Open de France de Squash au Château des ducs de Bretagne de Nantes

Support the French Open! Become the ambassador of squash’s democratisation!

Project visual Open de France de Squash au Château des ducs de Bretagne de Nantes
End date
Out of €20,000
104 %

Open de France de Squash au Château des ducs de Bretagne de Nantes

<p>Squash has been knocking on the Olympic&rsquo;s door for 35 years. Maybe, the path to our sport&rsquo;s development is somewhere else.</p> <p><strong>In less than 4 years, the Open International of Squash de Nantes has become one of the biggest tournaments on the international circuit.</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>&ldquo;This commitment to combine squash and culture has gave birth to one of the most beautiful tournament on the international circuit&rdquo; Alex Gough - CEO PSA World Tour</p> <p>&ldquo;Most likely the best squash event I have ever got to attend&rdquo; Joey Barrington</p> <p><strong>The adventure began&hellip;</strong></p> <p>In 2015, the story begins at the Lieu Unique, a symbol of Nantes&rsquo; culture, cradle to the very famous &nbsp;biscuit &ldquo;P&rsquo;tit LU&rdquo; : unexpected success. Then began our journey throughout Nantes iconic places : La Cit&eacute; des Congr&egrave;s in 2016, Les Machines de l&rsquo;Ile in 2017 and the Theatre Graslin in 2018.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>The idea was bold in 2015, yet every year, it starts over&hellip;</p> <p>Each year, the Open International of Squash de Nantes surprises everyone with its audacity and originality. Our identity ? <strong>To combine high-level sport and culture in some of the most unusual venues in Nantes. </strong></p> <p>The success the event had&nbsp;in 2018 will remain unforgettable :</p> <p>&ldquo; I have been playing on the international circuit for 18 years. The venue is incredible, the show is breathtaking, <strong>I think we have never seen anything like it.&rdquo; James Willstrop</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><strong>And the adventure continues!</strong></p> <p>In 2019, the Open changes its location once more: <strong>it is the Ch&acirc;teau des ducs de Bretagne&rsquo;s turn to welcome this amazing event</strong>. A world first for squash. This year, the event not only changes his location but also his name :<strong> the Nantes Open becomes the French Open.</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>From a small challenger event to <strong>one of the 12 biggest tournaments on the circuit!</strong></p> <p style="text-align:center">--------------</p> <p style="text-align:center"><strong>French Squash Open | Nantes 2019 in the amazing Ch&acirc;teau des ducs Bretagne</strong></p> <p style="text-align:center">Camille Serme and Gr&eacute;gory Gaultier carry our flag!</p> <p style="text-align:center">They already said yes&nbsp;: Nele Gilis, Joelle King, Amanda Sobhy,</p> <p style="text-align:center">James Willstrop, Gr&eacute;goire Marche, Paul Coll&hellip;</p> <p style="text-align:center">Those who deeply love squash will be in Nantes <strong>from the 10th to the 14th of September 2019.</strong></p>

Allocation of funds

<p><strong>20,000&euro; to make this event an incredible one!</strong></p> <p><strong>You followed the adventure, now we need you!</strong></p> <p>Our goal is to collect 20,000&euro; in order to increase the prize money for both men and women and this way <strong>bring the world&rsquo;s best athlete in the courtyard of Nantes&rsquo; castle.</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>The more money we can collect, the crazier the show will be!</p> <p>20,000&euro; would help seal the budget to organize a SILVER PSA WORLD TOUR event.</p> <p>And 8,000&euro; more would allow us to offer a dream exhibition match before the finals.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Support the French Open! Become the ambassador of squash&rsquo;s democratisation!</strong></p>


Little Friend


  • 6 contributions
- 2019 Poster - Signed photo of the winners

Estimated delivery: October 2019



  • 42 contributions
- Numbered 2019 poster - 2019 Mug - Signed photo of the winners

Estimated delivery: October 2019

Nice Friend


  • 20 contributions
- 1 ticket for the Open : Wednesday, Thursday or Thursday - 2019 Mug and posters - 2019 Ecocup

Estimated delivery: September 2019

Great Friend


  • 37 contributions
- 1 ticket for the Open : Friday or Saturday - 2019 Mug and posters - 2019 Ecocup

Estimated delivery: September 2019

Premium Friend


  • 10 contributions
- 1 ticket for the Open : Friday or Saturday - A Customized jumper - 2019 Ecocup

Estimated delivery: September 2019



  • 9 contributions
- 2 tickets for an evening at the event - Complete goodies pack

Estimated delivery: September 2019

Grand Host


  • 5 contributions
- Guest of the Open : Tournament Pass (Friday - Saturday), VIP access - "Pass culture" Nantes - Customised jumper - Numbered 2019 poster - Signed photo of the winners - 2 free frinks at the "Nid" (famous bar in Nantes)

Estimated delivery: September 2019

Premium Host


  • 4 contributions
- Guest of the Open : 5 days pass, VIP access, private meeting with the players - Your entry in the international amateur tournament - Miniature trophy - Complete goodies pack - Numbered 2019 poster - Signed photo of the winners - "5-day Pass Culture" to discover the city of Nantes - Squash coaching lession at La Maison du Squash - 5-game card at La Maison du Squash - 1 trip on the elephant for 2 people - 2 free drinks at the "Nid" (famous bar in Nantes)

Estimated delivery: September 2019

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