March 12, 2020
Sakina M'Sa sur les podiums
Participate to the creation of a extraordinary fashion show for the people by the people during Fashion Week of October 2013

End date
Out of €15,820
101 %
Sakina M'Sa sur les podiums
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Live from Paris Fashion Week in October 2013, the celebration of Feminity, Sharing, and Craftsmanship: Sakina's collections "made from the heart".</p>
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Sakina M'Sa is a young designer brand dedicated to modern women, her pieces are sweet, light to the skin yet architectural. Sakina's pieces abide by a principle of sustainable development. Made in her workshop in the "Barbés district" of Paris, she uses fabrics recycled from the Haute Couture houses. Sakina has a unique relationship with fabrics and sends strong messages through her dynamic workshops with the Barbès community</p>
This brilliant and determined designer has been arwarded numerous prizes for "Business Ethics", "Excellency of Creation", and "Talents" by the Fashion Industry.</p>
Sakina is a highly creative designer and considers Fashion as a means of expressing her deeper beliefs and numerous talents.Through Fashion, Sakina wants to connect with the communities of both Barbès and the Couture world, and encourage them to be proud of their expertise in the art of manufacturing Fashion in a unique way.</p>
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But let Sakina M'Sa speak for herself and texplain why she needs you for her Fashion Show project:</p>
" I single handly founded and funded my Fashion House in 2002, and my return on the runway in October 2013 to present my new Fall / Winter collections will be a kind of "revival".</p>
The journey to this event will be filled with many things and mixed compromises both expected and unexpected. There is an exhaustive list of logistics and expenses that go into putting a runway collection and without the incredible support of friends, family, and the counteless hours of donated time and energy from my tribe of talended and creative team, I would not have been able to have gone that far.</p>
However, self funding my last collections meant that my creative vision has exceeed my humble budget.</p>
Doing a lot with a little is always a challenge, but Sakina M'Sa brand has reached a place where its needs to keep up with the demand , and become a reality for more people.</p>
In order to build reaching this goal of find potential investors, reach new customers, increase sales, and continue to bring love, sharing and meaningness to fashion, I need your support and participation to help fund the upcoming F/W 2014 runway show extravaganza!</p>
Fashion week is around the corner and Sakina's workshop is buzzing with the preparations for this October Show. We will not be able to do it without your support, so join the celebration and contribute now to be a part of the makign od the show.</p>
It is your chance now to meet a fabulous fashion designer and to attend the Sakina M'Sa show, the "one of its kind "unique runway show of the season!</p>
Through wonderful friends, the venue is confirmed and kindly offered to us with most of the basics, the " Passage du Désir" , in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, which is an incredible location dedicated to Arts and Cultural events.</p>
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Allocation of funds
And here is the breakdown of all the things your contributions will help us fund:</p>
<strong>Professional models and food/beverage in the backstage </strong>: <strong>4 300 euros.
<strong>Printing and mailing show invitation</strong>s: I have created the invitation and they are printed and sent out by mail to press, buyers, customers, future customers, and special guests from all over the world : <strong>2 500 euros.</strong></p>
<strong>Sitting of guests:</strong> we will need to make people come but also sit down, so the second contribution will be renting benches for 350 guests, and you can be part of them : <strong>400 euros</strong>.</p>
<strong>Making the event known</strong>: with the professionnal help of a press agency hired especially for the show and after show , by creating a quality press book: <strong>3 600 euros</strong>.</p>
<strong>Show production: </strong>after creating the perfect collection , the Sakina M'Sa vision will not be complete without creating the correspondant atmosphere:</p>
- a live Band , the original "marque de fabrique" of Sakina's first shows, all dressed up with pieces of the collection presented.</p>
- styling, make up and hair, shoes, set design, lighting and sound, all necessary to complete the fantasy !</p>
- Making the event last<strong>: </strong> a professionnal video agency will shoot and produce a film of the backstage and show itself, that every followers of the brand will be able to see after the show , on all media platforms including Fashion TV, with an exclusive advance preview for the KissKissBankers : <strong>5600 euros
<strong>Transportations </strong>of the garments : <strong>100 euros</strong></p>
<strong>Total = 15 820 euros</strong></p>
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Here is the fun part : In return for your contribution, you will get all sorts of sweet, fun, unique, and exciting Sakina M'Sa rewards.</p>
Get a glimpse of the exciting gifts waiting for you if you contribute NOW !</p>
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The excitment has just begun and Sakina is waiting for you to share with her this special moment.</p>
All my love !</p>
Help me change the world!</p>
Be part of Sakina Revolution!</p>
« IN</p>
TRUST »</p>

- 4 contributions
SAKINA M’SA Look book postcard signed by the designer

- 29 contributions
Limited edition SAKINA M’SA fabric tote bag « La Goutte d’Or j’adore » or « Barbès mon amour » or « Barbès don’t Panic » + A Badge SAKINA REVOLUTION + Look book postcard signed by the designer

- 18 contributions
SAKINA M’SA “Blue Line” printed t-shirt « La Goutte d’Or j’adore » or « Barbès mon amour » or « Barbès don’t Panic » + Look book postcard signed by the designer

- 12 contributions
THE « PINKFLOYD PACKAGE » ⇒ SAKINA M’SA “Blue Line” printed t-shirt « La Goutte d’Or j’adore » or « Barbès mon amour » or « Barbès don’t Panic » + Limited edition SAKINA M’SA fabric tote bag « La Goutte d’Or j’adore » or « Barbès mon amour » or « Barbès don’t Panic » + A Badge SAKINA REVOLUTION + Look book postcard signed by the designer
- 20 contributions
SAKINA M’SA Limited edition silk scarf + Look book postcard signed by the designer

SAKINA M’SA black and white framed original fashion sketch with personalized dedication + Look book postcard signed by the designer
- 1 contribution
A Bracelet from Bangladesh customized by SAKINA M’SA to support women’s work in Bangladesh + THE « PINKFLOYD PACKAGE »

Limited edition SAKINA M’SA celebrity “icon doll”– Grace Jones, Blondie, etc. + THE « PINKFLOYD PACKAGE »

A Blue Line Hand Bag made with scrap of fabric from working class clothes (35x41cm) + SAKINA M’SA Limited edition silk scarf
- 3 contributions
A small notebook containing trend and inspiration for the next collection, with photos and drawings from Sakina M'Sa + THE « PINKFLOYD PACKAGE »

VIP Invitation to SAKINA M’SA Fashion Show Exclusive back-stage access – meet the designer after the show + A watercolor drawing of an original outfit + THE « PINKFLOYD PACKAGE »
A participation for 2 to a workshop of customization - with vintage clothes dug up by Sakina M’Sa (2 workshops of 2 hours) - VIP Invitation to SAKINA M’SA Fashion Show Exclusive back-stage access – meet the designer after the show + THE « PINKFLOYD PACKAGE »
Made-to-Order outfit designed by SAKINA M’SA + VIP Invitation to SAKINA M’SA Fashion Show Exclusive back-stage access – meet the designer after the show + THE « PINKFLOYD PACKAGE »