Kaat Arnaert
Recording my first solo album. Finance and contribute to my first album and Make this musical adventure possible with me

Any news?
7 months since mixing and still no news for a release date?

Dear people, The last mixes are as good as finished! Now a small group of close people ( muscians) are listening and than the album will go for the master. The Album will come out as NOMAN. That is now the name my Band is carrying now. Drums, percussion and soudscapes are created by Matthijs Vanderleen ( Tommigun, Marblesound) and Synths and piano By David Thomaere (Davidthomaere Trio, Billie). You can see some pictures in the studio on our facebook page NOMAN, take a look. It has been long journey but assure you it was worth it . We took a bit of time to find the right person ( Steven Van Gelder @ Great Oak studio) to record and mix our album. But now we are really very happy with the result and i hope you will be too. We hope to get out the first song by november and release the album in the beginning of 2017. But of course You will be the first one's to hear the songs. I do trully aplogize for the waiting!! I will reward your trust in me and my songs soon with the coming of the album and with that the concerts and artwork... Also I have to say that In between the rush of time i became a mother of twins Moon and Lio. Two lovely boy's who are two months now but being pregnant and being a mother took quiet a lot of my time. But now almost everything is set. Soon you will have a new update. All my love to You Warm Greetings Kaat
What he said. It's been a year since your last update.
Any news? How's the record session going? Cheers!

Geweldig Kaat. Dikke proficiat en verder nog enorm veel succes. Roland
Beste Kaat, zaterdag hebben Emma en ikzelf je bezig gezien in de Botanique. We waren beide onder de indruk van je muziek en de mooie, aangrijpende teksten. Met deze bijdrage hoop ik dat je project zal lukken en kan ik tevens mijn lieveling een mooie verrassing aanbieden. Succes! Eva

allez, c'est la dernière ligne droite, videz vos poches !
Betse Kaat Anal, de CD moet! er komen! Go get 'm all!!! xxxxxxxxxxm

Continuez votre projet de toutes vos forces!. Votre voix est formidable. J'attends avec impatience votre album! Bon courage Vincent
It's been over five years since it was supposedly going in for mixing. Any news?