April 2, 2014
The Wall of Temptation à New York City !
Join the rebellion! Dare to support this audacious participative art performance selected by NY cutlog contemporary art fair !

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Out of €4,450
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The Wall of Temptation à New York City !
<u><strong>ATTENTION : </strong></u></p>
<strong><u>This Wall is a way to prove the World a group of citizens is<strong><u> no FOOL and is</u></strong> actually saying NO to the system. By resisting temptation in a world that encourages consumption. By refusing to scratch a REAL lottery ticket and exhibiting it like a painting. All of us, together.</u></strong></p>
<strong><u>That's why I need your support!</u></strong></p>
<em><strong>Your donation will make a real difference!</strong></em></p>
<em><strong>Thank you,</strong></em></p>
The Wall of Temptation by Clara Feder is a worldwide participative art project that was first held in Marseille last October. It has been invited by Cutlog Art Fair NY as one of the Live performances for its next edition May 8 -11, 2014.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FFzZemiZchL4%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DFzZemiZchL4&image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FFzZemiZchL4%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
<strong>How does the performance work ?</strong></p>
The participants go through an experiment : they're given a REAL lottery ticket (scratchable). Will they resist temptation or not?</p>
Those who have resisted - who haven't scratched - get to build the Wall of Temptation live, by posting their tickets on the Wall, after they signed it or wrote on it. Their action is immediately photographed by Clara Feder. Their image is posted on the <a href="http://www.walloftemptation.com" target="_blank">virtual Wall </a>after the performance.</p>
Eventually, the « rebels» are all part of the Wall on the site.</p>
<img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2013-11-23_a__00.13.10" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/75868/Capture_d_e_cran_2013-11-23_a__00.13.10.png"></p>
<strong>The big question</strong></p>
<em>Can one resist Temptation in a world that does not ? </em></p>
The Wall of Temptation tackles the issues of desire and temptation in fast forward societies where the pursuit of consumption and yielding to temptation are encouraged/the norm. </p>
As an artist, Clara Feder’s role is to question this assumption, stage a situation, propose a confrontation. A lottery ticket is a strong symbol of temptation, a curious object at the crossroads between the indivual, the political and the social realms.</p>
<strong>History of project</strong></p>
The Wall of Temptation was first performed in Marseille last October, commissionned by <a href="http://liftconference.com/lift-france-13" target="_blank">FING. </a></p>
It gathered 500 people among which 350 participated during the performance hours, among which 280 didn’t scratch their ticket. At all.</p>
In addition to the performance, interviews made it possible to get deeper into the question of temptation.</p>
<strong>And after?</strong></p>
The next performances will hopefully be held in Hong Kong, Berlin, London.</p>
<em><strong>How will each city fare? Will it resist more or less? How many particpants will scratch? A real cliff hanger here!</strong></em></p>
<img alt="Capture_d_e_cran_2014-03-14_a__14.44.28" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/75874/Capture_d_e_cran_2014-03-14_a__14.44.28.png"></p>
<strong>Who is Clara Feder ?</strong></p>
Clara Feder is a multi-media artist : photography, installations, performances, video and writing.</p>
Read more <a href="http://www.feder.me/bio#!about/c240r" target="_blank">here </a>.</p>
<em><strong>While helping the project, you’ll be seizing a rare opportunity to directly possess an artwork by Clara Feder, may be meet her and to be part of a worldwide art community.</strong></em></p>
Patrick de Wilde : an artist came to the first performance because he wanted NOT to resit tempation, but ended up resisting. Why ? Here’s what he <a href="http://www.feder.me/#!more/cgq0" target="_blank">wrote.</a></p>
<strong><em>Supported by </em></strong></p>
<img alt="Logo_cutlog_-_copie_2" height="117" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/79034/logo_cutlog_-_copie_2.jpg" width="117"><img alt="Logo_mouvart_final_-_copie" height="118" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/79035/logo_mouvart_final_-_copie.jpg" width="141"><img alt="___logo" height="92" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/85722/___logo.jpg" width="186"></p>
Allocation of funds
We are asking for what we think is going to make the Wall of Temptation go to New York at a minimum cost :</p>
travel from Marseille to New York city</p>
building the Wall on location (The Wall is 118in by 59in)</p>
mounting and demounting the performance stand</p>
video shooting</p>
people helping</p>
and, of course, buying the tickets ! (because, in case you still have doubts, they are REAL lottery tickets !)</p>
<em>eventually, if you feel like giving us more than what we're asking for, please do so, you'll be more than welcome!</em></p>

- 1 contribution
Your name on the Facebook page and a million thanks!
- 5 contributions
Thank you from the bottom of my heart + your name on the site
Estimated delivery: June 2014

- 3 contributions
Thank you from the bottom of my heart + your name on the site + digital printing 3,9x5,9 in signed at the back by Clara Feder and numbered
Estimated delivery: June 2014

- 7 contributions
Thank you from the bottom of my heart + your name on the site + digital printing 3,9x5,9 in signed at the back by Clara Feder + Light Travelers catalogue signed by Clara Feder
Estimated delivery: June 2014

- 2 contributions
Thank you from the bottom of my heart + your name on the site + digital printing 3,9x5,9 in signed on the back by Clara Feder + a real lottery ticket « Will you resist Temptation, be part of the experience » on photographic paper, original, signed, to be framed...or to be scratched!
Estimated delivery: June 2014

- 5 contributions
Thank you from the bottom of my heart + your name on the site + a real lottery ticket « Will you resist Temptation, be part of the experience » on photographic paper, original, signed, to be framed...or to be scratched! + digital printing 11.8 x 17.7 in signed by Clara Feder ( + Shipping Cost of 7 euros)
Estimated delivery: June 2014

- 2 contributions
Thank you from the bottom of my heart + your name on the site + digital printing 3,9x5,9 in signed on the back by Clara Feder + a real lottery ticket « Will you resist Temptation, be part of the experience » on photographic paper, original, signed, to be framed...or to be scratched! + digital printing 11.8 x 17.7 in signed by Clara Feder ( +Shipping Cost of 7 euros) + 1 original photo taken at cutlog art fair à New York 11.8 x 17.7in signed by Clara Feder, printing of 15, numbered.
Estimated delivery: June 2014

Thank you from the bottom of my heart + your name on the site + digital printing 3,9x5,9 in signed on the back by Clara Feder + a real lottery ticket « Will you resist Temptation, be part of the experience » on photographic paper, original, signed, to be framed...or to be scratched! + digital printing 11.8 x 17.7 in signed by Clara Feder ( +Shipping Cost of 7 euros) + 2 original photo taken at cutlog art fair à New York 11.8 x 17.7in signed by Clara Feder, printing of 15, numbered.
Estimated delivery: June 2014

- 2 contributions
Thank you from the bottom of my heart + your name on the site + digital printing 3,9x5,9 in signed on the back by Clara Feder + a real lottery ticket « Will you resist Temptation, be part of the experience » on photographic paper, original, signed, to be framed...or to be scratched! + digital printing 11.8 x 17.7 in signed by Clara Feder ( +Shipping Cost of 7 euros) + 2 original photos taken at cutlog art fair à New York 11.8 x 17.7in signed by Clara Feder, printing of 15, numbered
+ visit to the artist ‘s studio and/or invitation to participate live in the performance at cutlog Art Fair in NYC May 8-11, 2014 (transportation not included)
Estimated delivery: June 2014

- 2 contributions
Thank you from the bottom of my heart + your name on the site + digital printing 3,9x5,9 in signed on the back by Clara Feder + a real lottery ticket « Will you resist Temptation, be part of the experience » on photographic paper, original, signed, to be framed...or to be scratched! + digital printing 11.8 x 17.7 in signed by Clara Feder ( +Shipping Cost of 7 euros) + 2 original photos taken at cutlog art fair à New York 11.8 x 17.7in signed by Clara Feder, printing of 15, numbered+ the original picture « Panem et circenses » 39,37 x 23,62 in (+shipping depending on geography) (country represented to be chosen) + your logo on the site if you’re a company + visit to the artist ‘s studio followed by a lunch with the artist and/or invitation to participate live in the performance at cutlog Art Fair in NYC May 8-11, 2014 (transportation not included)
Estimated delivery: June 2014