Drop!, des fontaines filtrantes design, sans plastique, et sans cartouche.

A pure water, free from plastic and cartridges.

Project visual Drop!, des fontaines filtrantes design, sans plastique, et sans cartouche.
End date
Out of €10,000
261 %

Drop!, des fontaines filtrantes design, sans plastique, et sans cartouche.

Drop! it was initially the crazy project of a young rebellious engineer: a useful art object forfilter your water at home, without plastic and without cartridges. While still a student, numerous scandals of tap water pollution with pesticides and chemicals greatly worried those close to me. It was in this context that I became interested in the quality of drinking water. I quickly discovered that no existing solution made it possible to filter water effectively without resorting to plastic, cartridges, or large, expensive machines that were too complex to repair and maintain. It is with this in mind that I started working on a Low-Tech system, beautiful, efficient, without cartridges and without plastic. Drinking water yes, but good water no! Water is our primary need and the very foundation of life on earth.However, although tap water is safe to drink in most cases, it is often not of good quality.. Very recently, numerous tap water pollution scandals in thepesticides and other chemicals (herbicides, fungicides, drugs, heavy metals) have alerted the population who have lost confidence in the public water network. So, in 2021 it is 12 million French people who consumed non-compliant water, or 3 times more than in 2020.herbicides are detected in more than half of the samples whilefungicides are omnipresent in more than a third of cases. Very recently, on April 6, 2023, ASES (food and environmental safety agency) indicated that it detectedchlorothalonil metabolites everywhere in France's drinking water, even though this pesticide is highly carcinogenic. So how do we do ? So then... Some then turn to bottled water.However, bottled water is often also polluted, in addition to releasing microplastics into the water and being an ecological disaster. What if we filtered the water? Very good idea Jean-Jean! Knowing thatof all the water treated by communities, only 5% is intended for consumption, filtering your water at home just before drinking it makes sense. But with what? There are various systems to improve your water, however,not all are effective. For example, although thepieces of charcoal or ceramic balls allow to slightly improve the taste and smells,these techniques do not effectively filter pesticides and other pollutants because the contact surface is too small. Reverse osmosis are veryexpensive and impossible to repair by the user.Network filters require someworks and are often poorly maintained, whenfilter jugs,they are in plastic and use expensive and... plastic cartridges! These systems also have the unfortunate tendency todemineralize water, which can lead toharmful effects for long-term health. La solution Drop! After more than3 years of R&D, numerous prototypes, tests, hesitations, and analyses, we are delighted to present the fountains to youDrop! A Low-Tech solution, elegant, durable, efficient,without plastic and without cartridge. How it works ? 1 - Le Vortex Fill the sphere under the tap by blocking the small hole underneath with your finger. Practical ! Compared to traditional filter jugs,you don't carry around dirty water, clean water, and a filter that's sloshing around in it. Shake in a circular manner to createlaunch the vortex Place the sphere on the support, and let the vortex form. Why a vortex? The vortex allowsaerate the water, to oxygenate it, a bit like a wine aerator. The water is thenbetter in the mouth, much lighter and hydrating. In addition, it allows part of the chlorine to be degassed, and the water to move toliving and energized water. 2 - Filtration No cartridges, zero waste, life is beautiful! What's the point of no longer buying plastic bottles if you want to buy (and throw away!) cartridges every month? Our system ofbulk refill Easteasy, ecological, and economical. No consumables for a more sustainable and healthier system. You can even use your used activated carbon in the garden. Say Bye Bye to cartridges! Our exceptional filtration system is currentlythe only one capable of effectively removing even the smallest pesticide residues, such aschlorothalonil metabolites,without resorting to complex systems (ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis) which alter the natural minerality of the water. And what's more,it goes quickly ! Drop fountains! can filter1L of water in less than 2 minutes. Filtration is based on specific activated carbon, of unprecedented quality. Change the charcoal once a month for aannual usage cost less than €30. This activated carbon isimpregnated with silver ions to prevent any bacterial development (if you are going on vacation for example). However, unlike most other silver products,it does not release into water and remains quietly in the coal whilepreserving the minerality of the water. It's better for you! 3 - Le design Drop fountains! areart objects in your house. As big as a small bouquet of flowers, but more useful and unforgettable, for apure water, and beautiful water. Our fountains are eco-designed, with a philosophy Low-Tech : a simple solution to complicated problems.No glue, no joints, and a designmodular and easilyreparable,with a minimum of parts.And no plastic please! All our materials are durable, and everything disassembles to put in the dishwasher. We use glass, food grade stainless steel, and ceramic for theirexceptional durability and theireasy to recycle. In addition, these passive materials do not risk contaminating your water with adjuvants and other chemicals. More than a water filtration system,our fountains are useful objects of art(because yes, you must ALWAYS combine business with pleasure)Who ritualize your hydration. Collect the water with the sphere in the palm of your hand, activate the vortex with a flick of the wrist, and enjoy the magic. Take this time for yourself, consciously, breathe, and taste pure and light water. A small carbon footprint? (for the road) And again... This does not take into account recycling, when there is any... Our system is designed to operate for at least 15 years. We can therefore make the following comparison: Bottled water: 1,872.3 kg CO2e over 15 years per person. Filtration system: 37.58 kg CO2e over 15 years per person. By choosing the filtration system, a person couldreduce your footprint carbon of nearly 1,834.72 kg CO2e over a period of 15 years per person, i.e. reduction by a factor of 50. The average CO2 emissions for a petrol car is around 120 g/km. So,1850 kg of CO2e would be equivalent to approximately 15,417 km traveled, which is roughly nearly three times the distance to cross North America from east to west. Humans in a human adventure Drop! are sustainable and committed, and so is the company. Drop! it's a Norman startup based in Caen, products and100% French manufacturing including 80% in Normandy.We prioritize short circuits and the circular economy.In this sense, we are in the process ofESUS (Solidarity Enterprise of Social Utility) approval.

Allocation of funds


Featured reward


  • 58 contributions

Estimated delivery: March 2024

Carte cadeau de 120€


  • 3 contributions
Un carte cadeau d'une valeur de 120€ à valoir sur une fontaine Drop!

Carte cadeau de 80€


  • 4 contributions
Un carte cadeau d'une valeur de 80€ à valoir sur une fontaine Drop!

Carte cadeau de 40€


  • 5 contributions
Un carte cadeau d'une valeur de 40€ à valoir sur une fontaine Drop!


  • 13 contributions

Estimated delivery: March 2024

Le T-shirt Drop! (Homme)


  • 4 contributions
Drop! ne vous quittera jamais gràce à ce beau t-shirt en coton bio. Attention, produit exclusivement vendu pour le financement participatif, ne ratez pas cette chance ! Disponible en 4 tailles : S / M / L/ XL, prenez votre taille habituelle dans les marques européenes.

Estimated delivery: February 2024

Le T-shirt Drop! (Femme)


  • 1 contribution
Drop! ne vous quittera jamais gràce à ce beau t-shirt en coton bio. Attention, produit exclusivement vendu pour le financement participatif, ne ratez pas cette chance ! Disponible en 4 tailles : S / M / L/ XL, prenez votre taille habituelle dans les marques européenes.

Estimated delivery: February 2024

La gourde Drop!


  • 17 contributions
Une goudre de 500 mL en verre pour rester hydraté toute la journée, avec, si possible de l'eau bien filtrée ;-)

Estimated delivery: March 2024

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