported by a movement. Three days later, we reached our goal.</p>
We’re finding out just how deeply the subjects we’re trying to explore (societal change, ecology…) resonate with people, in a time when we’re seeing our democracies, economies and ecosystems shaken by increasingly serious crises. For us, this mobilization is further proof that we need to offer a new vision, and that we need to do it fast. And it is also a big responsibility for us.</p>
<img alt="Photo_mel_cyril" src=""></p>
<strong>We</strong><strong>’</strong><strong>ve been getting lot of questions, asking if it</strong><strong>’</strong><strong>s possible to keep sending contributions. We</strong><strong>’</strong><strong>ve given it careful thought and, yes, we suggest you continue supporting the project if has meaning for you.</strong></p>
We’ve already reached our goal, so everything that happens now is a kind of bonus. We understand that for many of you, being a part of this project, even by giving a few euros, is a big deal. And it is for us too! <strong>The more the budget comes from citizens, the more freedom this gives us, and the more we</strong><strong>’</strong><strong>ll be able to send an extraordinary message to everyone who sees this film.</strong> And what if the film were mostly financed by men and women, entrepreneurs, by those who are building or want to build this new world? It would be amazing…</p>
Alongside the film, <strong>we’re going to create a large web platform enabling us to list and connect as many world-changing projects and communities as possible</strong>, all over the planet. We also plan to create and incorporate tools that will help those who have seen the film spring into action right away. We are already a movement, a wave, and this wave can help change the world.</p>
Cyril & Mélanie</p>
<strong><img alt="Pitch" src=""></strong></p>
<strong>Many things have been tried to resolve the ecological and economic crises. They haven’t really worked.</strong> According to Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mohammed Yunnus, the strongest driving force in human beings is their desire and their imagination. <strong>He believes that today we must make films and tell stories that spark the desire to build another world.</strong> This is what Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent decided to do by lining up known solutions in all spheres side-by-side to show what our society could look like tomorrow…</p>
<img alt="Start" src=""></p>
For seven years, Cyril directed <a href="">Colibris</a>, an NGO he co-founded with <a href="">Pierre Rabhi</a> and a few friends. In the process of trying to find ways to mobilize society, something became obvious to him: <strong>if we want to give as many people as possible the desire to build a better world, this world has to be given a face</strong>. This means showing what it could look like and kindling the desire to live there.</p>
Announcing catastrophes, heaping up ecological and economic disasters isn’t enough to spring people into action. <strong>We need to imagine the future, to dream it, before implementing it.</strong> And to achieve this, nothing is more powerful than cinema. At the end of 2010, after the release of Coline Serreau’s film “<a href="">Think Global, Act Rural</a>”, which Cyril collaborated on, he started writing what was to become TOMORROW.</p>
<img alt="Cyril_colibris2" src=""></p>
<strong>For several years, Mélanie has been involved with NGOs like the Fondation Danielle Mitterrand and Greenpeace</strong>, with whom she has done <a href="">a lot of campaigning against overfishing</a>. In 2011 she met Cyril, and in 2012 she took part in the Colilbris “All Candidates” campaign.</p>
In the meantime, she directed her first feature film “The Adopted”. A few months later she narrated the <strong>documentary “The End of the Line”, condemning the exhaustion of ocean resources</strong>. In 2012 and 2013 she also led the french chapter of the european <a href="" target="_blank">Fish Fight campaign</a> that drove +860,000 people to ask for -and obtain- a new european law to end discards and overfishing.</p>
In the summer of 2012, Cyril asked Mélanie to direct a film with him. She agreed without hesitation. TOMORROW was underway.</p>
<img alt="1p-lifestyle-reportage-melanie-laurent-greenpeace-peche" src=""></p>
<img alt="Story" src=""></p>
With humanity threatened by the collapse of ecosystems, Cyril, Mélanie, Alexandre and Laurent, all in their thirties, head out across the world <strong>in search of a solution that can save their children and, through them, save the next generation</strong>. Based on the most successful experiments in all sectors (agriculture, energy, housing, economics, education, democracy…) they are going to attempt to piece together the puzzle that will make it possible to write another story of the future.</p>
According to Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mohammed Yunnus, <strong>only a detailed presentation of this new vision of the future</strong> based on solutions from the present <strong>will be compelling enough</strong> to motivate a large number of the world’s inhabitants to build <strong>a new society</strong>; just like what the dream of “progress” kindled in the 20th century.</p>
To achieve this, they will go to 9 countries: France and Reunion Island, Denmark, Finland, India, Great Britain, the United States, Switzerland, Sweden and Iceland where they will experience a few adventures…</p>
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<strong>This film is aimed at the general public, in France, Europe and around the world</strong>. It will be produced in both French and English. The examples it offers might be familiar to many of the people involved with these issues, but most people still need to find out about them!</p>
Above all, <strong>its great originality is that it lines them up side-by-side</strong> like a system, showing that they already constitute a comprehensive model of society.</p>
<strong><img alt="Narrative" src=""></strong></p>
Mélanie, Cyril, Alexandre and Laurent find several international studies, including one in the journal Nature, and another financed by Nasa, predicting <strong>the likely collapse of our civilization</strong> in the next 40 years. They all have children and can’t resign themselves to sitting by and letting it happen. They quickly understand that existing approaches to mobilizing populations and governments will not be enough.</p>
After speaking to experts and reviewing the problems to be solved, they decide set out in search of the best solutions that have been experimented with in the four corners of the globe, solutions that make it possible to absorb the shocks to come and build human societies that can endure. Based on these examples, lined up side-by-side, they hope to <strong>build a narrative that is compelling enough to inspire as many people as possible across the world</strong>.</p>
<strong>ACT 1: FEEDING OURSELVES</strong></p>
<img alt="Incredible-edible" src=""></p>
In Act 1, the team discovers that it is possible to produce more food, without fertilizers or pesticides, little mechanization, and to do this by repairing nature instead of destroying it. <strong>We see how cities can reincorporate agriculture and the countryside can repopulate</strong>.</p>
We visit places that prove this can be done on a large scale.</p>
International experts confirm that we can feed France, the West and the developing world without oil, creating numerous jobs in the process thanks to agroecology.</p>
Children’s hands start sketching this new agriculture.</p>
But a major obstacle is preventing the implementation of this vision: the petrochemical industry, which has its hold on the food-processing industry. To bring about a shift in agriculture, it is necessary to effect a vast energy transition.</p>
We get back on the road.</p>
<strong>ACT 2: ENERGY TRANSITION</strong></p>
<img alt="Vauban1" src=""></p>
In Act 2, the little group finds out how cities and countries are reorganizing in order to <strong>completely do without not just oil, but also fossil and fissile (nuclear) energy</strong>.</p>
We see what<strong> the future of energy</strong> looks like: millions of buildings that are so many little solar power stations, intelligent exploitation of all renewable resources (water, air, wood, waste…), energy stored and redistributed by intelligent networks, modeled on Web information distribution, and massive energy savings. We predict that this revolution will transform our homes, cities, and modes of transport. We tour places where this transformation has already taken place. For a few moments we live in our future life.</p>
Here again, experts sketch a solid plan that would enable us to make this revolution widespread by 2050.</p>
The sketch is becoming complete… But, once again, <strong>a challenge looms before this beautiful future: energy transition is expensive</strong>, and states and cities no longer have money, sapped by debt and austerity policies.</p>
We need to head back onto the road to find a solution.</p>
<img alt="Detroit" src=""></p>
In this third part, Alexandre, Laurent, Mélanie and Cyril see that <strong>it’s possible to create currencies (supplementary to traditional currencies) designed to finance the changes we need</strong> (organic food, renewable energy, insulation, schools, world hunger, etc.). Cities, countries and companies are already doing it and it’s working!</p>
At the same time, we understand that <strong>the globalized economy as it operates today cannot endure</strong>. It is destroying nature, exhausting resources and reinforcing inequalities between the super-rich and an ever-increasing number of “poor people”. The team meets a network of 35,000 American entrepreneurs pioneering thriving, networked local economies. They show us that <strong>territorial anchoring, business independence and the building of networks is the future of the economy</strong>.</p>
<strong>This vision is completed by circular economy practices</strong>: creating production chains without waste, in which material is almost infinitely recycled and in which one person’s waste becomes another person’s resource.</p>
Children’s hands push away the adult hands and complete the sketch.</p>
And yet, even if this vision excites the four friends, <strong>there remains a major problem: our greed</strong>. Solidarity and cooperation are not always the norm despite crises and hardship. Everyone is trying to gather enough for themselves, without worrying about sharing or reducing. If we want to change the economy, we have to change our inner selves.</p>
The group has to leave again, to find out how to educate children about these values at the earliest age.</p>
<strong>ACT 4: EDUCATING</strong></p>
<img alt="Ecole" src=""></p>
In the fourth part, we immerse ourselves <strong>in schools that, starting in preschool and primary school, teach children to cooperate, resolve their conflicts peacefully</strong>, live harmoniously with themselves, each other and nature, and re-learn indispensable skills. They learn how to find their own best approach to learning and, above all, how to express their talents, exercise their passions.</p>
We realize that <strong>behavior related to domination</strong> (territorial, financial, physical, sexual, intellectual), predatory attitudes, unbridled consumerism and the lack of empathy we can have towards other people or nature <strong>are directly linked to our education</strong> and our experiences during the first years of our lives.</p>
We discover that whole countries are going down the road of supporting their children so that a new generation will emerge that can resolve many of our problems. And we see this can be implemented everywhere!</p>
Children’s hands, direct from the places we’ve just left, complete the sketch.</p>
We are full of hope, but one central question remains unsettled. <strong>If all of these wonderful initiatives exist and work, how is it possible that they’re not being implemented</strong> by our governments? We are faced with a huge problem: our democracies may not work so well…</p>
Once again, our little group heads back on the road to remove this final obstacle.</p>
<strong>ACT 5: POWER TO THE PEOPLE</strong></p>
<img alt="Gram_sabha_15" src=""></p>
In this final part, we realize that in the current democratic system, contrary to what we’ve been told, we have very little power. If political leaders decide not to act, there’s nothing we can do, or almost nothing. We then discover that <strong>direct democracy mechanisms existing in some countries are making it possible to reverse the trend</strong>, enabling citizens to propose or oppose laws, write or change the constitution.</p>
By working hand-in-hand with elected leader they succeed in realizing extraordinary achievements.</p>
All that’s left is to do is to mobilize and be numerous enough to represent a critical mass…</p>
We finish with a series of images showing us that what we’ve just seen exists all over the planet.</p>
Guided by the voice-over, in a mere few minutes we learn about dozens of other extraordinary initiatives, considerably amplifying the few that appeared in the film: <strong>another world is in operation</strong>. In a final sequence, faces and smiles combine to make up the finished sketch.</p>
It appears full-screen, superimposed over a real landscape.</p>
Then black, on which the title of the film is written: TOMORROW</p>
<strong><img alt="Examples" src=""></strong></p>
<strong>HEALTHY FOOD FOR EVERYONE!</strong></p>
Founded by Guy Watson, Riverford Farm (near Totnes, England) covered only a few hectares and distributed 30 baskets each week to neighbors and friends. But Guy Watson had <strong>a dream: supply fresh organic vegetables to English families, to put on their tables every day</strong>. To achieve this, he got together with dozens of other farmers throughout the country, sharing his desire to grow quality food and distribute it locally.</p>
As a result, after only a few years, <strong>the Riverford farms distribute 44,000 baskets each week, reaching households in the region within 48 hours</strong>. This example will allow us to show that<strong> it is possible to build a large-scale, local organic food system</strong>.</p>
We will also see how the residents of <strong>the town of Todmorden, near Manchester</strong> (pop. 14,000) is in the process of rebuilding their dietary autonomy (goal for 2018) and how the 1,600 urban farms in Detroit are completely transforming this former center of the automobile industry.</p>
<img alt="Guy_watson_title_image" src=""></p>
<strong>THE CITY OF THE FUTURE: in the city... like in the country!</strong></p>
The team will go to Copenhagen to try and find out how the city of the future might work, and how it could deal with resource scarcity and climate change.</p>
The Danish capital, which is aiming for zero CO2 emissions in 2025, has constructed <strong>a city planning model in which 50% of city residents travel by bicycle</strong> and live less than three hundred meters from a green space. In 2010, it ranked first among the cities most resistant to climate change, in a study by American researcher Boyd Cohen. <strong>Looking ahead to 2025, 75% of all journeys should be made on foot, by bicycle or by public transport</strong>.</p>
Intelligent traffic management and available transport should alone generate 30% of the emissions reductions envisioned by travel plan. <strong>The city already has 350 km of bicycle lanes</strong>. The municipal council intends to set an example by reducing energy consumption in its buildings, schools and administrative premises by 45%. Public lighting consumption will be reduced by 50% through the use of LED lamps.</p>
<strong>Copenhagen’s residents are the largest consumers of organic food in the world</strong> (51% of food in the public domain and 23% in households). One of the world’s best waste treatment centers is in Copenhagen. 90% of construction waste is recycled and 75% of household refuse is incinerated for urban heating and transformed into electricity. Nothing is lost.</p>
For a more rural, more southern contrast, we will show <strong>the Indian village of Kuthambakkam</strong>, which is virtually autonomous in terms of renewable energy and is built with ecological, local materials.</p>
<img alt="Cop_jan_gehl_big" src=""></p>
<strong>WIR BANK [SWITZERLAND]: complementary currencies for another economy</strong></p>
Switzerland, the quintessential banking country, possesses one of the world’s best examples of complementary currencies. WIR Bank was founded in 1934 by 16 entrepreneurs directly affected by the 1929 crisis and the over-cautiousness of banks. It offered <strong>a mutual credit system, allowing companies to continue operating even while the crisis was paralyzing the banking system</strong>, and enabling them to make their investments at a much lower cost.</p>
70 years later, <strong>it is used by one in five Swiss SME’s</strong> (75,000 members). An American study covering fifteen years has demonstrated that this currency in contributing to the stability of the national economy. When there is a monetary crisis, companies trade more WIR Francs, thus evading the credit crunch. On the other hand, in good economic times, companies are less likely to use WIR Francs, and use more Swiss Francs. Therefore, the WIR shows (as do the figures) not only that <strong>a complementary currency can be developed on a large scale</strong>, but also that the existence of a genuine monetary ecosystem would make it easier to deal with economic and financial uncertainties.</p>
After this example, we will show <strong>the proliferation of local and complementary currencies</strong>, including the Detroit Cheers, the Totnes pound, the Brixton pound and the Chiemegauer…</p>
<img alt="22" src=""></p>
<strong>EDUCATION IN FINLAND: every student counts</strong></p>
It has now been several years that, with incredible consistency, <strong>Finland has been ranking high in international surveys of educational systems</strong> (second in the world in Sciences, third in reading and sixth in mathematics in 2009, well ahead of all other European and Western countries). And they’re leading not only in terms of gross results, but also in terms of equity and effectiveness.</p>
<strong>The educational system they chose 40 years ago is based on taking account of children’s diversity and particular needs</strong>, so that everyone can express all their potential. The child is placed at the heart of the system and the whole person is taken into consideration.</p>
<strong>The result: Even though they start primary school at the age of 7, Finnish fifteen-year-olds achieve higher scores than their French counterparts in various subjects</strong>. It is almost as if they’d had two more years of study… We will highlight how one country has implemented a highly innovative educational policy, focused on student development more than knowledge transmission.</p>
<img alt="K3-finlande" src=""></p>
<img alt="Contributors" src=""></p>
<strong>ROB HOPKINS</strong></p>
English author and permaculture teacher. He is <strong>the founder of the transition initiative movement</strong> “Transition Towns” and co-founder of “Transition Town Totnes” in England. He received a degree in permaculture in 1992, and created the world’s first two-year full-time permaculture course at Kinsale College for Further Education, in Ireland.</p>
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<strong>PIERRE RABHI</strong></p>
French farmer, philosopher, writer and thinker, born in Algeria. <strong>He advocates a form of society that is more respectful of its peoples and lands</strong>, and supports the development of agricultural practices that respect the environment and preserve natural resources, agroecology, especially in arid countries. He founded <a href="">Colibris</a> alongside Cyril Dion and Isabelle Desplats.</p>
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<strong>ELLEN MCARTHUR</strong></p>
A British sailor who became famous for finishing second in the 2000-2001 Vendée Globe, then for beating the record for solo circumnavigation of the globe in 2005. In 2007, she created the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which <strong>encourages companies and the public to rethink, design and construct a sustainable future based on the concept of the circular economy</strong>. With her foundation, she has developed dozens of concrete cases applying the principles of the circular economy.</p>
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<strong>KEN ROBINSON</strong></p>
Sir Kenneth Robinson (born March 4th 1950 in Liverpool) is an <strong>author, speaker and education expert,</strong> internationally known for his work promoting the development of creativity and innovation. He was director of The Arts in Schools project (1985-1989), then Professor of Arts Education at the University of Warwick (1989-2001) before being knighted by the Queen of England in 2003 for services to education.</p>
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<strong>JEREMY RIFKIN</strong></p>
American essayist, specializing in economic and scientific forecasting. He is the founder and president of the Foundation on Economic Trends (FOET). J. Rifkin is <strong>the principal architect of the Third Industrial Revolution</strong>, presented in one of his works as a long-term solution to three challenges: the global economic crisis, energy security and climate change.</p>
This Third Industrial Revolution was formally endorsed by the European Parliament in 2007 and is currently being implemented by various organizations within the European Commission. He is the founder and president of the Third Industrial Revolution Global CEO Business Roundtable, a permanent roundtable which brings together business leaders and over 100 eminent international experts from the renewable energy industry, construction companies, architectural firms, real estate companies, IT companies, transport and logistics companies, etc.</p>
J. Rifkin’s global economic development team is working with cities, regions and national governments to create master plans for a transition economy leading to a post-carbon society that has the infrastructures necessary for a third industrial revolution.</p>
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<strong>MICHELLE LONG</strong></p>
Michelle Long is the <strong>executive director of BALLE (Business Alliance for Local Living Economies)</strong>. Founded in 2001, BALLE is amplifying and accelerating the enormous awakening energy directed toward local economies.</p>
BALLE <strong>sees local, independently owned businesses as the key to solving our communities’ toughest challenges and to creating real prosperity</strong>. BALLE connects visionary local leaders so they can find inspiration and support. Through intense collaboration BALLE identifies and promotes the most innovative business models for creating healthier, more sustainable, more prosperous communities.</p>
<strong>With a network of nearly 35,000 entrepreneurs divided into 80 networks</strong> across the United States, BALLE has significant leverage for encouraging new investments, scaling the best solutions and harnessing the power of local, independently-owned business.</p>
Michelle is the founder of one of the first BALLE networks, which is also one of the largest (nearly 700 entrepreneurs), considered the “<strong>epicenter of a new economic model</strong>”: Sustainable Connections in Bellingham, in the state of Washington. Michelle is the co-author of <em>Local First: A How-to Guide</em> and the author of the new <em>Building a Community of Businesses: A BALLE Business Network How-to Kit</em>. She was named one of the US West Coast's "top five leading ladies of sustainability" by the <em>Sustainable Industries Journal</em>.</p>
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<strong><img alt="The-team" src=""></strong></p>
<strong>Cyril Dion: writer and director</strong></p>
After a very short acting career, Cyril became a project coordinator for the Hommes de Parole foundation. He helped organize the Israeli-Palestinian congress in Caux in June 2003, and then the first and second World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace in 2005 and 2006 in Brussels and Seville.</p>
<strong>In 2007, with Pierre Rabhi and a few friends, he founded the Colibris movement</strong>, which he directed until July 2013. He is currently its spokesman.</p>
In the meantime he co-founded the magazine Kaizen, for which he is still editorial director, and also co-founded the Domaines du possible collection at French publisher Actes Sud. With Colibris in 2010 he co-produced “Solutions locales pour un désordre global”, by Coline Serreau.</p>
<img alt="Photo_cyril-mel2" src=""></p>
<strong>M</strong><strong>é</strong><strong>lanie Laurent: director</strong></p>
An actress since the age of 14, <strong>Mélanie has appeared in some 40 films</strong>, including Quentin Tarantino’s “Inglorious Basterds”, Philippe Loiret’s “Don’t Worry, I’m Fine”, Radu Mihăileanu’s “The Concert”, Roselyn Bosch’s “The Round Up”, Billie August’s “Night Train to Lisbon” and Mike Mills’ “Beginners”.</p>
She has directed 4 films: two short films and two feature films for the cinema. Her second, “Breathe”, adapted from the novel by Anne-Sophie Brasme, will be released in October 2014. Here is the trailer:</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//" width="540"></iframe></p>
<strong>Alexandre L</strong><strong>é</strong><strong>glise: director of photography</strong></p>
<strong>Alexandre has always had a passion for films, books and writing. He has worked on more than 40 films</strong> over 15 years, first as an assistant director of photography and then as director of photography. He writes, has a 3-year-old son and has been friends with Cyril almost as long as he’s been making films.</p>
<img alt="Photo_4" src=""></p>
<strong>Laurent Cercleux: sound engineer</strong></p>
Assistant, then sound engineer, Laurent participated in dozens of movie for 15 years. He particularly enjoyed working with Michel Gondry, Quentin Dupieux, Gustave Kervern & Benoît Delepine, Christophe Honoré ... He has two children and intends to act for their future !</p>
<img alt="Laurent" src=""></p>
This film is the fruit of ten years of observing and thinking about changes in society. For the first time, it assembles data from multiple spheres, multiple countries, and is doing this in order to propose another world for tomorrow.</p>
This world won’t be built without us. We have the power to change it, starting today!</p>
Allocation of funds
<img alt="Cost" src=""></p>
We decided to make a <strong>film aimed at a very broad, worldwide audience</strong>, <strong>maximizing its impact</strong> by reaching outside circles of believers.</p>
So we need resources that measure up to our ambition.</p>
<strong>The film should cost around 950,000 euros</strong>.</p>
To give a sense of how this compares to other film budgets, the average cost to make a feature-length fiction film in France is several million euros.</p>
As for the most recent successful documentary films: “On the Way to School” cost 2 million, “Once Upon a Forest” nearly 6 million and “Twenty Feet from Stardom” (the latest Oscar winner for Best Documentary) cost 1 million dollars (725,000 euros)…</p>
<img alt="Why-the-cost" src=""></p>
To show the diversity of what’s happening on the planet, we will go to 9 countries with a small team of 6 people.</p>
Here are the main budget items:</p>
<img alt="Budget_en" src=""></p>
<strong>This film is the result of three and a half years of work for Cyril</strong>, during which he developed it without money.</p>
<strong>It represents a major investment for M</strong><strong>é</strong><strong>lanie, who turned down several other projects</strong> to be able to create it.</p>
<strong>Cyril and Mélanie decided to share part of the risk with the producers and invest some of their own remuneration back into the film</strong>.</p>
<img alt="Distribution" src=""></p>
We decided to <strong>go through the usual production and distribution channels AND through more alternative channels</strong> to enable a maximum number of people to see the film.</p>
<strong>The film with therefore be produced by Move Movie</strong>, which has already produced Mélanie’s first two films, and will be <strong>distributed by Mars Film</strong>, France’s largest independent distributor. Outside France, it will be distributed by Elle Driver, a division of Wild Bunch, very good international distributor.</p>
At the same time, <strong>we are building a network of NGOs, associations and organizations of all kinds</strong>, working to change society. It is a network of people who think this film can become an extraordinary tool helping us build a different future - a future in which we can simply live.</p>
We firmly believe that we need both! The cinema circuit as well as physical and digital networks.</p>
In a way, you could say there are two ways of getting the film seen by as many people as possible: using all of the avenues that cinema can offer (and then DVDs, television, the web) or make the film available online for free.</p>
We chose the first solution for two reasons:</p>
- just because a film is free online doesn’t mean that it gets the most viewers</p>
- choosing cinema supports a whole chain of small cinema owners and other professionals who earn their living in this industry we love.</p>
<strong>We believe cinema is an art. And it deserves to exist as such</strong>. The experience of watching a film in a dark theatre with several hundred people is very different from watching a film on a computer screen. Cinemas are places where it’s possible to get together, discuss and exchange. Every screening is an experience, a chance to form small groups that reflect and take action. It will be later that the film circulates in other forms.</p>
<img alt="Why-crowdfunding" src=""></p>
Organizing large-scale documentaries for the cinema is difficult. Even though several partners have already become involved, we still don’t have the funds to get started. And time is short.</p>
A few weeks ago <strong>we met Ecology Minister Philippe Martin</strong> (and we should soon be meeting Ségolène Royal). He loved the trailer and <strong>offered to screen the film at the next World Climate Conference in Paris in December 2015</strong>. This gives us an amazing opportunity to show solutions to all of the world’s leaders, to get the international press talking about it, to get visiting activists from all over the world to seize upon it. So we have to finish the film by then. And many of the things we need to film have to be filmed in the summer.</p>
<strong>It is now that we have to go and start filming.</strong></p>
<strong>We therefore need your help.</strong></p>
<strong>To cover shooting + equipment rental, we need about 335,000 euros. </strong></p>
We’ve already found 100,000 euros through private sponsors, associations (Colibris), socially committed companies (Biocoop), and this will cover the first phase of shooting in June.</p>
<strong>We therefore need to raise 200,000 euros before July 15th to ensure we’ll be able to finish on time.</strong></p>
<img alt="Citizen" src=""></p>
<strong>The other reason we’re using crowdfunding is that the film is a citizens’ film.</strong></p>
It will show hundreds of people around the world committed to changing society, through their energy alone. Dozens of successful solutions could be reproduced. We hope that it will inspire hundreds of thousands of other people to take action and spread a positive message: that it’s possible to create a world where human beings and nature live in harmony, starting today.</p>
We therefore believe<strong> it should be financed by as many of these citizens as possible</strong> (in addition to companies and groups), so that the film belongs to you, so it can be the tool we all need for changing things. The greater the number of people who finance it, the more we will already make up a movement that will support it, circulate it and make it a message that can’t be ignored. It will no longer be possible to act as if there were no solution.</p>
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<img alt="Rewards" src=""></p>
To thank you for supporting us, and also to help us spread the message, we are offering rewards. <strong>The idea isn’t to give you prizes like you get in a cereal box.</strong> We have come up with things that can not only help you share in the experience of the film (the shooting, the logbook, the trailer, etc.), but also help us to make it as good as possible (development screenings), to intensify and spread the message (books, internships), and to wear the film’s colors and make them known (sneakers, t-shirts).</p>
If you don’t want any rewards, it’s simple: all you have to do to check the appropriate box.</p>
Whatever happens, your name will appear in the credits and on the film’s website to show that it was also thanks to you that the adventure saw the light of day!</p>
<strong>Thank you for being there and being who you are</strong>. It is together that we can make this film into a powerful tool to inspire the whole world!</p>
- 978 contributions
Your name will be placed on the film’s website and your photo will appear in the end credits along with everyone else who will have made the film possible. It will surely be a very moving moment!
Estimated delivery: January 2015
- 4562 contributions
THE HUMMINGBIRD'S SHARE: You receive a multi-zone DVD of the film. Your name is on the film’s website and your photo appears in the end credits with everyone who will have made the film possible.
(Add 10 euros for shipping out of France)
Estimated delivery: January 2015
- 1855 contributions
You receive a digital version of the shooting logbook with the script, detailed and annotated week-by-week, videos, bonus material recounting the adventure, the music we’ll have heard during filming + the Hummingbird's Share.
(Add 5 euros for shipping out of France)
Estimated delivery: January 2015
- 1332 contributions
The PUR PROJET association plants 1 tree for you in Ghana’s Cacao Kuapa Kokoo cooperative, which uses agroforestry. The aim is to recreate and maintain soil fertility, while meeting the needs of producers + the Hummingbird's Share.
(Add 5 euros for shipping out of France)
- 242 contributions
Not available out of France
- 17 contributions
The complete 1-hour interview with novelist and essayist Nancy Huston (Fault Lines, Instruments of Darkness, Reflet dans un oeil d'homme) + the Hummingbird's Share
- 23 contributions
The complete 1-hour interview with 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mohammed Yunnus + the Hummingbird's Share.
- 40 contributions
The complete 1-hour interview with Lester Brown, president of the Earth Policy Institute + the Hummingbird's Share. With books translated into over forty languages, Lester Brown is one of the most widely read author-essayists in the world. The Washington Post described him has “one of the world’s most influential thinkers”.
- 518 contributions
Not available out of France
- 757 contributions
You receive a link to download the original soundtrack of the film before everyone else + the Hummingbird's Share.
- 436 contributions
The PUR PROJET association plants 5 trees for you in Ghana’s Cacao Kuapa Kokoo cooperative, which uses agroforestry. The aim is to recreate and maintain soil fertility, while meeting the needs of producers + the Hummingbird's Share.
- 76 contributions
You receive the book of the film, published by Actes Sud (written in french) + the Hummingbird's Share.
- 112 contributions
Not available out of France
- 186 contributions
The PUR PROJET association plants 10 trees for you in Ghana’s Cacao Kuapa Kokoo cooperative, which uses agroforestry. The aim is to recreate and maintain soil fertility, while meeting the needs of producers + the Hummingbird's Share.

- 95 contributions
You receive a pair of Veja ecological sneakers specially designed for the film. By wearing them, you help make as many people aware of the film as possible. You also receive the Hummingbird's Share.
Estimated delivery: July 2015
- 259 contributions
THE PELICAN’S SHARE: your name appears in the end credits and you receive a multizone DVD of the film. You receive a digital version of the shooting logbook with the detailed, annotated script + a t-shirt of the film showing that it’s you who made the film possible + the film poster + the original soundtrack.
- 9 contributions
You join us for a day of filming in Normandy, on Charles and Perrine’s farm in Le Bec Hellouin (July 22rd): a magnificent place and one of the most advanced permaculture applications. You have to cover the cost of travelling to the nearest train station and we will come and pick you up in a minibus! + the Pelican's Share.
- 10 contributions
You are invited to the private preview with the film’s collaborators, the film crew, the producers and a few surprise guests! You stay with us for a little party after the screening, where we can talk about whatever we like. + the Pelican’s Share. You will have to take care of your travel to Paris.
- 1 contribution
Your name appears in the film credits alongside the directors and producers. + the Pelican’s Share
Make a donation
Give what I want
Sold out
Sold out
- 265 contributions
You receive a t-shirt in the film’s colors, showing that it’s you who made the film possible. It will be made of organic cotton, manufactured in a way that is equitable, responsible and carbon-neutral… By wearing it, you will help make as many people as possible aware of the film. You also get the film poster (160 x 120) + the Hummingbird's Share.
Estimated delivery: January 2015
Sold out
- 183 contributions
The PUR PROJET association plants 10 trees for you in Ghana’s Cacao Kuapa Kokoo cooperative, which uses agroforestry. The aim is to recreate and maintain soil fertility, while meeting the needs of producers + the Hummingbird's Share.
Estimated delivery: January 2015
Sold out
- 41 contributions
You come to Ardèche and spend a week learning to create an agroecological vegetable garden with Pierre Rabhi and his team at Terre & Humanisme + the Pelican's Share. You will have to take care of your travel.
Sold out
- 10 contributions
You spend two hours conversing in person with Mélanie et Cyril. Your name appears in the film credits alongside the directors and producers. + the Pelican’s Share
Sold out
- 11 contributions
We organize a private screening for you and your friends (or your company) attended by the directors. Your name appears in the film credits alongside the directors and producers. + the Pelican’s Share