November 22, 2019
Rayon X
Rewind the crazy years of porn on video with the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves !

End date
Out of €6,000
329 %
Rayon X
<p><strong>In the 80's, the videotape caused a porn wave all over France. With our book <em>Rayon X</em>, we wish to take you back in time to (re)discover the videoclubs and their forbidden section. This book is a crazy object, an anthology of the most incredibles X-rated VHS sleeves, the rarest, the funniest, the bests and the worsts. But this is also an original investigation : we asked producers, publishers, video rental store owners, journalists about this time. Let's not forget the collectors, who continue to worship the god VCR and its goddess the VHS tape ! To rewind the porn on tape years, we need you. The more you'll be to subscribe to <em>Rayon X</em>, the more sleeves we will ad to the book !</strong></p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>In the late 70’s, when the first mainstream video format appears, the X cinema leaves the specialized theaters to invade households. The explosion of the video tape is also the one of porn usage with unseen proportions in the history of mankind (at least until Internet). The phenomenon takes place thanks to video clubs, which flourish everywhere in France, and almost everyone of them have an X-rated section.</p>
<p>Watching porn movies then becomes a very common activity, always preceded by the ritual of choosing the tape in the adult area, in front of a wall of sleeves where each film throws all his attractive features to be chosen rather than another one.</p>
<p>Anyone who knew this time felt this shiver of prohibition while searching in this covers that promised all sorts of wonders. People often chose only one movie, they wanted to take their time, but didn’t dare to draw out. People dreamed on a title, an actress on the VHS, or let themselves being convinced by the irrefutable arguments on the back of a sleeve. Then they came back home with their Video tape, which they didn’t always watch right away (but not two days afterwards so they didn’t have to pay late return fees). The wait caused was part of the experience. A time which now seems folkloric to those who have only known online porn, always immediately available.</p>
<p>We lived this VHS porn era, and we know that our personal experiences are shared with people of our generation. This is why we wanted to make a throwback to this age, with the idea of a sleeves anthology, which contains the best and therefore the worst, the prettiest, craziest, the more unlikely ones.</p>
<p>With the experience of our previous books<strong>, <em>The Worst Porn Parodies are Often the Best</em></strong><em> </em>for Claude, and <strong><em>Brigitte Lahaie the cult movies</em></strong><em> </em>co-written with Cédric GrandGuillot for Guillaume, we already had a consequent documentation on this theme. We continued the collection of sleeves with friends, editors and collectors, always seeking for more and more sleeves to reproduce it unfolded and actual-sized, with one sleeve per page, for this new book called <em><strong>Rayon X</strong>.</em></p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>To tell this period the best we can, we went interviewing privileged witnesses of the period. Video clubs managers, distributors, editors, producers, journalists who directly participated to the construction of this market, which appeared almost from one day to the next, et who made it evolve until VHS turned into DVDs. We also met collectors who have a true passion for vintage VHS porn, even if they were to young to live these days !</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>The following people will talk to us in the book : (non-definitive list)</p>
<li>Francis Mischkind, founder of Alpha France</li>
<li>Marc Dorcel, creator of Video Marc Dorcel</li>
<li>Jean-Baptiste Pujolle, collector, ex manager of a VHS section in a bar-tobacconist</li>
<li>Christophe, manager of La Butte’s video-club, oldest one in Paris.</li>
<li>Pascal Amelin Delaunay, producer and editor.</li>
<p>And we will also have Cristophe Lemaire who will talk about the time where he worked in a video club, when customers asked him advices on the best X movies to rent !</p>
<p><strong><em>Rayon X</em></strong> is going to be a 208 pages book, linked and sewn with hardcover, landscape layout, the best way to show sleeves in their original size.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>We need at least 6000€ to pay printing costs, but if, thank to you, we pass our initial goal and reach next stretch goals , we will of course add pages to the book and more sleeves.</p>
<li>At 200%, we will add 16 additional pages.</li>
<li>At 300%, 16 more pages.</li>
<li>And if we reach 400%, we will raise the number of pages to 256 by adding a “worst section”, with the appropriate level of warning.</li>
<p>The VHS sleeves will be reproduced without censorship or modification, as they were so thy are obviously non-appropriated to readers under 18.</p>
<p>To complete <strong><em>Rayon X</em></strong>, we gathered compensations pretty matched with the subject</p>
<p>Fisrt of all, the first of you could get their book with 5 movies in DVD with Brigitte Lahaie, which made the beautiful hours of video-clubs. Among these films, those of you which backed Brigitte Lahaie Les films de Culte will recognize the rarely-seen <strong><em>Bijou d’amour</em></strong> and <strong><em>Touchez pas au zizi</em></strong>, which we can finally offer for the very first time in DVD from 4K mastering created specially fort the occasion. And by the by, Rayon X will have a section entirely dedicated to stories of Brigitte’s movies’ sleeves !</p>
<p><strong><em>Touchez pas au zizi</em></strong> (1978) by Patrice Rohmm, with english audio track</p>
<p><strong><em>Le Bijou d’amour</em></strong> (1978) by Patrice Rohmm, with Italian audio track</p>
<p><strong><em>Hurlements d’extase</em></strong> (1980) by José Bénezeraf</p>
<p><strong><em>Anna cuisses entrouvertes</em></strong> (1979) dby José Benazeraf</p>
<p><strong><em>Body body à Bangkok</em></strong> (1981)by Jean-Marie Pallardy, also with Marylin Jess.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>We made 4 t-shirts with logos of legendary editors of that time, chosen with a comity of experts we assembled expressly.</p>
<li>Alpha France</li>
<li>Punch vidéo</li>
<li>Fil à Film</li>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>You could also order our books related with <strong><em>Rayon X’s </em></strong>subject<strong><em>, Les pires parodies X sont souvent les meilleures</em></strong> by Claude Gaillard, with the DVD of <strong><em>La Playmate des Singes.</em></strong></p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>As well as <strong><em>Brigitte Lahaie les films de culte</em></strong> by Cédric GrandGuillot and Guillaume Le Disez, in a collector edition with its exclusive double DVD including Jess Franco’s <strong><em>Dark Mission, Les Fleurs du mal </em></strong>(1987) with Brigitte Lahaie, Christopher Lee and Chris Mitchum.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>We also wanted to offer the movie of Nicolas & Bruno <strong><em>A la recherche de l’Ultrasex</em></strong>, including their film completely awesome and hilarious made from extracts of X movies of the 80’s and 90’s !</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>Finally, you could get some “suprize” prizes of VHS Video Tape X which will all be unique, you will discover their content when you’ll receive your book next October.</p>
<p>Do not wait to book your book and compensations, and share the <strong><em>Rayon X</em></strong> project around you so we could start doing together this time travelling and offer more and more sleeves in the volume. We’re counting on you !</p>
Allocation of funds
<li>To finance the layout and the printing of the book</li>
<li>To finance all the pldeges available</li>
<li>To ship the book and the pledges to every backer</li>

Featured reward
Rayon X + 5 movies on DVD
- 145 contributions
LIMITED TO THE 200 FIRST BACKERS Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + 2 unreleased movies starring Brigitte Lahaie, directed by Patrice Rhomm, for the first time ever on DVD : Le Bijou d'amour (1978) and Touchez pas au zizi (1978). Also includes Anna cuisses entrouvertes (1979) and Hurlements d'extase (1980) directed by Jose Benzeraf, and Body body a Bangkok (1981) by Jean-Marie Pallardy.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

- 12 contributions
An exclusive T-Shirt with the logo of a cult french publishers from the VHS era, to choose between Alpha France, Fil à Film, Punch Video and Sch.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X
- 80 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X + T-Shirt
- 16 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + An exclusive T-Shirt with the logo of a cult french publishers from the VHS era, to choose between Alpha France, Fil à Film, Punch Video and Scherzo.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X + Le Bijou d'amour + Touchz pas au Zizi
- 4 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + 2 unreleased movies starring Brigitte Lahaie, directed by Patrice Rhomm, for the first time ever on DVD.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X + Les Pires parodies sont souvent les meilleures
- 15 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + The X-Rated rip-offs book by Claude Gaillard.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X + Brigitte Lahaie the cult movies
- 6 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + Brigitte Lahaie the cult movies, by Cédric GrandGuillot & Guillaume Le Disez, with an collector double DVD. Includes Dark Mission (1987) directed by Jess Franco, staring Brigitte Lahaie, Christopher Lee and Chris Mitchum.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X + Ultrasex
- 9 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + Looking for Ultrasex, the film-book by Nicolas & Bruno, including their hilarious movie Looking for Ultrasex.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X + 4 T-Shirts
- 3 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + the complete set of 4 t-shirts with the logos of cult fench publishers from the VHS era.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X + Parodies + 5 movies on DVD
- 19 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + The X-Rated rip-offs book by Claude Gaillard + 2 unreleased movies starring Brigitte Lahaie, directed by Patrice Rhomm, for the first time ever on DVD : Le Bijou d'amour (1978) and Touchez pas au zizi (1978). Also includes Anna cuisses entrouvertes (1979) and Hurlements d'extase (1980) directed by Jose Benzeraf, and Body body a Bangkok (1981) by Jean-Marie Pallardy.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon + Parodies + Brigitte Lahaie
- 2 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + The X-rated rip-offs book by Claude Gaillard + Brigitte Lahaie the cult movies by Cédric GrandGuillot & Guillaume Le Disez.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X + 5 DVD + 4 T-Shirts
- 19 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + 2 unreleased movies starring Brigitte Lahaie, directed by Patrice Rhomm, for the first time ever on DVD : Le Bijou d'amour (1978) and Touchez pas au zizi (1978). Also includes Anna cuisses entrouvertes (1979) and Hurlements d'extase (1980) directed by Jose Benzeraf, and Body body a Bangkok (1981) by Jean-Marie Pallardy + the complete set of 4 t-shirts with the logos of cult fench publishers from the VHS era.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X + Parodies + Brigitte Lahaie + 5 DVD
- 3 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + The X-Rated rip-offs book by Claude Gaillard + Brigitte Lahaie the cult movies, by Cédric GrandGuillot & Guillaume Le Disez, with an collector double DVD. Includes Dark Mission (1987) directed by Jess Franco, staring Brigitte Lahaie, Christopher Lee and Chris Mitchum + 2 unreleased movies starring Brigitte Lahaie, directed by Patrice Rhomm, for the first time ever on DVD : Le Bijou d'amour (1978) and Touchez pas au zizi (1978). Also includes Anna cuisses entrouvertes (1979) and Hurlements d'extase (1980) directed by Jose Benzeraf, and Body body a Bangkok (1981) by Jean-Marie Pallardy + the complete set of 4 t-shirts with the logos of cult fench publishers from the VHS era.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X + Parodies + Brigitte Lahaie + Ultrasex
- 5 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + The X-Rated rip-offs book by Claude Gaillard + Brigitte Lahaie the cult movies, by Cédric GrandGuillot & Guillaume Le Disez, with an collector double DVD. Includes Dark Mission (1987) directed by Jess Franco, staring Brigitte Lahaie, Christopher Lee and Chris Mitchum + Looking for Ultrasex, the film-book by Nicolas & Bruno, including their hilarious movie Looking for Ultrasex.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X + Parodies + Brigitte Lahaie + Ultrasex + 5 DVD
- 6 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + The X-Rated rip-offs book by Claude Gaillard + Brigitte Lahaie the cult movies, by Cédric GrandGuillot & Guillaume Le Disez, with an collector double DVD. Includes Dark Mission (1987) directed by Jess Franco, staring Brigitte Lahaie, Christopher Lee and Chris Mitchum + Looking for Ultrasex, the film-book by Nicolas & Bruno, including their hilarious movie Looking for Ultrasex + 2 unreleased movies starring Brigitte Lahaie, directed by Patrice Rhomm, for the first time ever on DVD : Le Bijou d'amour (1978) and Touchez pas au zizi (1978). Also includes Anna cuisses entrouvertes (1979) and Hurlements d'extase (1980) directed by Jose Benzeraf, and Body body a Bangkok (1981) by Jean-Marie Pallardy.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

Rayon X + Parodies + Brigitte Lahaie + Ultrasex + 5 DVD + 4 T-Shirts
- 4 contributions
Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + The X-Rated rip-offs book by Claude Gaillard + Brigitte Lahaie the cult movies, by Cédric GrandGuillot & Guillaume Le Disez, with an collector double DVD. Includes Dark Mission (1987) directed by Jess Franco, staring Brigitte Lahaie, Christopher Lee and Chris Mitchum + Looking for Ultrasex, the film-book by Nicolas & Bruno, including their hilarious movie Looking for Ultrasex + 2 unreleased movies starring Brigitte Lahaie, directed by Patrice Rhomm, for the first time ever on DVD : Le Bijou d'amour (1978) and Touchez pas au zizi (1978). Also includes Anna cuisses entrouvertes (1979) and Hurlements d'extase (1980) directed by Jose Benzeraf, and Body body a Bangkok (1981) by Jean-Marie Pallardy + the complete set of 4 t-shirts with the logos of cult fench publishers from the VHS era.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

10 VHS + Rayon X + Parodies + Brigitte Lahaie + Ultrasex + 5 DVD + 4 T-Shirts
- 2 contributions
10 VHS + Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + The X-Rated rip-offs book by Claude Gaillard + Brigitte Lahaie the cult movies, by Cédric GrandGuillot & Guillaume Le Disez, with an collector double DVD. Includes Dark Mission (1987) directed by Jess Franco, staring Brigitte Lahaie, Christopher Lee and Chris Mitchum + Looking for Ultrasex, the film-book by Nicolas & Bruno, including their hilarious movie Looking for Ultrasex + 2 unreleased movies starring Brigitte Lahaie, directed by Patrice Rhomm, for the first time ever on DVD : Le Bijou d'amour (1978) and Touchez pas au zizi (1978). Also includes Anna cuisses entrouvertes (1979) and Hurlements d'extase (1980) directed by Jose Benzeraf, and Body body a Bangkok (1981) by Jean-Marie Pallardy + the complete set of 4 t-shirts with the logos of cult fench publishers from the VHS era.
Estimated delivery: November 2019

50 VHS + Rayon X + Parodies + Brigitte Lahaie + Ultrasex + 5 DVD + 4 T-Shirts
50 VHS + Rayon X, the first anthology of X-rated VHS sleeves + The X-Rated rip-offs book by Claude Gaillard + Brigitte Lahaie the cult movies, by Cédric GrandGuillot & Guillaume Le Disez, with an collector double DVD. Includes Dark Mission (1987) directed by Jess Franco, staring Brigitte Lahaie, Christopher Lee and Chris Mitchum + Looking for Ultrasex, the film-book by Nicolas & Bruno, including their hilarious movie Looking for Ultrasex + 2 unreleased movies starring Brigitte Lahaie, directed by Patrice Rhomm, for the first time ever on DVD : Le Bijou d'amour (1978) and Touchez pas au zizi (1978). Also includes Anna cuisses entrouvertes (1979) and Hurlements d'extase (1980) directed by Jose Benzeraf, and Body body a Bangkok (1981) by Jean-Marie Pallardy + the complete set of 4 t-shirts with the logos of cult fench publishers from the VHS era.
Estimated delivery: November 2019