Nikolov-Ivanovic Undectet feat. Magic Malik - Frame and Curiosity

Support the release of the new album by Vladimir Nikolov and Srdjan Ivanovic: Frame and Curiosity by the Nikolov-Ivanovic Undectet

Project visual Nikolov-Ivanovic Undectet feat. Magic Malik - Frame and Curiosity
End date
Out of €5,000
100 %
Kristijan-Nikolov1915 days

I hope this helps reach your goal!

Srdjanovic1914 days

Thank you!!! Blagodarime! :)

goxy841916 days

Super projekat! samo nastvite sa sjajnim radom!

Srdjanovic1916 days


perrine-pivette1922 days

Good luck

Dragan-Markovic1924 days

Good luck guys

Srdjanovic1920 days

Hvala Markoni!!!

MilReb1932 days

Good luck guys!

Srdjanovic1920 days

Hvala kumice!

Ettore-Martin1934 days

Ciao Vlado!

Srdjanovic1934 days

Ciao Ettore! Thank you so much for your support! Grazie mille! Vlado

susanferrary1936 days

Great guys! Keep up the good work!

Srdjanovic1936 days

What a big push, thank you Susan and John!

Judith-Koelemeijer1936 days

We wish you lots of succes!!! Kisses Judith and Vuk

Srdjanovic1936 days

Dank u wel guys, very sweet and generous! Kisses and see you soon I hope!

tara-mcnulty1938 days


Srdjanovic1938 days

Thank you Tara for the support!! :))))

Andreas-Woehle1939 days

Success, Srdjan!

Srdjanovic1938 days

Thank you Andreas!! I'll get the band signing CDs during rehearsals and send you the music as soon as we've completed the goal!