Recording Pam Risourié / 2nd album

After three years of work, our second album is now finished. We are ready to record it.

Project visual Recording Pam Risourié / 2nd album
3 days
Out of €5,000
80 %

Our commitments

Recording Pam Risourié / 2nd album

After almost three years of pre-production work and many versions of each demo, the writing process is now completed. We are recording our second album from 16 to 22 November, at Black Box studio, with Peter Deimel. Black Box Studio ✯ Peter has worked with many alternative rock artists we admire, such as Shellac, The Kills and Anna Calvi; his experience, his approach to different sound textures, influenced by Steve Albini, tends to capture the very essence of a band; his technique seeks a raw, harsh, frontal and authentic method, using authentic materials, implying a live recording laid directly on tapes. The result is a peculiar atmosphere, a feeling of natural proximity with the music and the musicians, that’s what we’re looking for with this new album. Recent work ✯ In the meantime, we released our first LP, days of distortion, mastered by Slowdive’ drummer Simon Scott. We worked on its distribution, both physical (vinyl, K7, CDs,) and digital, its promotion American premiere in The Big Takeover, radios and reviews…), and defended our music through numerous concerts in Paris, France and abroad . We have organized our first independent European tour this spring. The budget ✯ We have also initiated grants procedures, hoping they’ll be completed by the end of September, though we are not very optimistic about relying on them. Indeed, we are aware of evolving in a 'niche' sphere, proposing demanding music, sometimes dense and complex (it is not uncommon to us to exceed twenty guitar tracks playing together in some studio songs), without any commercial pretence. Pursuing the dream of making a living with our art, without making any compromise, implies meaningful life choices: at an average age of 30 years, we all work small day jobs, allowing a flexibility of schedules necessary to our composition and the life of a group; however we are accustomed to a frugal lifestyle. This situation leads us today to ask for your help to finance half of this album; and allow us to ensure a quality of takes that we never had up to this point. The amount we’re aiming for would almost entirely allow us to cover for the week of recording at Black Box studios; we will then ensure the cost of post-production (overdubs, editing, cleaning tracks etc.), mixing and mastering, for a total amount of nearly 10.000 €. The importance of this sum corresponds to the size of the project, and its ambition: the album contains 12 songs. @𝘍𝘡𝘞 𝘍𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭, 𝘋𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘥, 2024 The album ✯ This record will allow us to deepen our universe, while stripping parts of it, whilst also and remaining faithful to our various influences (shoegaze, slowcore, post-rock, etc.). Therefore this album will showcase a greater emphasis on lyrics and songwriting. Themes extend hypersensitive, psychological and introspected exploration that are dear to us, but opens up to the surrounding world and relationships, questioning paths, human trajectories, our approach of the world, contemplative, existential, sometimes spiritual, often marginal. In summary, this evolution leans toward the feeling of being on the fringes of things, but looking at them through one’s own heart instead of being trapped by it. Those 12 songs display their own rich orchestration, written almost note for note, with varied arrangements, as well as an aesthetic and sonic direction long matured, rich of experience, but also defaults, of our previous works. Musically, this quest of sensibility is translated in our search for a particular sound texture, requiring a range of specific gear, and enough time to master it, two factors conditioned by the financial element. Thank you a million times in advance ✩

Allocation of funds

The funds will be solely used to finance the week's recording studio at Black Box (approx. 4.700 € HT), the cost of renting the analog tape (120 € HT) and the KissKissBankBank services fee (420 €). If ever the pot exceeds the target amount, the extra funds will be used to mix the album. Also the dream of being able to self-finance a potential tour in the USA in autumn 2025, where we have been invited by Guy Keltner to play at the Freak Out Festival in Seattle (tbc).

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