NEW STRETCH GOAL! Be part of the new wave of film photography!

Help us create the photo lab of our dreams!

Project visual NEW STRETCH GOAL! Be part of the new wave of film photography!
End date
Out of €5,000
117 %
Aeris-Raymaekers1576 days

Un petit don même si je suis broke, parceque j'ai tellement hâte de voir ce projet se réaliser :) aerishcoffee

Mori Film Lab1576 days

Un grand grand merci Aeris! On a hâte de développer vos pelicules!

Jake-Williams1578 days

Awesome stuff lads, can not wait untill I can pop on over to Brussels and say gday

Mori Film Lab1577 days

Cheers Jake, please do! We'll be ready for you (:

Bo-Kok1579 days

Sending love and support from Melbourne! Hope to be able to see the space with my own eyes one day....

Mori Film Lab1578 days

Thanks so much Bo, I hope so too! You'll have to drop by during your Hamburg year!

Mike-Liu-21582 days

support from down under

Mori Film Lab1582 days

Thank you Mike. We miss you!

Liana-Joyce1582 days

Good luck boys! Xx

Mori Film Lab1582 days

Thanks so much for breaking our goal Tita! Please come see us next time you're over! ❤️

donfeuk1582 days

Super projet ! Hâte de pouvoir apprécier votre boulot !

Mori Film Lab1582 days

Un grand merci pour votre support!

Arno-Verbruggen1582 days

Superbe projet! Encore un petit effort! Vous y êtes presque!

Mori Film Lab1582 days

Merci Arno! You're the best

Griffin-Simm1583 days

Best of luck! Love from Melbourne <3

Mori Film Lab1583 days

Thanks heaps Griffin, absolute legend (:

Frank-Eisenblätter1592 days

Nous vous souhaitant patience, persévérance et que la bonne chance soit avec vous.Frank, Lucette & Julia

Mori Film Lab1591 days

Un grand grand merci Frank! Ça nous aide vraiment!

Jaki-Porter1599 days

The Cote Contingent wish you both every success with the business.

Mori Film Lab1599 days

Wow thank you so much! You have to come visit once you can! (:

Cyra-Locsin1600 days

So happy for the start of your new journey!!! Go get em boys! Lots of love from Perth <3 xx- Daisy

Mori Film Lab1600 days

Thanks heaps Daisy! Big hugs from us both, you're the best!

Johan-Feche1600 days

So happy for you guys ;) Please open a second one in Paris soon ... ;)

Mori Film Lab1600 days

Thank you so much Johan! Maybe we can work on that together 😉