Mixed Up Everything - New Album!

New Album - Donate to save rock!

Project visual Mixed Up Everything - New Album!
End date
Out of €7,000
110 %
Charles-Fassel1989 days

Congrats! I was sure your fans would come through for you! Looking forward to your new album. May fame and fortune come your way!

Paulo-Gazolla1989 days

you guys desearve it!! years saving with haircuts!!! now let's rock.

Marcus-Höting1990 days

Excellent. Even 10% more than expected. I hope your recording sessions will be successful.

Carl-FONTINOY1990 days

Congratulations guys, you made it... !

Alicja-Fudali1990 days

You will be huge I know that. Just a matter of time. Keep going xx hope to see you in Poland one day

Hamidi-Saidi1995 days

Rock on bros...love ur covers.. gonna check out ur 1st album....best of luck and success - from ur fan in Singapore

Marlon-Swienty1996 days

Keep on rockin' guys, would love to see a full album, some cover songs, but also maybe your own songs? Greetings from Germany!

Aleksey Borodulin 1996 days

Make it happen, fellas! Best of luck!

Jasper-Reilly1997 days

Hey guys I love your stuff can’t wait to hear more. I’m in high school and I’m the lead singer and guitarist of a band myself and we’re trying to record an album and make a name for ourselves so keep it up.

Steven-Mundy1997 days

I bought your first album, now I'll help with next, rock on!

Rogier-Cats2000 days

Rock it!!

Brayan-Alfaro2001 days

Good luck on your endeavor boys! 🤘🏼