Love Revolution 2024 : Secret Love Project x Moksha Souldrink

Give & receive Love

Project visual Love Revolution 2024 : Secret Love Project x Moksha Souldrink
End date
Out of €1,000
140 %

Love Revolution 2024 : Secret Love Project x Moksha Souldrink

Hello everyone, welcome to the crowdfunding of Moksha Souldrink, number 2 !!! __________________ Give & Receive Love, starting now! __________________ We tell you how. The healthy juice brand "Moksha Souldrink" Blackcurrant Chaï, is teaming up with the humanitarian initiative in Cape Town, "Secret Love Project" to revolutionize our direct environments through love. We are happy to present heart-shaped stickers that will bring joy and delight to you and your loved ones. (english caption on youtube) __________________ __________________ The initiative is multi-faceted and generous: With theses stickers you brighten our visual environments. They act as stimuli that positively nourish our subconscious. Offer them to your loved ones and stick them around you! You are contributing to a humanitarian project (Secret Love Project) that produces these stickers to help homeless individuals create a source of income. Check out @secretloveproject, it's beautiful and inspiring. You also contribute to the funding of the next production of Moksha Souldrink, these delicious blackcurrant chaï juices. For those who don't know us yet, we can't wait for you to taste these little gems! __________________ __________________ Why heart-shaped stickers? 1) With these Heart stickers, you return to childhood, indulge yourself, and decorate your favorite objects. 2) You give beautiful gifts to your loved ones and even to strangers. 3) You are part of a community that contributes to the emergence of a more fulfilled world. 4) You are part of those who share love more than hate. 5) You are part of the pioneers of the world of tomorrow and help to showcase it to the world via the media coverage of the 2024 Olympics. ... __________________ I am super excited to share this initiative with you, an opportunity for all of us. Imagine an environment where subliminal messages are directly imbued with love. Imagine a day where you can find and offer such simple yet essential little gifts. __________________ Well this day is today! So congratulations to you for mastering the law of attraction. You are already (directly or indirectly) part of a group of people who are deeply committed to values that unite us as human beings and that protect and promote life. What a beautiful victory to celebrate together! __________________ Without further ado, discover and order our sticker sets, stock up on gifts for this lovely spring/summer 2024 that promises so much for you and others, and support two meaningful human projects.

Allocation of funds

You contribute to producing your stickers and their delivery. Secondly, Secret Love Project is our partner association for this exciting project. They are already distributing these hearts in Cape Town to help the homeless earn an income. You also help fund the production of stickers for the Secret Love Project association. Finally, you participate in funding the next production of the delicious bottles of our famous Moksha Souldrink juice. Thank you greatly for your generosity and love.


Trio gagnant, Amour naissant


  • 5 contributions
3 packs de 3 stickers soit l'équivalent de 9 stickers avec la possibilité d'obtenir jusqu'à 9 couleurs de stickers différentes.

Le 6 sacré : pour un amour parfait


  • 2 contributions
6 packs complets de 3 stickers soit 1 pack pour soi et 5 cadeaux ou encore 1 sticker pour soi et 17 cadeaux ...

9 fois 3 coeurs : le grand bain d'amour.


  • 5 contributions
La contribution de ceux qui veulent se dépasser. Donner c'est recevoir. En prenant cette option vous ouvez les portes de l'abondance spontanée.
Featured reward

le 11, une transformation vers l'amour infini


  • 1 contribution
Laissez parfois sa raison de côté et se laisser guider par le coeur, c'est le secret d'un avenir éblouissant. Inclus 33 coeurs autocollants à partager partout.

Donner pour donner, tout donner...


  • 1 contribution
... c'est la seule façon d'aimer. inclus 111 packs de 3 stickers.

Prendre part à la LOVE ECONOMY


1010 packs de 3 stickers soit bel et bien 3030 stickers. Des economics en miroir on aime!! Pour ceux qui veulent vendre des coeurs dans leur business et faire grandir le love dans leur environnement aussi. Coeur coeur to you.

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