March 11, 2014
Distributeur Automatique de Beignes
"Automated Thumping Machine": They thought attacking people at the ATM was easy money… Turns out it is a real bash dispenser !

End date
Out of €6,500
108 %
Distributeur Automatique de Beignes
<strong>Title</strong> <strong>:</strong> Automated Thumping Machine</p>
<strong>Length :</strong> 10 minutes (est.)</p>
<strong>Shooting duration :</strong> 4 days.</p>
<strong>Planning :</strong> To be shot and post-produced in Spring-Summer 2014.</p>
<strong>Camera :</strong> Canon C500.</p>
<strong>Format :</strong> 4K shooting.</p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Browse the complete file for the film on Issuu</a> (in French)</p>
<img alt="Synopsistitre" src=""></p>
A trio of not-too-bright Crooks, sitting on a bench opposite a bank, are waiting for people to retrieve cash at the ATM so they can rob them. Nothing goes according to their script, however: Fuming over their successive failures, they have full intent to cause grievous bodily harm on their next victim… Our 3 Stooges are in for a major surprise and will come to regret seeking help from the nearby police precinct…</p>
<em>Training video of the actors under the director's supervision :</em></p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//" width="540"></iframe></p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//" width="540"></iframe></p>
<img alt="Distributiontitrebio" src=""></p>
<img alt="Distributioneng" src=""></p>
<img alt="Intentiontitreeng" src=""></p>
As soon as I heard about that real-life story of those lame 3 ATM robbers who unfortunately attacked the wrong person, I felt it was perfect for a movie. This story was self-evident in its humour and we instantly got to work with my co-writer to bring an exaggerated and romanced version of this tale to the screen.</p>
This film will be filled with energy, slapstick humour and a succession of funny & unusual scenes. Our story is simple but will be sublimated through camera movements, audacious framing, colourful characters to create an unique atmosphere full of details to emphasize its comical, even cartoon-like, tone.</p>
<img alt="Essaiscostumeseng" src=""></p>
I want the audience to experience the humour and weirdness of each situation our 3 “unlucky heroes” will face throughout while still managing room for a surprise, by leaving in the dark the viewer until the very last moment about how the 3 thugs ended up bruised and furious at the police precinct. Once the key to the mystery is given, we will be free to start ou big action piece, a fight scene I intend to be utterly spectacular.</p>
“Automated Thumping Machine” is first and foremost a comical film and therefore it hinges on the alchemy between our protagonists. Hence why I chose comedians with distinct mugs for my 3 crooks. They are also all experienced stuntmen as well, able to take a severe-looking and convincing beating while being safe all along.</p>
To underline the cartoon-like dimension of this story, I focused on a dynamic direction with extreme-angled camera movements: top-shots, below shots, matching and opposite travelling shots done with a steadycam or handheld… to build some tension and to match with the sense of danger our 3 wannabe gangsters are supposed to embody.</p>
<img alt="Decorseng" src=""></p>
Framing will go as far using shorter focal length and Fisheye effects to emphasize the comical effect of their mugs, how impressive their physical features are (The actor playing Momo is 2,05 meters tall.) and their unexpected and unusual actions and reactions.</p>
We will shoot most of the movie using two cameras (Canon C500) in 4k while recording on Gemini. Those are light, handy, high-end cameras that will allow me a great freedom of movement and also to shoot several different axis and use alternative framing. Technical set-up will not be an hindrance to how flexible and lively we will need to be on shoot. Being able to use either a steadycam or an handheld shot means we can be fast and effective in capturing the right movement or reaction. Framing will sometimes be more direct, using either long shots to establish immediately what the sequences are about or close shots to focus on the characters expressions.</p>
<img alt="Equipetitreeng" src=""></p>
<img alt="Gilbioeng" src=""></p>
Starting his career in film in 1982, Gil quickly found work as an actor and a stuntman in television or long-feature films. Holding a Krav Maga black belt and an official qualification as a trainer, Gil specializes himself in stunt choreography, most notably for TV cop shows. He has been credited on "Brotherhood of the Worlf", "Podium" , "La Beuze", "Scorpion"...</p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Gil De Murger</a><a href="" target="_blank"> </a><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a></p>
<img alt="Willbioeng" src=""></p>
Learn all about William's experience as a stuntman and actor on his website.</p>
<a href="" target="_blank">William Simonnet </a><a href="" target="_blank">Website</a></p>
<img alt="Diezbioeng" src=""></p>
Christophe is the funder of I-Prod, a company funded more than 15 ago and whose activity combine both his passion for martial arts and film, via the production of educational combat sports DVD. "Automated Thumping Machine" is the first fiction film produced by I-Prod.</p>
<a href="" target="_blank">I-Prod</a><a href="" target="_blank"> Website</a></p>
<u>Crew List :</u></p>
<strong>Script :</strong> Gil de Murger & William Simonnet</p>
<strong>Director :</strong> Gil de Murger</p>
<strong>1st assistant director :</strong> Jérémy Mazza</p>
<strong>Continuity :</strong> Virginie Labyt</p>
<strong>Director of photography :</strong> Guillaume Pierre</p>
<strong>Set decorateur :</strong> François Tossan</p>
<strong>Make-up :</strong> Lauréne Gardeux-Zanotti</p>
<strong>Music :</strong> Cédric Le Men</p>
<strong>Production :</strong> I-Prod</p>
<strong>Executive producer :</strong> Christophe Diez</p>
<strong>Line producer :</strong> Louis Midavaine</p>
Allocation of funds
“Automated Thumping Machine” is the first fiction film produced by INDEPENDANCE PROD but it does not mean it is devoid of artistic and technical ambitions. Both producer Christophe Diez -specialized in educational martial arts video- and director Gil De Murger –stunt choreographer for television and film- are passionate and professional about their craft. They attached a lot of care to writing and preparing the major fight scene, which will be executed by expert stuntmen.</p>
To not lose anything of this work and to make the fight as spectacular as intended, the technical side of the shooting must be on pace. That is why each department will be filled by film professionals and two Canon C500 cameras will be used in 4k: To achieve the greatest image quality possible, as close as possible to a long-feature film. Technical means must be adapted to our shooting script and allow us, through a Steadycam for instance, to be flexible and able to set up the wide variety of angles we aim for.</p>
The money raised via crowdfunding will primarily be used to rent those technical means and specialized trucks, to build set decoration, cover the team expenses incurred by their participation and producing a high-definition master of the film.</p>
Financing the film through crowdfunding is a way to not forfeit any ambitions nor any artistic freedom, a compromise that will be often forced upon creators in the traditional circuits.</p>
- 9 contributions
Your name will appear in the end credits.
- 9 contributions
You will be able to download a set of photographs from the shooting + all previous rewards.
- 18 contributions
We will send you a DVD (boxed, imprinted) of the film + all previous rewards.
- 30 contributions
We will send you a link to watch the film (high definition) + all previous rewards.
- 2 contributions
You will be invited to 1 Krav Maga training session under supervision of Gil De Murger -the movie director- (black belt and holder of a French federal qualification) at the I-Prod dojo in Palaiseau, France + all previous rewards.
You will be invited to 1 stunt-work training session and be the hero of your own fight choreography, under supervision of Gil De Murger -the movie director- at the I-Prod dojo in Palaiseau, France + all previous rewards.
- 1 contribution
You will be invited to 1 showing of “Automated Thumping Machine” alongside the film crew + all previous rewards.
Make a donation
Give what I want
Sold out
Sold out
- 6 contributions
You will be invited for a day on set during the shooting + all previous rewards.