<p style="margin-top:7.5pt;margin-right:0cm;margin-bottom:0cm;margin-left:0cm;
<span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Helvetica",sans-serif;color:#141823">In a few yours, the KissKiss collect will be closed. Thanks to your support, we have reached more than 4.500€ ! Unfortunately, the goal is not achieved though as we would have needed 7.500€ to make the project happen.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p style="margin: 7.5pt 0cm 0.0001pt; line-height: 13.45pt; white-space: pre-wrap; background: white;">
<span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Helvetica",sans-serif;color:#141823">We would like to thank very much all the people that believed in our project! Each one of you contributed in some way to it. Even if RE-TREAT won't take place in its original set-up, La Grange le Pour will be happy to host for free European scriptwriters who would like to work on their script in a beautiful and inspiring environment, from 5th to 12th March 2016. If interested, write at [email protected] . <o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p style="margin: 7.5pt 0cm 0.0001pt; line-height: 13.45pt; white-space: pre-wrap; background: white;">
<span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(20, 24, 35); background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-size: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-position: initial; background-repeat: initial;">Sometime later, we'll try to find another way to finance this project. We promise. </span></p>
<p style="margin: 7.5pt 0cm 0.0001pt; line-height: 13.45pt; white-space: pre-wrap; background: white;">
<span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(20, 24, 35); background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-size: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-position: initial; background-repeat: initial;">Hopefully recent events will contribute to a growing awareness of the importance of art & culture in society and the key role they have to play for European integration</span><o:p></o:p></p>
<p style="margin-top:7.5pt;margin-right:0cm;margin-bottom:0cm;margin-left:0cm;
<span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Helvetica",sans-serif;color:#141823">Until then, enjoy your refund and buy great presents ;p<o:p></o:p></span></p>
Help us create a workshop for young european film writers !
End date
Out of €7,500
63 %
The publications
Dear all, </p>
We are happy to announce you that the fundraising campaign for RE-TREAT is back !</p>
We have until December the 21st to achieve our goal and organise the first edition of this workshop for young european screenwriters. To prove our dedication to this project, we even exposed ourselves in a video pitch.</p>
Check it out on : <a href="http://www.kisskissbankbank.com/re-treat " target="_blank">www.kisskissbankbank.com/re-treat </a></p>
<em>(We will include subtitles as soon as possible.)</em></p>
Don't forget to share the link with your friends and family.</p>
And join us on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/RETREATcinema/?fref=ts " target="_blank">Facebook</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/ReTreat_cinema" target="_blank">Twitter</a> .</p>
All the best,</p>
Marie + Valentina</p>
Dear Kissbanker & Friend,</p>
Our fund-raising has made a huge step forward ! We have now reached 50%, which is absolutely fantastic.</p>
Thank you so much for your support.</p>
So now, here we are, in the middle of the lake, having a real chance to reach the other side.</p>
The question is : how do we get the other 50% in only 15 days ?</p>
That is where we need you again : you surely have someone in your entourage who could be interested in supporting young european cinema or who could fancy a little stay in the beautiful Vosges mountains.</p>
Please talk to them about RE-TREAT: they could make a difference !</p>
5€ is a very small amount, but if everyone of you managed to get two other people on board, we would get closer to the objective.</p>
Let's do this together !</p>
All the best,</p>
Marie + Valentina</p>
* We went to Europe Refresh#3 at the Carreau du Temple in Paris last week. The project (and Papillon) received a lot of attention and good feedback. Some young screenwriters came along and they confirmed us how important RE-TREAT would be for them. </p>
* <a href="https://film.mfg.de/de/presse/news/re-treat-drehbuchworkshop-in-den-hochvogesen-1.38336" target="_blank">The Film Comission Baden-Württemberg</a> and <a href="http://www.creativeeurope.be/nl/nieuws/crowdfunding-voor-re-treat-een-workshop-voor-jonge-europese-schrijvers" target="_blank">Creative Europe- Media Desk</a> communicated recently about RE-TREAT. After Cineuropa, Nisi-Masa and On-the-move, this is a great sign of confidence and we are very thankful for that. RE-TREAT is already all over Europe.</p>
* We noticed that Papillon perfectly fit with the colors of V.O. Project.</p>
That was one more sign, so we decided to give him a chance to live : should the collect succeed, he will be upgraded in "not eatable bunny". One more reason to get this done, no ? :p</p>
<img alt="Photo_papillon_paris-1446747768" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/248474/photo_papillon_paris-1446747768.JPG" /></p>
Dear KissBanker,</p>
We have great news : RE-TREAT won two prizes during <a href="http://www.halles.be/fr/articles/162/Europe-Refresh3--Les-prix" target="_blank">Europe Refresh#3 in Brussels,</a> thanks to Galeries Cinema and Aura Film.</p>
And another great news : we just passed 20% of our crowdfunding, thanks to your help.</p>
88% of all projects that passed 20% of their objective, succeded with the fundraising ! </p>
That sounds great and means that we have to double our efforts now !</p>
Only 1 month to go, we still need your help to make it happen : discuss about RE-TREAT with your colleagues during the coffee break, while having a beer with friends or a tea with your neighbor. </p>
And don't forget to like and share the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/RETREATcinema" target="_blank">Facebook page </a> and to follow us on <a href="https://twitter.com/ReTreat_cinema" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.</p>
<a href="http://cineuropa.org/" target="_blank">Cineuropa </a> mentioned RE-TREAT on their social network and <a href="http://on-the-move.org/" target="_blank">On the Move</a> as well. </p>
We are really happy about all this support and hope that together, we'll be able to convince more people and raise the 79% left !</p>
All the best,</p>
Marie & Valentina</p>
We must be dreaming, or what? Already so much collected! <strong>We are really amazed about all the support we got.</strong></p>
But a lot still needs to be made, and we are confident that if we keep up all the great support we got till here, we will achieve our goal!</p>
So, we're still "on the route", and will present our project at <a href="http://www.halles.be/fr/209/Europe-Refresh-" target="_blank">Europe Refresh</a> this week-end at "Les Halles de Schaerbeek", Bruxelles, before heading to Paris (30th October till 1st November). You're all very welcome to come!</p>
Lots of love,</p>
Valentina & Marie</p>