We made it, thanks to you all!</p>
And we are still a week ahead of the deadline, which means the campaign is not over yet...</p>
<strong>Thank you so much</strong> and see you in the Châtelet from June 3rd to 8th!</p>
<img alt="Thank_you_2" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/70517/thank_you_2.jpg" /></p>
Festival international de piano Les Amateurs! au Châtelet
Les Amateurs! international piano festival allows for outstanding amateur pianists to perform every year in the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris
End date
Out of €6,000
116 %
The publications
Today we've reached <strong>84% of our aim</strong>!</p>
<u><strong>Thank you</strong></u> <u><strong>so much</strong></u> to all of you!</p>
At the current rythm, we should be able to get well over our goal by the end of the campaign (March 3rd). Let's keep spreading the word and letting people know about the campaign!</p>
Thanks again and hope to see you<strong> from June 3rd to 8th at the Théâtre du Châtelet</strong> in Paris for our next festival!</p>
Thanks to all kissbankers who contributed so far!</p>
We are very happy to announce that <strong>20% of the global amount we are aiming at collecting has been reached </strong>in just 5 days.</p>
We must keep going at the same rate so that we reach the goal within March 3rd!!</p>
Thanks everybody!</p>