September 1, 2013
MITI @ Venice Biennale 2013
ICI asks your kind support for the Thai artist Miti Ruangkritya to join his first outbound solo exhibition during the Venice Biennale 2013.

End date
Out of €1,900
127 %
MITI @ Venice Biennale 2013
<strong>Imagining ACQUA ALTA </strong></p>
<strong>Miti Ruangkritya</strong></p>
Thai photographer</p>
<strong>During the Venice Biennale</strong></p>
1 June - 24 November 2013</p>
<strong>Private and press preview </strong>29 - 30 - 31 May 2013</p>
<strong>Opening party</strong> 1 June 2013</p>
<strong>ICI - Istituto Culturale Internazionale</strong></p>
<strong>Magazzino del Caffe’ </strong></p>
Rio Marin - Santa Croce 923 - Venezia</p>
Fermata Vaporetto : Ferrovia or Riva de biasio</p>
Contact : <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
<u><strong>- ABOUT Imagining ACQUA ALTA by Miti Ruangkritya</strong></u></p>
<strong>For the Venice Biennale 2013, under the title Imagining AQUA ALTA, the curators of ICI - Magazzino del Caffe’ Chi Phan and Olivier Perpoint, wish to present a photos selection of the emerging Thai photographer Miti Ruangkritya as his first outbound solo exhibition.</strong></p>
His photographic study of the 2011 mega floods in Bangkok, captures the foreboding and surreal nature of the event by presenting the flood in a dreamlike, otherworldly way.</p>
Bangkok is at many points similar to Venice concerning the reasons to flood: canals alteration, new buildings, global warming, soil texture, tides.</p>
With the aim of cross culture encounters and questioning, Miti Ruangkritya’s photographic work around water element at night enlightens these two similar surreal aspects of Venice and Bangkok.</p>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="" src=""></a></p>
<u><strong>- ABOUT Miti Ruangkritya</strong></u></p>
Bangkok - 1981</p>
<strong>Miti Ruangkritya an emerging artist who has won many international photographic competitions, was born in Bangkok in 1981. He graduated with an MA in photojournalism from University of Westminster, London, in 2008.</strong></p>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
<strong>AWARDS</strong> </p>
‘Honourable Mentions', Magenta Flash Forward - Emerging Photographers, UK, 2012 </p>
'Silver Medal' (Fine Art, Landscape/Professional), Prix de la Photographie (PX3), Paris, 2012</p>
Honourable Mentions (Deeper Perspective & Night Photography/professional) - International Photography Awards, 2012, USA</p>
'Selected Winners', Magenta Flash Forward - Emerging Photographers, UK, 2011</p>
<strong>SOLO EXHIBITION</strong></p>
<a href="">'Imagining Flood', Kathmandu Gallery, Bangkok,</a><strong> </strong></p>
<strong>GROUP EXHIBITIONS</strong></p>
<a href="">Art13, London 2013</a></p>
<a href="">Chobi Mela, Bangladesh, 2013</a></p>
<a href="">Singapore International Photography Festival, 2012</a></p>
<a href="">Prix de la Photographie (PX3), Escape Dupon, Paris 2012</a></p>
<a href="">"Temporary Storage #01", Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre, 2012</a></p>
<a href="">"Space Shift" featured in 'Messy Sky' no 00, vol 2, Le Plateau, Paris, 2011</a></p>
<a href="">"Foto8 Summer Show", Host Gallery, London, 2011</a></p>
"Off The Page", Ambika P3, MA Degree, London, 2009</p>
<u><strong>- ABOUT The Art Book: Imagining Flood</strong></u></p>
Limited edition of 100 copies</p>
The book Imagining Flood, printed in a limited edition of 100 copies, will be on sale at <a href="" target="_blank">the next door concept store Nero di Sepia</a> and in <a href="" target="_blank">the ICI Online Shop</a>.</p>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="" src=""></a></p>
<u><strong>- More details and informations for the curious</strong></u></p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Link to About the Imagining Acqua Alta museography</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Link to About Miti’s press publications</a></p>
<a href="" target="_blank">“Why Bangkok, why Venice” by the Curators of Imagining ACQUA ALTA</a></p>
<u><strong>- Miti’s interview</strong></u></p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Link to Read the interview</a></p>
Allocation of funds
<u><strong>- Why and how you can fund Miti @ Venice Biennale 2013</strong></u></p>
<strong>ICI is producing by itself Miti Ruangkritya’s Imagining Acqua Alta exhibition. The total production cost is estimated at 6 160 euros including technical costs such as the art pieces shipping and the scenography, communication cost and the artist trip to Venice estimated at 2 220 euros.</strong></p>
Miti @ Venice Biennale 2013 fund rising is concerning only Miti’s trip to Venice as ICI is looking for other ways to support the other production cost. We believe that the whole project Imagining ACQUA ALTA makes sense only with the <strong>presence of Miti Ruangkritya</strong> <strong>in Venice</strong> because:</p>
Imagining ACQUA ALTA will be <strong>his first outbound Solo exhibition</strong></p>
ICI core and essential value is <strong>to make encounters happens</strong>. For a <strong>Thai young artist</strong> it would be a real chance to meet international artists from the Venice Biennale, one of the biggest event in that field.</p>
Imagining ACQUA ALTA is based on a <strong>confrontation</strong> between two cities (Bankgkok, Venice) but also <strong>two populations</strong>. Who better than Miti Ruangkritya can represent Thai people at Imagining ACQUA ALTA</p>
<img alt="Img_0287" src=""></p>
<u><strong>Miti @ Venice Biennale 2013 fund rising details</strong></u></p>
As mentioned above the fund will help Miti to travel to Venice. We are asking your kind help to collect 1 900 euros that will be totally absorbed in the 2 220 euros cost of the trip. If the kissbanker’s fund is reaching more than 1 900 euros ICI commits to use that fund for the artist trip and beyond for the communication cost.</p>
<strong>Artist trip to Europe costs</strong></p>
Roundflight tickets Bangkok / Venice / Bangkok : 1 050 Euros</p>
Accomodation in Venice : 1 170 Euros</p>
Total : 2 220 Euros</p>
<u><strong>- Benefices for the the Kissbankers to help with the fund rising Miti @ Venice Biennale 2013</strong></u></p>
<strong>Thank you for your interest in the Miti @ Venice Biennale 2013 project.</strong> We hope that you share our core willing to make Miti’s trip to Venice. So if you are an individual and you wish to participate we created different levels of funding with some benefices accordingly.</p>
<em>You are our main financial support to date. Please feel free to pass the word and share your precious comments with us</em>.</p>
Hope to welcome you soon on our facebook page, our website or even better ….in Venice!</p>
Olivier Perpoint et Chi Phan</p>
<img alt="Img_0272" src=""></p>
- 4 contributions
- Personalized thank you message from ICI on ICI website
+ Personalized thank you message from ICI on facebook page
- 11 contributions
of Imagining AQUA ALTA on 1 june 2013.
+ previous reward.
- 10 contributions
- One copy of COLLECTOR Imagining ACQUA ALTA POSTCARD (limited edition).
+ previous reward.
- 6 contributions
on 29 or 30 or 31 may 2013.
+ previous reward.
- One copy of COLLECTOR Imagining ACQUA ALTA POSTER (limited edition).
+ previous reward.
- 2 contributions
- ONE COPY OF Imagining ACQUA FLOOD ART BOOK (100 copy limited edition).
+ previous reward.
- 1 contribution
- Personalized thank you message from ICI in the Imagining ACQUA ALTA visitor guide.
- Personalized thank you message from ICI displayed within Imagining ACQUA ALTA
+ previous reward.
- Your LOGO or NAME special mention display as « Thanks to the generous support of
the … » in ALL COMMUNICATION TOOLS by ICI for Imagining ACQUA ALTA exhibition.
+ ONE EXTRA COPY OF Imagining ACQUA ALTA ART BOOK (limited edition).
and Imagining ACQUA ALTA curators (from 28 may till 2 june 2013)
+ previous reward.