Soutenez la 4ème édition de Czech-In, festival du cinéma tchèque et slovaque en France

Vitrine de cinéma contemporain tchèque et slovaque en France.

Project visual Soutenez la 4ème édition de Czech-In, festival du cinéma tchèque et slovaque en France
End date
Out of €1,000
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<p> Vous pouvez trouver la grille de programme sur notre site&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Czech-In Film Festival</a>&nbsp;:</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <img alt="Program-1494425012" src="" /></p>
<p> <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <strong>Czech-In Film Festival Paris &ndash; a window into Czech and Slovak Cinema</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Launched in 2009, the Czech-In Film Festival, from the 9th to the 16th of June, will present Paris with the best of recent Czech and Slovak cinema. Amongst 75 feature-length films and documentaries from the Czech Republic, and 43 from Slovakia in 2016, the most remarkable have been selected for the Parisian public, thus making their French premiere.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Bohdan Slama&rsquo;s <em>Ice Mother</em> will be projected at the opening of the festival, after winning Best Screenplay in an International Narrative Feature Film at Tribeca 2017.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> The closing film, <em>The Teacher</em>, will be screened at Cannes Junior and will be presented at Czech-In by the director himself, Jan Hřebejk. In memory of the Czech New Wave&rsquo;s very own maverick Jan Němec, his last film, <em>The Wolf from Royal Vineyard Street</em>, will be screened exclusively, as will the Slovakian success, <em>The Red Captain</em>, by Michal Koll&aacute;r.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> The cinema l&rsquo;Entrep&ocirc;t will welcome around fifteen short and full-length feature films, documentaries and animated films to the neighbourhood of Montparnasse, including, <em>Ferda the Ant</em>, by the first lady of Czech animation, Herm&iacute;na T&yacute;rlov&aacute;.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Furthermore, the two cult titles, <em>Amadeus</em> and <em>One Flew Over the Cuckoo&rsquo;s Nest</em>, by Milo&scaron; Forman will be projected in a homage to the Master for his 85th birthday.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Continuing our traditional collaboration with FAMU, Czech-In Film Festival will unveil the infamous film school&rsquo;s fresh young talent who, alongside representatives of La F&eacute;mis, are invited to a public debate and cocktail evening. Co-organised and hosted by the Czech Center Paris, the two schools will discuss their different approaches to cinematic creation on the evening of the 8th June. The prize for Best Film at the festival will be decided by its spectators.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> <em>&laquo;&nbsp;Czech-In Film Festival is growing with each edition and we hope this will be the case once again this year. After the festival, we are hoping to transfer as many of our films past and present onto the VoD platform Universcin&eacute;. In doing so, we will make many films that are not yet distributed in France, legally available to those who did not have the chance to see them at at the festival in Paris&nbsp;&raquo;</em>, explains the Festival&rsquo;s director, Mark&eacute;ta Hodou&scaron;kov&aacute;.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Czech-In Film Festival, whose objective is the promotion of Czech and Slovak cinema in France, benefits from the financial support of the National Fund of Czech Cinematography, of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, and, for the fourth time, the patronage of his excellency, the Ambassador&nbsp;of the Czech Republic in France.</p> <p> The fourth edition of the Czech-In Film Festival can be supported with financial contributions through our crowdfunding campaign&nbsp;at <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Kisskissbanbank</a>.</p> <p> The programme and details of the festival can be found at <a href=""></a></p> <p style="text-align: right; font-size: 80%;"> Contact: Marketa Hodouskova <a href="mailto:[email protected]" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">[email protected]</a></p>
<p></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <strong>Červnov&aacute; přehl&iacute;dka toho nejlep&scaron;&iacute;ho z česk&yacute;ch a slovensk&yacute;ch filmů v Pař&iacute;ži</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Filmov&yacute; festival Czech-In představ&iacute; od 9. do 16. 6. 2017 ve francouzsk&eacute; metropoli už počtvrt&eacute; od roku 2009 v&yacute;běr toho nejlep&scaron;&iacute;ho z nejnověj&scaron;&iacute; česk&eacute; a slovensk&eacute; filmov&eacute; produkce.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Ze 75 česk&yacute;ch a 43 slovensk&yacute;ch celovečern&iacute;ch a dokument&aacute;rn&iacute;ch filmů, vyprodukovan&yacute;ch v uplynul&eacute;m roce, uvid&iacute; pař&iacute;žsk&eacute; publikum celkem patn&aacute;ct titulů, z nichž sedm ve francouzsk&eacute; premi&eacute;ře, včetně zahajovac&iacute; <em>Ledov&eacute; b&aacute;by</em> oceněn&eacute; za nejlep&scaron;&iacute; sc&eacute;n&aacute;ř na Festivalu Tribeca 2017.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Sn&iacute;mek <em>Učitelka</em> Jana Hřebejka, uv&aacute;děn&yacute; letos v selekci Cannes Ecrans Junior, bude filmovou přehl&iacute;dku uzav&iacute;rat za př&iacute;tomnosti režis&eacute;ra. Czech-in exkluzivně uvede mj. i posledn&iacute; film režis&eacute;ra Jana Němce, enfant terrible česk&eacute; nov&eacute; vlny, <em>Vlk z Kr&aacute;lovsk&yacute;ch Vinohrad</em> a &uacute;spě&scaron;n&yacute; slovensk&yacute; koprodukčn&iacute; sn&iacute;mek <em>Rud&yacute; kapit&aacute;n</em> Michala Koll&aacute;ra.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Jako pocta k 85. v&yacute;roč&iacute; narozen&iacute; oscarov&eacute;ho režis&eacute;ra Milo&scaron;e Formana jsou na program zařazeny filmy <em>Amadeus</em> a <em>Přelet nad kukačč&iacute;m hn&iacute;zdem</em>. Celkem bude v kině l&rsquo;Entrep&ocirc;t, kter&eacute; stoj&iacute; nedaleko Montparnassu na jihu Pař&iacute;že, ke zhl&eacute;dnut&iacute; na patn&aacute;ct dlouho- a kr&aacute;tkometr&aacute;žn&iacute;ch sn&iacute;mků a dokumentů a tak&eacute; film pro děti od prvn&iacute; d&aacute;my česk&eacute; animace Herm&iacute;ny T&yacute;rlov&eacute; <em>Ferda Mravenec</em>.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> K festivalu patř&iacute; už tradičn&iacute; spolupr&aacute;ce se studenty z proslul&eacute; pražsk&eacute; filmov&eacute; &scaron;koly FAMU, kteř&iacute; i letos představ&iacute; sv&eacute; filmy. V předvečer zah&aacute;jen&iacute; festivalu se setkaj&iacute; v Česk&eacute;m centru Pař&iacute;ž se z&aacute;stupci francouzsk&eacute; filmov&eacute; &scaron;koly La F&eacute;mis na debatě o paralel&aacute;ch a rozd&iacute;lech v př&iacute;stupu k tvorbě a v&yacute;uce na obou &scaron;kol&aacute;ch. O nejlep&scaron;&iacute;m sn&iacute;mku festivalu rozhodnou sv&yacute;mi hlasy div&aacute;ci.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> <em>&bdquo;N&aacute;v&scaron;těvnost festivalu se ročn&iacute;k od ročn&iacute;ku zvy&scaron;uje. Douf&aacute;me, že tak tomu bude i letos, a že se n&aacute;m podař&iacute; dostat je&scaron;tě l&eacute;pe Czech-In do povědom&iacute; francouzsk&eacute;ho publika. Dal&scaron;&iacute; etapou po festivalu je přenesen&iacute; maxim&aacute;ln&iacute;ho počtu filmů, kter&eacute; festival od sv&eacute;ho založen&iacute; uvedl, a kter&eacute; nejsou ve Francii v kinodistribuci, na VOD platformu tak, aby se na ně mohli pod&iacute;vat i div&aacute;ci po cel&eacute; Francii.&ldquo;</em> ř&iacute;k&aacute; Mark&eacute;ta Hodou&scaron;kov&aacute;, ředitelka Czech-in festivalu.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> Festival Czech-In, kter&yacute; si klade za c&iacute;l propagovat českou a slovenskou kinematografii ve Francii, letos finančně podpořil St&aacute;tn&iacute; fond kinematografie, Ministerstvo kultury ČR a Ministerstvo zahraničn&iacute;ch věc&iacute; ČR. Z&aacute;&scaron;titu nad n&iacute;m už počtvrt&eacute; převzal velvyslanec Česk&eacute; republiky ve Francii.</p> <p> Na čtvrt&yacute; ročn&iacute;k Czech-in festivalu lze finančně přispět v r&aacute;mci crowdfoundingov&eacute; kampaně na <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Kisskissbanbank</a>.</p> <p> Cel&yacute; program a v&iacute;ce informac&iacute; najdete na <a href=""></a></p> <p style="text-align: right; font-size: 80%;"> Kontakt : Marketa Hodouskova <a href="mailto:[email protected]" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">[email protected]</a>, T&eacute;l : +33675689583</p>
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