January 31, 2017
La Transatlantique
Join Mehdi in this documentary and discover your limits in a quest for ultimate freedom across the Atlantic.

End date
Out of €3,000
102 %
La Transatlantique
<strong>About me:</strong></p>
I'm a 27 year old film-maker with a passion for travels, always after new projects. I'm also passionate about the human being and his capacity to adapt to any situation. In my work I try to expose our limits and fears but also understand what makes us such risk-takers. Through my project I wish to do the same by putting myself out of my comfort zone : I've always been afraid of open water. Follow me and support me through this epic journey and discover your own limits! <img alt="14925449_10157729284195652_9134650660510764610_n-1482925268" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/379975/14925449_10157729284195652_9134650660510764610_n-1482925268.jpg"></p>
<strong>Some context:</strong></p>
Floating from Cabo Verde to Barbados, the Lucky IV (36 feet) adds a new member to the 2 people sailing team. With no experience whatsoever on the ocean, little/no knowledge about navigation and a natural fear of open water, Mehdi will take you through the joy and suffering and the human challenge of spending 20 days on a boat with strangers!<img alt="Capture_d__cran__155_-1482924488" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/379973/Capture_d__cran__155_-1482924488.png"></p>
We will be leaving Sao Vicente on the 2nd of january, departing for a 20 day adventure all the way to Barbados. I will have to learn how to sail in 1 or 2 days in order to be able to manage the boat so everyone can get their rest.</p>
<img alt="Lucky3-1482917607" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/379942/lucky3-1482917607.jpg"></p>
<strong>Provisionnal timetable:</strong></p>
<strong>30/12: Take-off from Paris</strong></p>
<strong>31/12: Arrive at Sao Vicente, Mindelo, Cabo Verde</strong></p>
<strong>22/01: Provisional arrival atBarbades</strong></p>
<strong>26/01: Take-off from Bridgetown to Paris </strong></p>
<strong>30/01 - 03/02: Rough assembly </strong></p>
<strong>08/02: Teaser sent to KissBankers</strong></p>
<strong>25/02 : Posters sent</strong></p>
<strong>Février -Mars : Editing</strong></p>
<strong>15/03: Custoomized photo album sent</strong></p>
<strong>Avril: Final product sent to KissBankers</strong></p>
Allocation of funds
Each and every one of us has their fears and anxieties and many of us dream of being finally able to face those limits in order to change, evolve, be better, stronger. The goal of this project is to take one of those fears, shared or at least understood by many, and break down the different steps a human being goes through when taking on such a challenge. I'm a 27 year old film-maker who has always been afraid of open water and i'm going to sail across the Atlantic with 2 people I have never met.</p>
One of the goals of the film is for everyone to be able to identify themselves with the character and the situation. The other is to have a clearer picture of what life is like during a 2800 mile Atlantic crossing: how does one evolve? how do human relations adapt to the environment? how do we face physical and moral extremes?</p>
<strong>How is this project different? </strong></p>
There are many stories and documentaries about sailing but none which take real interest in the profound human reaction. There will be no stage play, no dramatization and no censoring, everything I will go through you will with me.</p>
<strong>Global Budget:</strong></p>
With 3000€ we will be able to cover the travel and equipment expenses allowing us to focus our energy on post production and distribution once the shooting is done.</p>
<strong>An extra 1500€ </strong>will enable us to translate the project and publish an English version of the film, making it available to all of you!</p>
<strong>Detailed Budget:</strong></p>
Shooting Equipment</p>
DJI OSMO: 585€</p>
DJI Harnais: 70 €</p>
2 x DD Externe 1T Storeva: 218€</p>
4 X Micro SD SANDISK EXTREME PLUS 32G :144€</p>
Micro RODE: 115€</p>
GO PRO Accessories: 85€</p>
Equipment Insurance: 250€</p>
Sailing Equipment</p>
Jacket Tribord: 95€</p>
Tribord waterproof pants: 25€</p>
Acessories: 45€</p>
On board expenses: 200€</p>
<strong>Travel Expenses:</strong></p>
Lille-Paris: 22€</p>
Paris-Sao Vicente + Baggage: 355€</p>
Bridgetown-Paris: 480€</p>
Visa 50€</p>
Securitymargin 10 % = 273€</p>
TOTAL: 3012€</p>
With your help we are confident we will reach our shooting and production goals!
Estimated delivery: March 2017
- 3 contributions
Be the first to receive a private link for an unlimited amount of viewings!
Estimated delivery: March 2017
- 10 contributions
Receive your project poster at home!
+Be the first to receive a private link for an unlimited amount of viewings!
Estimated delivery: March 2017
- 12 contributions
Get your name on the film credits by backing us!
+Be the first to receive a private link for an unlimited amount of viewings!
+Get your project poster!
Estimated delivery: March 2017
- 13 contributions
A private viewing of the film will be organized for our backers depending on the amount raised.
+Be the first to receive a private link for an unlimited amount of viewings!
+Get your project poster!
+Get your name on the film credits!
Estimated delivery: March 2017
- 2 contributions
Two passes to a private viewing of the film which will be organized for our backers depending on the amount raised. +Be the first to receive a private link for an unlimited amount of viewings! +Get your name on the film credits!
- 4 contributions
Receive a compilation of unreleased scenes!
+A private viewing of the film will be organized for our backers depending on the amount raised.
+Be the first to receive a private link for an unlimited amount of viewings!
+Get your project poster!
+Get your name on the film credits!
Estimated delivery: March 2017
- 2 contributions
Get your own customized photo album of the adventure!
+Receive a compilation of unreleased scenes!
+A private viewing of the film will be organized for our backers depending on the amount raised.
+Be the first to receive a private link for an unlimited amount of viewings!
+Get your project poster!
+Get your name on the film credits!
Estimated delivery: March 2017
Spend a day with the director and editing team and have your say in post-production process!
+Get your own customized photo album of the adventure!
+Receive a compilation of unreleased scenes!
+A private viewing of the film will be organized for our backers depending on the amount raised.
+Be the first to receive a private link for an unlimited amount of viewings!
+Get your project poster!
+Get your name on the film credits!
Estimated delivery: March 2017
Get your logo featured in our documentary!
Estimated delivery: March 2017