October 11, 2012
Make It Up
Help us finance Make It Up, a festival of up-cycling featuring intelligent objects ! Three days of prototyping to create together useful, sustainable and connected objects. 2 days of exhibition, talks and fun open to everyone!

End date
Out of €7,000
101 %
Make It Up
<img alt="Make_it_upheader" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/831/Make_It_Upheader.jpg"></p>
<em>Imagine an old umbrella which connects to the Internet every morning and tells you whether you should take it with you or not... Essential under the gloomy Parisian skies, no?</em></p>
This is exactly what Make It Up is all about! Creating the objects of tomorrow using the objects of yesterday. </p>
Make It Up is an event which will take place in December 2012 in Saint-Ouen, north of Paris. Those of us who believe that we can build the intelligent & connected objects of tomorrow using yesterday's "junk" are more than welcome to participate and contribute!</p>
<strong>1/ The Event</strong></p>
Make It Up has two discrete phases:</p>
<img alt="Makeathon-icono" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/209/makeathon-icono.png"></p>
S<em>tep 1: MAKEATHON, December 1-2-3 at Mains d'Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen</em></p>
For three days, designers, engineers, artists, handymen... will work together in multi-disciplinary teams to create their prototypes of open, useful, sustainable and connected objects.</p>
To their aid will come a mini-fablab (<em>3D printers, laser-cutter, ...</em>) as well as "junk" from the local recycling center and objects which their kind masters (i.e. locals from Saint-Ouen) chose to abandon.</p>
<img alt="Exposition-icono" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/210/exposition-icono.png"></p>
<em>Step 2: EXHIBITION, December 8-9, Marché Malassis</em></p>
Prototyping is not enough! We believe that an intelligent object is nothing without its user. For this reason, we open up all creations to the public at the local flea market!</p>
The public will play, laugh and experiment with the prototypes under the guidance of their creators. There will be music, performaces, talks, all, right before the festive December holidays!</p>
<img alt="Makeitup-schema" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/178/makeitup-schema.png"></p>
If you have always dreamt of building a chair that can talk, transform an old TV in a tweeting aquarium, hack a lamp so that it becomes a weather station at home... Make It Up is your one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to finally give birth to a useful, sustainable and connected prototype.</p>
<strong>2/ The Team</strong></p>
We are a collective of companies active in the fields of Internet of Things & Up-cycling:</p>
<img alt="Logo-noda-kkbb" height="44" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/179/logo-noda-KKBB.png" width="108"><a href="http://nod-a.com/" target="_blank">Nod-A</a>, which is leading the project, creates innovative set-ups to help companies innovate.</p>
<img alt="Logo-weaveair1-kkbb" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/180/logo-weaveair1-kkbb.png"><a href="http://www.weave-air.eu/en/" target="_blank">weave AIR</a> is a strategy and innovation consulting firm that aims to design and promote new models of responsibility and sustainability for companies.</p>
<img alt="Logo-fing-kkbb" height="56" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/181/logo-fing-kkbb.png" width="75"><a href="http://fing.org/?About-Fing&lang=fr" target="_blank">FING</a> is a non-profit organization that creates, detects and shares novel and actionable ideas to anticipate digital transformations.</p>
<img alt="Logo-readiymate-kkbb" height="39" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/182/logo-readiymate-kkbb.png" width="130"><a href="http://www.readiymate.com/" target="_blank">reaDIYmate</a> creates new objects that can connect to the Internet.</p>
<img alt="Logo-makingsociety-kkbb" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/183/logo-makingsociety-kkbb.png"><a href="http://makingsociety.com/" target="_blank">MakingSociety</a> is a media website specialized in Open Hardware and digital fabrication.</p>
<img alt="Logo-wiithaa-small-kkbb" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/184/logo-wiithaa-small-kkbb.png"><a href="http://wiithaa.com/" target="_blank">Wiithaa</a> is a network and platform for upcycling designers.</p>
We also count in the team:</p>
<img alt="Logo-plainecommune-kkbb" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/185/logo-plainecommune-KKBB.gif"><a href="http://www.plainecommune.fr/page/p-447/art_id-/" target="_blank">Plaine Commune</a> that gather 8 cities in the North of Paris.</p>
<img alt="Logo-saintouen-kkbb" height="71" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/186/logo-saintouen-kkbb.png" width="96"> The <a href="http://www.ville-saintouen.fr/" target="_blank">City of Saint-Ouen</a> where the event will take place.</p>
We are already working hard on the project. Partners are embarking our ship:</p>
<strong>Media Partner</strong></p>
<img alt="Logo-dailymotion1-kkbb" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/187/logo-dailymotion1-kkbb.jpg"></p>
<strong>Technical Partners</strong></p>
<img alt="Logo-march_-malassis-kkbb" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/189/logo-March_-Malassis-kkbb.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Logo_eta_baseline_web" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/254/LOGO_ETA_BASELINE_WEB.jpg"></p>
<strong>Financial Partners</strong></p>
<img alt="Logo-kkbb-e13485562677321" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/190/logo-kkbb-e13485562677321.jpg"></p>
<img alt="Logo-direccts-kkbb" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/191/logo-Direccts-kkbb.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
We call upon you to finance this large initiative. Funding is necessary for covering the event expenses, installation of the mini fablab, gathering of the objects, buying of tools, electronics and sensors. </p>
We want to be sure that makers will be able to prototype amazing objects in the best conditions.</p>
Please support us and we will give you a small gift in return!</p>
- 3 contributions
Your name will appear on our website as well as a a large poster during the Makeathon.
- 6 contributions
3 stickers Make It Up made by the street artist Rishane
- 22 contributions
Ticket pour les étudiants qui participeront au Makeathon (seulement pour les participants & coachs qui ont été sélectionnés)
- 1 contribution
A skill badge Make It Up in limited serie that you can stitch on your clothes or bag.
- 19 contributions
Un tee-shirt série limitée et toutes les contreparties précédentes
- 25 contributions
Ticket pour les professionnels qui participeront au Makeathon (seulement pour les participants & coachs qui ont été sélectionnés)
- 2 contributions
A unique and personal object made in our mini fablab
- 2 contributions
A place for an atelier organised by the Etablisienne on upcycling. And all previous goodies!
Conference in your company with the organizing team of Make it Up. Insights and first hand information on the Internet of Things, Do It Yourself and Upcycling movement against Planned Obsolescence.
Bronze partnership: logo and mention in our event communication, an interview in our blog and a special invitation to have access to the full event.