<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial; font-size: 14.666666666666666px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Dear friends and contributors,</span></p>
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<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.38;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;">
<span id="docs-internal-guid-93b5555a-089f-30ae-fccf-26a2d79615e7"><span style="font-size: 14.666666666666666px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">We would like to thank you for having supported, participated and contributed to our project. Your support has enabled us to obtain further traction, interest and encouragement during the campaign. It has allowed us to gain considerable media coverage and we have received an overwhelming amount of enquiries about the development of Recup Paris.</span></span></p>
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<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.38;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;">
<span id="docs-internal-guid-93b5555a-089f-30ae-fccf-26a2d79615e7"><span style="font-size: 14.666666666666666px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">Unfortunately we have not been able to attain our crowdfunding objective. This would have allowed us to continue and carry out our original objectives and plans for the regeneration of Fort d’Aubervilliers. We are very grateful for your support and the manifestation of interest that you have brought to the project. While your contributions to the campaign will be refunded to you shortly, we invite and encourage you to get in touch with us if you would like to carry over your contribution directly to us. So if you are interested in an art piece of Fort Experience, please let us know. Also this will allow us to continue to work on the realisation of the project.</span></span></p>
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<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.38;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;">
<span id="docs-internal-guid-93b5555a-089f-30ae-fccf-26a2d79615e7"><span style="font-size: 14.666666666666666px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">The campaign has been overwhelmingly positive and we remain optimistic about continuing this adventure. In which shape or form is something we are going to re-evaluate over the coming weeks. We will share our renewed vision with you as soon as possible. In the meantime, keep talking about us and sharing our work with those close around you. We will continue to keep you informed and updated via our website and social media.</span></span></p>
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<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.38;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;">
<span id="docs-internal-guid-93b5555a-089f-30ae-fccf-26a2d79615e7"><span style="font-size: 14.666666666666666px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">We wish you a happy Christmas period and look forward to starting the new year with reinforced belief and energy.</span></span></p>
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<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.38;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;">
<span id="docs-internal-guid-93b5555a-089f-30ae-fccf-26a2d79615e7"><span style="font-size: 14.666666666666666px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">Thank you.</span></span></p>
<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.38;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;">
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<p dir="ltr" style="line-height:1.38;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;">
<span id="docs-internal-guid-93b5555a-089f-30ae-fccf-26a2d79615e7"><span style="font-size: 14.666666666666666px; font-family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-position: normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">The Recup Paris Team</span></span></p>
Faire revivre un Fort militaire abandonné
Join us in transforming an abandoned military fortress into a sustainability driven creative and cultural hotspot.
End date
Out of €40,000
14 %
The publications
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Dear supporter, </div>
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Thank you so much for contributing to our project. Your support provides a great basis to acquire further support during the remainder of the campaign.</div>
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Since the launch of the campaign we have received a lot of attention that will help bring the project to a next level. We have had good press coverage from <a href="http://www.anousparis.fr/city-guide/arty/recup-paris-va-rehabiliter-le-fort-daubervilliers" target="_blank">A Nous Paris,</a> <a href="http://recupparis.com/article-vivre-paris-recup-paris-donne-une-seconde-vie-au-fort-daubervilliers/" target="_blank">Vivre Paris</a>, <a href="http://www.messynessychic.com/2016/11/17/how-the-expansion-of-paris-could-start-with-an-abandoned-radiation-bunker/" target="_blank">MessyNessy</a> and a few other blogs and we can look forward to more press attention this and next week.</div>
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We have also met quite a few people who showed public and commercial interest in the project. Last week for instance, we were visited by a delegation from Ville de Aubervilliers and their tourism board who can bring the project closer to the people of Aubervilliers and Paris. We also talked to various potentials partners and collaborators.</div>
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We are grateful for your support and the journey so far. The last couple of weeks have been really encouraging and we are positive about the future.</div>
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Please keep spreading the word about the project and stay up-to-date by visiting our <a href="https://www.facebook.com/RecupParis/" target="_blank">Facebook page</a> and <a href="http://recupparis.com/" target="_blank">website</a>.</div>
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Have a nice day and sunny greetings from Fort d'Aubervilliers,</div>
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The Recup Paris team</div>