Hold Your Horses - First album

Hold your Horses ! is a band that is full of love. After two EPs, we are getting ready to record our first LP. For that we need your help!

Project visual Hold Your Horses - First album
End date
Out of €10,000
117 %

Supported by

ZIMBALAM supports the project Hold Your Horses - First albumRadio Campus Paris (93.9FM) supports the project Hold Your Horses - First album
AlexF1294212 days

Y a plus qu'à !

frpottier4218 days

À très vite j'espère ;)

sowdah4218 days

Vous êtes bons et vous mêmes vous le savez. L'album en consécration, la gloire à vos pieds !

jerome.duchene.124219 days

Continuer comme cela! J'ai hâte d'écouter votre premier album, j'ai adoré vos 2 EPs. Music is the best thing in the world.

jaumetarasco4220 days

Hi! First of all, I want a concert in Barcelona! Come to Spain! Can you put your (all band) autograph on the CD? Thnx for the "fresh" music! :D

ZIMBALAM4251 days

Allez on y est presque !

descobar4253 days

Besos from Guadalajara!

benburnstoshine4255 days

parce que vous le valez bien ! bonne continuation dans votre projet d'album ! bises florian (The Malows)

Billou4257 days

Fab, envoie moi les dates de concert. Biz

harold.vdb4261 days

I really hope you can make it guys! Good luck!

Steph VDB4261 days

I have a good feeling about this new album, it's the one that will turn you into international rock stars! Oh, but when Hold Your Horses will be filling Wembley Stadium with 60,000 screaming fans, that's when I'll give you a call and ask for my private concert ;) Your biggest fan xx

makpiano4265 days

Love your music! Good luck with the recording!!!