September 18, 2013
-Sur les Ghats de Bénarès-
A book of sketches and watercolors on the banks of India's most sacred river. An invitation to travel, to dream, to explore ...

End date
Out of €1,800
159 %
-Sur les Ghats de Bénarès-
<strong>As an introduction ...</strong></p>
<strong>Sur les Ghats de Bénarès (''On the Ghats of Varanasi</strong>'') is a <strong>travelbook</strong> that takes place <strong>along the Ganga River in Varanasi.</strong></p>
Almost a motionless travel then...</p>
This is the story with a small "h" of a chaotic city that founds a bit of calm and serenity by the holiest river in India.</p>
The incomplete history of the most important city of Hinduism through its people, its pilgrims, its tourists, what is happens there and what is done.</p>
Above all, it is the story of a walk with its discoveries, encounters, surprises and misunderstandings.</p>
<strong>From the desire ... to the first drawings ... to the book</strong></p>
This project and the resulting book, is part of a 14 months journey (March 2012-May 2013) through Asia.</p>
In February 2013 I spent a few days in Varanasi, I fell in love with this city and I drew some sketches. I like everything I see and it makes me eager to draw.</p>
My Indian visa expires, I have to leave town. I'm a little frustrated by not being able to stay longer.</p>
I spent a month in Nepal and the idea of working more seriously on a sketchbook about Varanasi starts to make its way.</p>
On 14 March 2013, I'm back in Varanasi, with time enough and a good supply of paper.</p>
I remain there close to 3 weeks and, as I expected, I spend most of my time walking along the Ganga and drawing.</p>
<img alt="Mahanirvani-kkbb" src=""></p>
<img alt="Originaux1" src=""></p>
After having <strong>nearly fifty sketches</strong> done, I had to finish the coloring, add a few collage on some of them, order them, write some text and edit them (as little as possible) ...</p>
More simply : <strong>get the book ready.</strong></p>
About the text, I have focused to <strong>describe</strong><strong> my feelings and questionings</strong>, to tell <strong>some stories</strong> and invite the reader to follow me in this walk along the Ganga.</p>
Unfortunatly for english readers, the text is in french.</p>
But this is not a problem to enjoy the drawings...</p>
Depending on how many english reader people will contribute to the projet I may think of making a translation of the text.</p>
<img alt="Conteur" src=""></p>
Today, <strong>the page layout is complete.</strong></p>
With few exceptions, it is the same for the proofreads, edits and all the finishing touches).</p>
Many printing estimates were prepared and <strong>I finally found my printer</strong> (<a href="" target="_blank">the Villière Printing</a> in Savoy, certified imprim'vert, ecologic printing label). I finally face the most difficult part : finding<strong> fundings</strong> before signing the quote printing with peace of mind ...</p>
<strong>And then ...?</strong></p>
The printed <strong>book will be ready early November.</strong></p>
I'll be at the '<a href="" target="_blank">'Rendez-Vous du Carnet de Voyage de Clermont-Ferrand''</a> from <strong>15 to 17</strong><strong> November 2013.</strong></p>
I will present the original drawings of this travel book and other sketches and watercolors done elsewhere, and during other trips.</p>
More importantly, if the crowdfunding is successful, I will be presenting my work to the public and several publishers.</p>
This is what is sure about the future.</p>
But I would also like to organize or participate in <strong>exhibitions</strong> where I can present my original drawings.</p>
I also plan to participate in <strong>generalist book markets</strong> to meet a wider public.</p>
<strong>The book in its final form :</strong></p>
<img alt="Livre1" src=""></p>
<img alt="Vigneteslivre1" src=""></p>
The book has <strong>64 pages all in </strong><strong>color</strong>. <strong>Size is 25.5 x 13.5 </strong><strong>cm</strong> - landscape.</p>
It will be printed on <strong>recycled paper</strong> semi mat <strong>200g</strong>.</p>
The cover will be flexible (300g paper).</p>
Printing will be <strong>performed in France</strong> by an <strong>Imprim'Vert</strong><strong> certified printer.</strong></p>
The first printing will be <strong>250</strong><strong> copies.</strong></p>
I made <strong>very few alterations </strong>on the computer to stay <strong>close to the original </strong><strong>drawings</strong> and the spirit of the travel book while providing a <strong>quality work.</strong></p>
Besides the book, I'm working on <strong>some other products :</strong></p>
- 8 models of <strong>postcard</strong>. (Size A6 long 20 x 10.5 cm) - A first model has been printed to check the print quality.</p>
- 12 models of <strong>magnets</strong> (3.2 cm in diameter) - Some minor edits and adjustments are still needed to optimize drawings to this reduced size.</p>
- <strong>Professional quality prints</strong> on 300g paperfrom of some drawings - original size (25.5 x 13.5 cm) and extended (40 x 21 cm)</p>
<img alt="Detail_cartespostalesetmagnets1" src=""></p>
<img alt="Vignettescartesetmagnets" src=""></p>
<strong>A last word for the end ...</strong></p>
My wish is to <strong>share a</strong><strong> bit of my journey</strong> (other may follow) with you.</p>
After several months working almost alone, <strong>I need you all to go to the end</strong> and finish the project.</p>
In addition to your financial contribution, <strong>you will help me greatly in relaying information</strong> to your close, your fellow travelers and your great-uncle billionaire and art lover ...</p>
<strong>Thank you to all of you to turn this crowdfunding into a great adventure!</strong></p>
Allocation of funds
The money from the crowdfunding will be used to print the book.</p>
I'll take in charge other costs (shipping, printing postcards, magnets, etc ...)</p>
The <strong>total project</strong> budget is <strong>€ 2,705</strong></p>
The price of the <strong>print</strong> for 250 copies is <strong>€</strong> <strong>1975</strong></p>
<strong>Other </strong><strong>charges</strong> amount to <strong>€ 730</strong></p>
More concretely and more detailed ...</p>
Of the <strong>€ 1,800 collected</strong></p>
- <strong>€ 1656</strong><strong> </strong> will be invested in the cost of <strong>printing</strong> the book</p>
- The <strong>KKBB commission</strong> (8%) is <strong>€ 144</strong></p>
This leaves a little more than a third of the budget at my charge:</p>
- Most important: <strong>The additional printing costs - € 319</strong></p>
but also ...</p>
- Printing of <strong>postcards</strong> (8 models - models 100 copies) - <strong>€ 200</strong></p>
- Printing and the creation of <strong>magnets</strong> (12 models - 120 pieces in all) - <strong>80 €</strong></p>
- <strong>The prints of drawings</strong> on A4 and A3 paper mat 300G (a hundred copies) - <strong>150 €</strong></p>
- <strong>The shipping costs</strong> of the counterparties will vary depending on number of Kissbankers but I estimate between <strong>100 and 300</strong><strong> €</strong></p>
or, counting the wider, <strong>a total of</strong><strong> € 1,049</strong></p>
<strong>And what if there is more money...</strong></p>
Do not hesitate to exceed (or over-exceed) the counter ...</p>
The money, you can imagine, will be well used!</p>
With <strong>€ 2,150</strong> (120%) your contributions <strong>will fund the entire </strong><strong>printing</strong> of the book (KissKissBankBank commission included).</p>
With<strong> € 2,940</strong> (163%) your contributions <strong>will fund the entire budget</strong> (KissKissBankBank commission included). And you can be sure to receive my eternal gratitude! </p>
<strong>And with even more money?</strong></p>
250 copies is few. Especially if crowdfunding is so successful.</p>
The money will fund<strong> more </strong><strong>copies</strong> of the book and make <strong>even more</strong><strong> happy readers ...</strong></p>
- 4 contributions
Merci ! You'll get 2 différents postcards !
- 1 contribution
Merci ! You'll get 4 postcards and 2 magnets!
- 4 contributions
Merci ! You'll get the PDF version of the book (sent by mail) ! And also 4 postcards and 2 magnets.
- 55 contributions
Merci ! You'll get the book ''Sur les Ghats de Bénarès'' signed and sent at your place as soon as printed ! And 4 postcards et 2 magnets.
- 15 contributions
Merci ! You'll get the book ''Sur les Ghats de Bénarès'' signed and sent at your place as soon as printed ! 4 postcards and 2 magnets and 1drawing print (original size - 25,5 x 13,5 cm) on a 300g paper
- 1 contribution
Merci ! You'll get the book ''Sur les Ghats de Bénarès'' signed and sent at your place as soon as printed ! 6 postcards and 6 magnets. And 2 drawing print (original size - 25,5 x 13,5 cm) on a 300g paper
- 2 contributions
Merci ! Merci ! You'll get 2 books ''Sur les Ghats de Bénarès'' signed and sent at your place as soon as printed ! 8 postcards and 8 magnets and 1 drawing prints (original size - 25,5 x 13,5 cm) on a 300g paper and 1 drawing print (enlarged size - 25,5 x 13,5 cm)
And I let you the choice in the drawings you want to receive !!
- 3 contributions
Merci ! Merci ! You'll get 2 books ''Sur les Ghats de Bénarès'' signed and sent at your place as soon as printed ! the complete collection of 8 postcards and the complete collection of 12 magnets. 2 drawing prints (original size - 25,5 x 13,5 cm) on a 300g paper and 2 drawing print (enlarged size - 25,5 x 13,5 cm)
And I let you the choice in the drawings you want to receive !!