PRESALE EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT 5€ of the CD The banks of Goslyn Green - The Teach

Hit the road to Goslyn Green aboard this superb van, and play The Teach music on the car radio.

Project visual PRESALE EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT 5€ of the CD The banks of Goslyn Green - The Teach
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PRESALE EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT 5€ of the CD The banks of Goslyn Green - The Teach

<p><strong>The banks of Goslyn Green - a lost memory</strong></p> <p>Goslyn Green is a musical world, a haven that we&#39;d have loved to go to, that might have existed, actually, once, somewhere. A stream, the wind blowing in the leaves of the trees, the welcoming grass perfect for a pic-nic lunch... You&#39;ll find all these elements in the mix of this 5-song-CD self-produced by The Teach, which takes its inspiration from the Folk-Rock bands such as&nbsp;<strong>The Kinks, les Beatles or Neil Young.&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src=";ccb=1-3&amp;_nc_sid=730e14&amp;_nc_ohc=vPPuQdcHohwAX8XOYVL&amp;_nc_oc=AQmeZtmgUoUnqe98Kpbh_qzaYsd2u8fIROXmyI12c_go86STSG8y6EcsjfFXhMZ-xrtk22x7wRTVh5kZAHAdzXFa&amp;_nc_ht=scontent-cdg2-1.xx&amp;oh=525da7688cf9e427862cedcc7e13ece7&amp;oe=60C8CF13" width="100%" /></p> <p><em>photograph St&eacute;phane Dubromel</em></p> <p><strong>The Teach, music band from Saint-L&ocirc;, Normandy</strong></p> <p>As in every High School, a gang of friends once created a music band in Saint-L&ocirc;, Normandy. This could be a very banal story, except that the members were teachers for the most part and they decided to call themselves The Teach. The bonds rapidly set in between Mehdi and Yann, their voices easily getting intertwined on Folk-Rock layers which reminds a bit of Crosby, Still, Nash and Young or The Beatles. The rhythm section is composed with Laurent (drums) and Erwan (bass guitar), who both joined the band in 2019 and 2020, and added to the balance and coherence.</p> <p><strong>The Teach music, it&rsquo;s as if a new continent was born : the Mersey from England has merged with the Bayou from the US.</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><em>photograph Nina Couppey. From left to right : Erwan (bass guitar), Laurent (drums), Mehdi (lead vocals, guitars), Yann (backing vocals, saxophone, flute).</em></p> <p><strong>Faits notables&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>D&eacute;c. 2020 Christmas clip&nbsp;YouTube - de J. Lennon cover Happy Xmas (War is Over)<br /> Sept. 2020 Gig at&nbsp;Vir&eacute;es du Terroir, Saint-L&ocirc;, Normandy<br /> Ao&ucirc;t 2020 Festival Zique au Parvis, Bayeux, Normandy<br /> Juil. 2020 Festival Jazz en Baie, sc&egrave;ne Sonar amateurs, Normandy<br /> Juin 2020 2 clips on YouTube - F&ecirc;te de la Musique Saint-L&ocirc;, Normandy<br /> Mars 2020 Preselection for the contest&nbsp;Le Vertuose (Covid-19 canncelled, pending rescheduling)<br /> Juin 2019 F&ecirc;te de la Musique - sc&egrave;ne Voxtour&rsquo;s D&eacute;cibel, Saint-L&ocirc;, Normandy<br /> D&eacute;c. 2018 Clip &quot;Superstar&quot; (2.3 K views)<br /> Nov. 2018 Festival Les Rendez-Vous Soniques, &quot;rookie&quot; scene, Saint-L&ocirc;, Normandy</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><em>photograph Pierre-Yves Le Meur</em></p>

Allocation of funds

<p><strong>Quelques chiffres, mais pas trop&hellip;</strong><br /> Pour achever de convaincre vos donateurs, dites-leurs &agrave; quoi serviront les fonds collect&eacute;s. Sans entrer dans tous les d&eacute;tails, annoncez les principaux postes de d&eacute;penses. Plus vous serez transparents, et plus vos contributeurs auront confiance en vous. N&rsquo;h&eacute;sitez pas &agrave; ajouter des illustrations (graphiques, camemberts, jauge&hellip;). Pensez &agrave; inclure la commission de KissKissBankBank en cas de r&eacute;ussite de la campagne (8%).</p>


Featured reward

Presale exclusive discount - 5-song CD The banks of Goslyn Green - The Teach


  • 51 contributions
You can purchase this 5-song CD in advance for the exclusive price of 5€ instead of 8€ before its release date June, 4th 2021.

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