March 28, 2013
"Sports d'Hiver au Mont Serein"
Je fais appel à votre soutien pour réaliser ma première collection d'objets textiles de maison. Exposition en Juin pour la découvrir !

End date
Out of €2,000
100 %
"Sports d'Hiver au Mont Serein"
For this first collection, I wanted to work on subjects and concepts that touch me and interest me for a while now:<strong> landscapes and travels</strong>, but also the joy of pilling up, salvage and reinterpretate.</p>
To this end, I transpose symbols of travel, souvenirs collected around tourist attraction in order to propose a set of textile objects that invite to evasion. Carpets and blankets are invested with exotic patterns, idyllic landscapes and dream destinations.</p>
Playing these codes, the postcard becomes a protector shelter carrying memories. Sometimes landscapes step aside to give free rein to everyone’s imagination. Boxes left blanks allows everyone to invent his ideal country. different know-hows are brought out to enhance the range of possibilities offered by textiles techniques.</p>
<img alt="Imageprojet" src=""></p>
The collection will be made of:</p>
> a tufted carpet, 2 m by 1.40 m. A giant postcard hollowed structure evoking oriental carpets as an example of a picture of the world.</p>
> Two woven "twin" blankets: "Winter Sports at Mont Serein" and "the sun of Marseille". > A knitted blanket and a handmade silkscreen printed boiled wool plaid.</p>
> All over patterns are broken down in two techniques, digital printing and weaving to enable a maximum use possibility of these Fabrics (e.g. for net curtain, to cover chairs and sofas,...)</p>
> A handmade carpet woven with salvage elements related to a memory. And finally, the centerpiece, a large printed and embroidered bedspread. decorated with a combination of dozens of landscapes inspired by objects of tourism and drawing a wider landscape. It is an ideal vision of vacation spots which multiplies to offer a magnificent panorama.</p>
The completion of this first collection is a highly important challenge. It is my Master's project and my first collection. The one that launch me into my professional life. the project "Winter Sports in Mt Serein" will be an occasion to reveal my work and may be edited thereafter.</p>
Allocation of funds
Fund raising will allow me to ask for sophisticated works that I cannot do by myself to specialized firms, including the tufted carpet that requires a true technical mastery as well as all the woven elements. My current budget does not allow me to achieve those expensive works.</p>
A part of the budget will be also dedicated to the purchase of expensive, high quality, raw materials.</p>
The quality of my pieces of works is one of my major motivations. For that reason, as for responsible concerns, they are all produced locally. Indeed, to produce locally is expensive but helps to maintain and promote our traditional know-hows.</p>
The rest of the earnings will be used for communication, for the realization of my book and to print my cards. Moreover, if there is money left, it will be used to organize the June exhibition.</p>
une carte postale, remerciements lors de l'exposition
- 2 contributions
une carte postale, remerciements sur mon blog et lors de l'exposition
- 4 contributions
un poster d'oiseau, une carte postale, remerciements sur mon blog et lors de l'exposition
- 3 contributions
une petite écharpe tricotée 1 couleur, une carte postale, remerciements sur mon blog et lors de l'exposition
- 10 contributions
une écharpe tricotée 2 couleurs avec motifs, une carte postale, remerciements sur mon blog et lors de l'exposition
- 8 contributions
un poster d'oiseau sous verre, une écharpe tricotée 2 couleurs avec motifs, une carte postale, remerciements sur mon blog et lors de l'exposition
- 2 contributions
une belle écharpe tricotée 5 couleurs avec motifs, un poster d'oiseau sous verre, une carte postale, remerciements sur mon blog, dans mon book et lors de l'exposition
un collage original d'oiseau, une belle écharpe tricotée 5 couleurs avec motifs, une cartes postale, remerciements sur mon blog, dans mon book et lors de l'exposition
Une pièce de la collection au choix,
un collage original d'oiseau, une belle écharpe tricotée 5 couleurs avec motifs, une cartes postale, remerciements sur mon blog, dans mon book et lors de l'exposition