Unvisited gestures - A photography book by Olympe Tits

Support me in creating my first photobook and come to the book launch and exhibition!

Project visual Unvisited gestures - A photography book by Olympe Tits
End date
Out of €5,900
102 %
Dirk Jan-Carpentier2302 days

Succes :)

Myrthe-Vissers2303 days

Alleen liefde.

Saartje-Vanhoof2305 days

Proficiat met je mooi werk!

Olivier-Troost2308 days

Good Luck! Good Duck! Cheers! Oli - Duck Marskal :-)

philine-janssens2309 days

go for it x

Bart-Celis2314 days

Ik kom graag Cava drinken op uw boekvoorstelling ... Greetz Bart

Anne-Peeters2322 days

Ik hoop dat het lukt, ik kijk uit naar je boek ! Anne

Federico-Righi2323 days

Hi Olympe, I believe that certain things in life are very important. Above all friendship. May your project see the light soon. Kiss

Bruno-De Groof2323 days

veel succes gewenst xx

Kevin-Gill2337 days

Good luck! Hoping to come along to the launch as well so perhaps I'll see you there.

Fleur-Devaux2337 days
