June 17, 2013
The Revolution won't be televised
One year of the militant and artistic life of the Keur GUI, leaders of the social, political and cultural mutation of Senegal.

End date
Out of €15,000
7 %
The Revolution won't be televised
<strong>Senegal, <i>January 2012 - August 2013</i>.</strong></p>
From the peaceful revolution, carried out with passion against President Wade to the creation of the movement ‘Y’EN A MARRE’ and the uncertain quest of the musical scene through the development of their next hip hop album <i>Encyclopedia</i>.</p>
Rama Thiaw shots one year of the tumultuous Keur GUI's life.</p>
<img alt="Thiat_et_kilifeu_cadre" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/19517/Thiat_et_kilifeu_cadre.jpg"></p>
<u><strong>OUR AIM</strong></u><strong> :</strong></p>
Our objective is to create a documentary about the Keur GUI, a fully engaged senegalese hip-hop group, and to highlight their work in the field in order to improve the Senagalese way of living. This movie also is the manifesto of Senagalese urban Youth, creatively explosive, cosmopolite and fully engaged to build up a positive globalisation.</p>
The first partners already joined us in this adventure : thanks to them we have been able to shoot first part of the movie, but the second five weeks shooting, including recording of a Keur GUI's concert, is still under financing. This second part of the shooting will allow us to follow the Keur GUI in their musical activities as well as in their militant acts by the "Y'EN A MARRE" collective.</p>
Today, we count on your will to support a meaningfull project, to raise 15 000 € and finalize this 90 min documentary film.</p>
<strong>Support us in this adventure and join our campaign on KissKiss ! </strong></p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/58118187" width="540"></iframe></p>
<strong><u>WHY MUST I MAKE THIS MOVIE</u> ?</strong></p>
Making a movie is a collective adventure between the technical crew, the people and the public. When we have started this film with the Keur Gui, we had a common aim : being in harmony with the positive convictions of the film and how to create it and to produce it.</p>
Thiat and Kilifeu have created their hip-hop band in Kaolack, a provincial town in Senegal, 15 years ago now. Since that, they've never stop to increase, using self production and keeping that way their independence from the musical scene. They’ve cofounded the collective « Y’en A Marre » with a journalist, Fadel Barro, another hip hop singer, Simon and Denise Sow, the only woman, in charge of the communication.</p>
This militant group, dedicated to the Senegalese civil society, had created huge manifestations and strikes against the former president Wade, who had made a constitutional coup d’état. Thanks to them, after a long struggle, he finally leaves the power.</p>
In parallel to this, they are active on the ground by sensitizing and educating the youth and the illiterate populations. They do some concrete Citizen actions, for example by rehabilitating schools and hospitals that were destroyed by torrential rains of the last rains season. This militant group only exists for and by the citizens, and it is merely an extension of their ideas conveyed past 15 years through the songs of the Keur Gui Band.</p>
This coherence between their creation, ideas and way of life, strongly attached me to them. I've never met artists so upright, they are so upstanding that filming them was a necessity, just to tell me that I was not dreaming.</p>
<a href="http://www.revolutionwontbetelevised.com/summary-the-revolution-won27t-be-televised.html" target="_blank">Clic here to see the film's summary</a></p>
<img alt="Img_0999" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/19519/IMG_0999.JPG"></p>
<u><strong> WHO ARE WE AND HOW WILL WE DO THIS FILM ?</strong></u></p>
I tried to keep this ideological and artistical coherence since I decided to do this film. I therefore get other engaged technicians, glad to share a new vision of Senegal, far from touristic clichés.</p>
From shooting to production, we are a young a cosmopolite team (with Senegaleses, Frenchs and a Quebecker), we all have love for cinema, music and discovery of others.</p>
We think that documentary film has to be strong in its aim but also visually attractive. We all work with same esthetical expectations than if we would have done a fiction movie and this also have a cost ! Then are we getting out of the classical budget pattern of documentary (two operators, two sound recorders, one organization manager, a director assistant and a director).</p>
In a country like Senegal, we have a lack of cinema schools and few training structures, so try we to provide a concrete and positive effect. Therefore, for each shooting, we train two senegalese technician who will work on the movie. So they will have a first concrete experience that will allow them to pursue university courses or to work as technician.</p>
Much more, as Cinema is a collective experience done by and for public, we think that your present support belongs to this philosophie.</p>
Follow us on the blog :</p>
<a href="http://revolution-wont-be-televised.tumblr.com">http://revolution-wont-be-televised.tumblr.com</a></p>
On our web site :</p>
<a href="http://www.revolutionwontbetelevised.com" target="_blank">www.revolutionwontbetelevised.com</a></p>
<img alt="Les_keur_gui_et_leur_public" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/19526/Les_Keur_Gui_et_leur_public.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
<strong>This foundraising of 15 000 € will finance :</strong></p>
<strong> - Airplane tickets and team hosting.</strong></p>
<strong> - Shooting and recording equipment (shooting with two cameras).</strong></p>
<strong> - Organisation and recording of a non profit concert of the Keur Gui.</strong></p>
<strong> The benefits of the concert will be donated to a senegalese NGO</strong></p>
<strong> dedicated in education and health.</strong></p>
<strong> - Goodies and Kisskiss fees</strong></p>
Our more sincere thanks + a shell coming from Senegalese beachs, symbilising the thought we'll have for you while shooting and that, we hope, will bring you luck and happiness as much as your contribution bring them to our film + your name in the credits of the film
Former rewards + an Invitation to a preview. ( transport not included )
Former rewards + a tee-shirt of Keur gui Crew
Former rewards + DVD signed by the team and the group.
Former rewards + The double CD « Encyclopédia » of the Keur Gui, signed by the group.
Former rewards + A Movie Poster of the film signed by the group
Former rewards + An Invitation to a preview with a concert of The Keur Gui.(Transport not included)
Former rewards + Assist to an editing day with the team
Former rewards + You appear in the Clip Film Credits