December 2, 2020
N'GO - Baskets sociales et solidaires
N’GO is a new original and social brand made by vietnamese craftwomen!

End date
Out of €10,000
170 %
N'GO - Baskets sociales et solidaires
<p><img alt="Kkbb_nouvel_objectif_english__2_-1496122421" src=""> <img alt="2_-_copie-1494251420" src=""><img alt="2-1494251427" src=""><img alt="1-1493057664" src=""></p><p><img alt="2-1493057684" src=""><img alt="3-1493071089" src=""><img alt="4-1493071103" src=""></p><p><img alt="5-1493057737" src=""></p><p><img alt="6-1493057752" src=""></p><p><img alt="7-1493057765" src=""></p><p><img alt="2-1493382180" src=""></p><p><img alt="9-1493057796" src=""></p><p><img alt="10bis-1493382211" src=""></p>
Allocation of funds
<p><img alt="3-1494251498" src=""></p><p><img alt="12-1493071130" src=""></p><p><img alt="Objectif_atteint_anglais-1494251465" src=""></p><p><img alt="14-1493057905" src=""></p>
- 2 contributions
********************THE STARTER******************** A BIG THANK YOU for your help! No doubt this will make our project move forward! • A special mention on our website!
Estimated delivery: July 2017

- 8 contributions
*****************THE FIRST STEP***************** THANK YOU for supporting us! • Receive woven bracelet handmade by ethnic minorities (different coloring) • A postcard • A special mention on our website!
Estimated delivery: July 2017

- 165 contributions
*****************THE DRESS CODE***************** This is the N’GO dress code! Thank you so much for your support! • 1 pair of shoes of your choice • For the first 200 pairs pre-ordered,1 handmade wallet offered (different coloring) • A postcard • A special mention on our website!
Price after the campaign: €65. Available from 36 to 46. We will contact you to know your size and your style! Free delivery!
Estimated delivery: July 2017

- 35 contributions
**********************THE PAIR********************** Thank you for this double support! • 2 pairs of shoes of your choice • For the first 200 pairs pre-ordered, 1 handmade wallet offered (different coloring) • A postcard • A special mention on our website!
Price after the campaign: €130. Available from 36 to 46. We will contact you to know your size and your style! Free delivery!
Estimated delivery: July 2017

- 19 contributions
****************THE DEMARCATION****************
Thank you for this great support! • 3 pairs of shoes of your choice • For the first 200 pairs pre-ordered, 1 handmade wallet offered (different coloring) • A postcard • A special mention on our website!
Price after the campaign: €195. Available from 36 to 46. We will contact you to know your size and your style! Free delivery!
Estimated delivery: July 2017