July 29, 2014
Una nueva suerte a Valle Alto
Help has us to create a safe rehabilitation centre for wild animals in Ecuador.

End date
Out of €10,000
12 %
Una nueva suerte a Valle Alto
Started twelve years ago, due to the initiative of Carlos Solorzano Pinargote, a veterinary student at the time, the “Nuestra Fauna” centre was formed in order to give back freedom to hundreds of animals. Monkeys, sloths, caimans, ocelots, parrots and many other animals are able to take advantage of a unique place in the Manabi region on the Ecuador coast, where they are a given a second chance.</p>
<img alt="Img_1344" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/105682/IMG_1344.jpg"></p>
The animals that arrive at the centre are from seizures made by the environmental police, the environmental ministry and from private individuals concerned about the environment and wild life. Depending on their state of health they are immediately freed into an appropriate environment or taken care of and given medical treatment.</p>
The centre, as it exists today, is situated in the Portoviejo city on a site of 4 hectares, the property of the University, alongside a reservation of 1500 hectares. Until now, the centre depended on the technical university of Portoviejo in the Manabai region, but a few months ago the chief administrative officer decided to close it, though the necessity of the centre has already been proven.</p>
<img alt="Img_1194" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/105677/IMG_1194.jpg"></p>
For more information : <a href="http://nuestrafauna.wix.com/nuestrafauna#!accueil/mainPage" target="_blank">http://nuestrafauna.wix.com/nuestrafauna#!accueil/mainPage</a></p>
<u><strong>The staff team</strong></u></p>
Carlos Solorzano founded the centre. He is a veterinary surgeon and this ensures that all the animals receive good care. For 12 years he has healed animals and released them back into their natural habitat. He is a real ambassador for wild life protection and does everything he can to preserve wild life.</p>
Vivian Gonzales is a young Colombian biologist. After having worked in different centres in Amazonia she discovered Carlos’ centre. Her specific interest is in the social life of primates. It is a privilege for her to be able to observe them and gain a better understanding of their behaviour in order to be well prepared for their return to the wild.</p>
Frank Poirier is French. He has had experience of working at different centres in South America and decided to join Carlos’ centre about 2 years ago. He works energetically to improve the living conditions of the animals at the centre.</p>
These three passionate people can rely on the support of the students from the veterinary faculty adjoining the centre, who help them from time to time.</p>
<img alt="Img_1619" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/105678/IMG_1619.jpg"></p>
<u>The plan </u></p>
Carlos has been living for the centre for years and in order to continue with his work he decided, with the support of his team, to create the Valle Alto centre. It will consist of 10 hectares situated in the middle of a rain forest of 800 hectares. This new site is perfect for his rehabilitation work. The whole team is already working on it. The first trees have been planted and the premises are being refurbished in order to receive the first volunteers. The site of Valle Alto offers very interesting prospects for the future. The team are already planning on how they can initiate their rehabilitation programmes for certain endemic species of the Ecuador coast, especially those in danger. It is very important to stress that the work of the centre is supported and controlled by the Ecuador environmental ministry.</p>
<img alt="Img_2135" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/105679/IMG_2135.jpg"></p>
Allocation of funds
The fundraising is essential to achieve the aims of the project and allow the animals at the centre to remain there and not released until December. The funds collected will help to build the technical areas [about 40], a veterinary clinic, enclosed pens and aviaries to help make newcomers comfortable. They would also be used to buy food for the animals and provide veterinary materials.</p>
This is the budget details : </p>
For 8 cages, 2 enclosures, renovation of buildings for quarantine, clinic, volonteers accomodations. </p>
Cost (in euros ) : </p>
gravels, sand, stones 1200 </p>
concrete blocks 1000 </p>
cement 1000 </p>
wood 2000</p>
sheet metal roofs 3000</p>
fences 15000</p>
galvanized iron tubes 3000</p>
labour 8000 </p>
maintenance of the ground 1000 </p>
physical restraint equipment and pediatric equipment 3000 </p>
Clinic equipment 6000 </p>
volonteers accomodations equipment 4000 </p>
Total : 48200 </p>
We already have some equipment for the quarantine buildings and a part of the clinic equipment. Costs by period of animals feeding time (per month) : 700 euros. Medecine ( per year depending on the activity ) : 1000 euros. Disposable medical equipment ( per year ) : 1000 euros.</p>
Un Grand merci et votre nom sur la liste des donateurs du centre
A big thank you, your name inscribed on a list of donators to the centre.
A big thank you, your name inscribed on a list of donators to the centre and fresh news every 3 months by e-mail.
Un Grand merci + votre nom sur la liste des donateurs du centre + des nouvelles fraîches du centre chaque trimestre par mail
A big thank you, a digital album containing 20 photos of the centre, your name inscribed on a list of donators and news every 3 months by e-mail.
A big thank you, a digital album containing 20 photos of the centre and an A4 photograph of a chosen animal at the centre, your name inscribed on a list of donators and news every 3 months by e-mail.

A big thank you, a digital album containing 20 photos of the centre and an A4 photograph of a chosen animal at the centre, your name inscribed on a list of donators and news every 3 months by e-mail and you become a sponsor of an animal at the centre.

Un Immense merci, vous devenez le parrain d’un des animaux du centre dont vous recevrez une photo en format A4 et des nouvelles trimestrielles +un album numérique avec 30 photos du centre + votre nom inscrit dans la liste des donateurs du centre + des nouvelles fraîches du centre chaque trimestre par mail.
A huge thank you and a digital album containing 30 photos + you become a sponsor of an animal at the centre+ our name inscribed on a list of donators and news every 3 months by e-mail.

A huge thank you, if you can afford to visit the centre the team will spend a day with you showing you the centre and activities+ you become a sponsor of an animal at the centre+ a digital album containing 30 photos of the centre + our name inscribed on a list of donators and news every 3 months by e-mail.

A huge thank you, if you can afford to visit the centre you can spend 2 weeks with the team + you become a sponsor of an animal at the centre+ a digital album containing 30 photos of the centre + our name inscribed on a list of donators and news every 3 months by e-mail.

A huge thank you, if you can afford to visit the centre you can stay for a full month in order to discover the full extent of the work done.+ you become a sponsor of an animal at the centre+ a digital album containing 30 photos of the centre + our name inscribed on a list of donators and news every 3 months by e-mail.