Financement du projet "Schubertiade"

Help us finance the first collaboration of the Collectif Bergamasque: Schubertiade !

Project visual Financement du projet "Schubertiade"
End date
Out of €6,000
104 %

Financement du projet "Schubertiade"

The Quatuor Bergamasque at the origin of the project Founded in 2016 by four friends from the Pôle Supérieur d'Enseignement Artistique Paris Boulogne-Billancourt, the Bergamasque guitar quartet has benefited from the teachings of Gérard Abiton, Pascal Proust and Philippe Ferro, and performs in France at concerts and festivals. Anxious to extend their music to a wide audience, they also perform for audiences with disabilities, and add a historical and educational dimension to their performances. Since september, they are studying with Claire Désert and Jens Mc Manama at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, preparing a Master's degree in chamber music for the next two years. They wish to take advantage of this opportunity to develop their projects by opening them to other artistic forms. Developing the repertoire of their formation is one of their priorities, and it is through programmes made up almost entirely of their arrangements that they intend to introduce the guitar quartet, taking advantage of their four equal instruments to bring a spatial dimension to the works they transcribe: the themes travel, the instrumentalists are sometimes soloists, sometimes accompanists. This willingness to transcribe pieces that are not originally for their group allows them to think of their programmes around structuring themes, giving rise to projects that go beyond their instrument. "Schubertiade" marks the first step of this adventure. Why this "Schubertiade"? The Schubertiades were private evenings where friends, musicians and aristocrats gathered around Franz Schubert. They were moments of musical and human sharing, as much a pretext for music as for celebration, and saw the creation of a good number of Schubert's masterpieces, notably thanks to the deep ties he maintained with the pianist and composer Anselm Hüttenbrenner or the baritone Johann Michael Vogl. The artistic emulation that emerged, tinged with strong friendships, inspired the members of the Quatuor Bergamasque : in 2020 they created the "Collectif Bergamasque", an artistic association that aims to bring together artists from all horizons around projects that inspire them. Mark Pancek, baritone, and Zoénine Laurent-Perroto, visual artist, were added to their Schubertiade, bringing a new dimension to the project. Progress of the project All the pieces that will make up the first production of the Collectif Bergamasque, a double album, were recorded this summer. The programme includes pieces by Schubert, of course, but also by his faithful friend Anselm Hüttenbrenner, and Felix Mendelssohn, to whom we owe the discovery of his 'Great Symphony'. We will hear these pieces through the guitars of the Quatuor Bergamasque, but also through other formations: singing will be in the spotlight, and the Collectif has some nice surprises in store for you... The double album is currently being mixed by Aurélien Bourgois, and the visuals (Zoénine Laurent-Perroto) and the booklet (Oriane Delville) are being created. Another central element of their project, a video clip produced by the Collective, is being written by Violette and Théo Martin (Artscopia), and will propose a visual interpretation of the links that the Collective seeks to weave between its values and the spirit of the Schubertiades... All of this on one of the most beautiful musical pearls of which Schubert has the secret... The Schubertiade does not stop there! Several programmes involving other musicians, and closely linked to the project's theme, are currently being developed, and will give rise to future performances and recordings... A second clip, in the colours of "Spring", is also planned for 2023. Dates to remember The 19th of November, anniversary of Franz Schubert's death, is a key date that the Collectif Bergamasque has kept in mind: it is indeed on this date that the double album will be available for listening on the main streaming platforms (Spotify, Deezer, Youtube). In parallel, the next few weeks promise to be rich in information: videos (in addition to the video), the visual of the album cover, and other surprises will be revealed... A game contest will also be launched very soon, so keep an eye out! To be followed on the networks, every Monday and Thursday... ! Website : Collectif Bergamasque Youtube : Collectif Bergamasque Facebook : Collectif Bergamasque Instagram : Collectif Bergamasque Soundcloud : Collectif Bergamasque

Allocation of funds

The funds raised will be used to finance the pressing of the double album, to pay our visual artist, Zoénine Laurent-Perroto for her work on the cover, and Oriane Delville for writing the booklet. It will also be used to finance the production of our promotional video, by paying the video artists Violette and Théo Martin. Finally, the fundraising will allow us to pay a press agent to spread the word about this project !


Dedicated double-CD + mention in the credits of the clip


  • 22 contributions

Mention dans le générique du clip promotionnel


  • 3 contributions

2 stickers + signed double-CD + mention in the credits of the clip


  • 9 contributions

Silk-screened bag + counterparts of lower amounts


  • 8 contributions

Invitation to the album's release concert + compensation for the lower amounts


  • 11 contributions

Personalized drawing by Zoénine Laurent-Perroto + lower counterparts


  • 2 contributions

Private concert on the album programme (30min) + lower counterparts


Private concert on the programme of the album (1h) + lower counterparts


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