Our crowdfunding ends December 19th! If you are looking for a unique gift, or something to enjoy for yourself, please have a look at our Rewards. Every donation is matched with a special reward -- from postcards to prints or books! Thank you for your support. <img alt="Time-1449948532" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/259848/time-1449948532.jpg" /></p>
Le Cercle de la Vie: Recueil de Perles de Sagesse - The Circle of Life: Gathering Pearls of Wisdom
An award-winning nature photography book with prose in English & French, it combines the beauty of nature with intuitive metaphors.
![Project visual Le Cercle de la Vie: Recueil de Perles de Sagesse - The Circle of Life: Gathering Pearls of Wisdom](https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/resized/380x0/quality:90/https%253A%252F%252Fdjxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net%252Fuploads%252Fproject%252Favatar%252F59827%252Flarge_Accroche_KKBB_c-4-1447934395-1447934410.jpg)
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<img alt="Heart-1449256841" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/257616/Heart-1449256841.jpg" /></p>
Our book, <strong>Le Cercle de la Vie: Recueil de Perles de Sagesse / The Circle of Life: Gathering Pearls of Wisdom,</strong> has an unusual way of encouraging people to be imaginative.</p>
At first, people scan through the book and look at the photographs. Then they go back and read the text. The book has a subtle and peaceful feeling. Next, people study the photos more closely. The photos are in macro format, so someone looks at a particular image and says ‘what’s this?’ Our answer is always ‘what do you think it is?’ </p>
That’s when the fun starts! Everyone has a different interpretation of what a photo represents. Like when you look up at clouds on a summer day and imagine different shapes or things. </p>
Sometimes people will look at photographs and it reminds them of an experience or time period in their life. They’ll share a story and we get to know more about the person. When we created the book, we didn’t anticipate this reaction. But it’s really wonderful! It’s the first book I’ve ever written and it makes me happy to see people enjoy it. </p>
One evening we asked a group of people to share their thoughts about the book. It was a great time :-)</p>
- Patricia</p>
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<img alt="Un-grand-merci-ods-1448296626" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/254158/un-grand-merci-ODS-1448296626.jpg" /></p>
Hello there! </p>
The photographs in <strong>Le Cercle de la Vie: Recueil de Perles de Sagesse / The Circle of Life: Gathering Pearls of Wisdom</strong> were taken at a greenhouse in the Jardin des Plantes, a botanical garden located in the 5ème arrondissement in Paris. The magnificent park was created in 1626.</p>
The original greenhouses were built between 1834 and 1836 and among the first glass and metal greenhouses in the world. As the centuries passed, the greenhouses showed the effects of time and by 2004 there was damage to metal structure and broken glass. The greenhouses were closed for five years for extensive renovation. Today, there are four greenhouses dedicated to tropical rainforest vegetation, deserts, plants of New Caledonia and one that highlights botanical history. </p>
The greenhouses provide a pleasant home for the large plant community. It is also a quiet oasis in a busy city, where you can wander and let your curiosity and imagination guide you. This was the inspiration for our book. We hope that you enjoy it!</p>
Patricia & Patrick</p>
<strong>Take a short video tour of the greenhouses</strong> <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x18ih6n_grandes-serres-du-jardin-des-plantes_travel" target="_blank">here.</a></p>
<em>Video by the National Museum of Natural History</em></p>
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Hi everyone,</p>
A big thanks to the first contributors to our book - we deeply appreciate your support and kindness! </p>
Patricia & Patrick</p>