<p>Dear crowdfunders,</p>
<p>I am delighted to announce that my album Alkhemy is finally out!</p>
<p>This is one of the projects I was working on in Iceland part of my ongoing research and set of works on the ecology of emotions. Thank you all so much for your support during this campaign in 2018, the funds raised really helped me in setting up an effective album release by working with a PR agent and much more. Alkhemy is released on our new eco-art record label and production company <a href="https://www.sacredsearecords.com/" target="_blank">Sacred Sea</a>. Make sure you follow us on our social media so you can stay in touch with our future projects.</p>
<p>Here is the link to the album: https://wildanima.bandcamp.com/album/a-l-k-h-e-m-y</p>
<p>We have created a limited edition "cassette + alkhemy ritual kit" that includes ritual cacao and an alkhemy ceremony that I designed myself that you can do while you are listening to the cassette.</p>
<p>All of you will very soon receive your digital album download rewards from the campaign.</p>
<p>I thank you all so much once again and hope you are all doing well! You can find more information on the album below this message.</p>
<p>Much love and keep wilding!</p>
<p>Wild Anima</p>
<p>Artwork "Physical love poem for land, in verse " by Julia Kukkonen. This album was partly developed during an artist residency in Iceland inspired by the reading of Stephen Harrod Buhner's "The secret teachings of plants: the intelligence of the heart in the direct perception of nature". It is part of an ongoing set of works focused on the ecology of emotions. I chose to spell alchemy with a "k" to recall another form of alchemy that which is created between performer and audience, between two individuals or in between the human heart and the planet Earth.</p>
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Wild Anima - Raise The Frequency
Share your support for the studio recording of Wild Anima's full length debut album
End date
Out of €500
269 %
The publications
<p>Hello dear crowdfunders!</p>
<p>It has been a good while since the campaign ended and lots have been evolving regarding the making of my album project linked to ecology and sound. After the campaign ended I applied to a few grants and funding programs from Berlin and Paris but haven't been successful in that quest. I then had to reconsider the way I was going to produce my ideas and manifest the project.</p>
<p>Last year I followed quite alot of workshops on how to release and promote an album efficiently learning and educating myself on the music industry and business. The money of the crowdfunding mainly helped that part of the process which was a tremendous help in growing my knowledge as an independent musician. Now I can easily explain what is the difference between a publisher or a distributor and am fairly confident in running an independent release campaign in the professional networks.</p>
<p>As for the recording and production of the record I simply overcame my tremendous phobias and started doing it all myself with all the skills i have gathered throughout my musical journey! It has been an amazing adventure so far. The album I had in mind four years ago has now evolved in being three different parts, yes! There are three different "albums"! If we can call them this way some of those three parts involve more that the media of music but also film, litterature and art with very exciting beautiful artists i collaborated with from the United States, Finland and other countries. I am proud to annouce that the first part of this trilogy is now mixed and mastered and ready to be released in the next few months. Don't worry I haven't forgotten about your rewards and each one of you that requested it will receive a digital download of each one of the albums.</p>
<p>In the meantime you will all receive a download code for my atest ambient compilation album with improvised live pieces I recorded all over the world during my travels.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your support once and again and I hope to meet you all soon for live performace whenever time and space allows. I miss you all.</p>
<p>Stay tuned for upcoming news, stay safe <3</p>
<p>With all my love,</p>
<p>Wild Anima</p>
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<p>(Picture taken at the event I played in Vienna last weekend from the thought provoking and stunning Theatre and Performance piece: EUROPEAN WORKING TITLE by Zweite liga für kunst und Kultur & Marko Markovic)</p>
<p>Wowee, I can't believe this is already almost finished. I will keep the comment for this one short and… if I have to add anything to this Einsteinic punch line it's that… whatever your heart and soul tells you to follow just do it. Don’t wait for the right moment, don’t wait to have enough money, do it now, of course it is good to honor the cycles of your life but time is a sneaky guy, everybody is able to express what lies deep inside our souls, if only we don’t wait for the approval of others… count your blessings and let free the genius in yourself sing out loud its Aria like an unstoppable Diva riding the cosmic Opera of existence. Life is happening now, swim your waters, climb your trees, make it all dance in the breeze ;)</p>
<p>Thank you all for your support! Big love to all!</p>
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<p>“WE DON'T ATTRACT WHAT WE WANT, WE ATTRACT WHAT WE ARE” — Raise The Frequency, quote of the day #7</p>
<p>“AS ABOVE, SO BELOW; AS WITHIN SO WITHOUT” -- Proverb from ancient Egypt.</p>
<p>As a lot of treasures from Ancient Egypt this simple phrase holds a lot of keys for us to unlock many doors in our psyche. This has been coming recurrently over my life and I’m only unveiling its meaning very recently. I would love to hear your interpretations of it in the comments if this is a quote that you feel had a big impact on you. As above so below states that as big a tree elevates towards the sky, as deep its roots tend down into the soil. To reach towards the light, we also need to experience the darker parts into the ground. "Without the darkness the light would not be seen.”</p>
<p>We create our own reality. Literally, as we create an intention in our mind. As it manifests in the physical world. As within so without is here to show us the power of our mind and its effects on the laws of manifestation, creation or law of attraction how it is more commonly known as which would be more accurately named law of correspondence or Field of potentiality.</p>
<p>You attract what you are not what you want. If you want joy, be the joy, if you want creativity be creative, if you want love be or live in love with your life. If you want freedom and peace, be free to express your peace without conditions. Thanks for reading and reflecting, feel free to share your thoughts on this ;)</p>
<p>Thank you all for your support!</p>
<p>Hello dear all! The 1st 500€ goal has been reached, wow, I am beyond amazed and so grateful. Thank you all so much for your support, this means so much!</p>
<p>I have now set a new goal to 2500€ which is the real budget that I need for the full recording and mixing of my album.</p>
<p>A big thank you again and keep on wilding!</p>
<a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp_uh8Agt3T/" target="_blank"><img alt='"DO NOT FEAR MISTAKES, THERE ARE NONE" - Miles Davis. Raise The Frequency quote of the day #4. A lot is already said in this punchline. One thing this has shown me is to let go of my overthinking, something I have to confess has been a deep struggle on my creative journey over the years. I have gone through a lot of self battles to overcome being too judgemental about myself and learn to listen to the positive voices in my head rather than the really negative ones that mess up things in my creative and also personal life. So today let' src="https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/c576b2be6872148754974e7029b135c0/5C7DE4C4/t51.2885-15/e35/44660228_287317815450898_2662139931152034085_n.jpg"></a>
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<p>“DO NOT FEAR MISTAKES, THERE ARE NONE” — Miles Davis. Raise The Frequency quote of the day #4.</p>
<p>A lot is already said in this punchline. One thing this has shown me is to let go of my overthinking, something I have to confess has been a deep struggle on my creative journey over the years. I have gone through a lot of self battles to overcome being too judgemental about myself and learn to listen to the positive voices in my head rather than the really negative ones that mess up things in my creative and also personal life. So today let’s listen to the maestro and take every bit of mistakes we think we make as blessings that show us we are human and that is what makes us beautiful. Imperfections are the blueprint of our uniqueness. Every bit of mistake builds up the masterpiece we are becoming <3
Thank you all for your support!</p>
<p>Pic from TYMO's (Thank You Merciless Onlookers) beautiful harmonium & electronics ambient set at our Blue Tapes event in Brighton. Big up to all who joined ♡♡♡</p>
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<a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BpnZUSOAdnJ/?hl=en&taken-by=wildanimamusic&fbclid=IwAR0eEXOatDE9eC-rQphBVKizZK-3BB1YB_hIjjW-tODx7d8CQ05SPdM_V_Q" target="_blank"><img alt='"FOLLOW THE GPS OF YOUR JOY" - Pam Grout. Raise The Frequency -- quote of the day #3. This quote has really shown me to follow my joy and go towards the things that nourish me in life. We sometimes have a tendency to priorities things that aren' src="https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/7a96773177a3cf1f55fdc468aa34d0c8/5C820F7B/t51.2885-15/e35/43984653_265310954127267_144178074942766921_n.jpg"></a>
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<p><strong>“FOLLOW THE GPS OF YOUR JOY”</strong> — <a href="https://www.facebook.com/pam.grout.fanpage/?__tn__=K-R&eid=ARAqAbcChYWWLBsbTV7X57aUJEv5MgEA5HoNGVs6xcaDNpH8ALSyvPhHSy14awGgv8Kh7ws9IHpc3hwF&fref=mentions&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARADe5ee6MqTRLaui0Hjv6UOgYzeoK7NpgOy1AjxY7Jz1gKEiT0MfDDCwkifLxdyi4elcj9xmXvYsLw2RtcOwY1t5WLv3Lq1lSfSSX99JZBaZ4i6PyTVvV3sz-YJycCAhPwNlgveq3FLSvay5S5TrcbYYcxfL6hL3PeALdJmcyq01uslWME0czihyv-56E1tvmZ3OUdDEVCku7DUZtIfwwOSFXOqvCrPJqhJqxo">Pam Grout</a>. Raise The Frequency -- quote of the day #3.</p>
<p>This quote has really shown me to follow my joy and go towards the things that nourish me in life. We sometimes have a tendency to priorities things that aren’t necessarily serving us and feed our stressful and worrying mindsets. Today let go of google maps, tune into your inner gps, the joy inside you can lead your steps to unexpected places and you might find yourself somewhere you didn’t even think of but that is the perfect place for your to be. When you let go of grasping and control over everything in your life you might find that the universe will bring you much better plans than the ones you had set for yourself. Trust the process, you are not alone.</p>
<p>As it is also a day of celebration of life and death, may our joy be a flame in remembrance and celebration of the ones gone to other realms, the ones to come to join us and for ourselves to remember how lucky we are to experience every minute on this twisted but still magnificent world.
Thank you all for your support!</p>
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<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BpZuYEugm1z/?hl=en&taken-by=wildanimamusic&fbclid=IwAR0N3-HbX6Oeai1T53QsWcEpYzwROAkmZoy-VWBkRG8bY8sDBf9kZ1qslho" target="_blank"><img alt='"EVERY MOMENT IS LIKE FRIDAY AFTERNOON" - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Raise The Frequency - quote of the day #2: Today take a moment, put yourself in the present and focus on the positive aspects of your life. Sometimes we wait for an event in the future that will set us free. We think that when this happens we will be happy. Like waiting for friday afternoon after a week at work. Or waiting for holidays to enjoy our life. We have set our mind to be in expectation of a better moment in the future and sometimes pass by the amazing moment we are experiencing right now in the present. Whether it be a glimpse of sunshine or just the smile of a stranger. We have the ability to change this way of perceiving things and enjoy this very moment just like it was a friday afternoon, when we can let go and have fun. Even if this moment is a deep challenge in your life I invite you to take a different attitude towards it and experience it with a positive state of mind. Be grateful for the things you have and that others don' src="https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/26c07d7a0e8212dc9c9de7101ef20c37/5C7FE532/t51.2885-15/e35/43915217_571052829981384_211257199952163694_n.jpg"></a></p>
<p><strong>“EVERY MOMENT IS LIKE FRIDAY AFTERNOON”</strong> - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Raise The Frequency — quote of the day #2.</p>
<p>Today take a moment, put yourself in the present and focus on the positive aspects of your life. Sometimes we wait for an event in the future that will set us free. We think that when this happens we will be happy. Like waiting for friday afternoon after a week at work. Or waiting for holidays to enjoy our life. We have set our mind to be in expectation of a better moment in the future and sometimes pass by the amazing moment we are experiencing right now in the present. Whether it be a glimpse of sunshine or just the smile of a stranger. We have the ability to change this way of perceiving things and enjoy this very moment just like it was a friday afternoon, when we can let go and have fun. Even if this moment is a deep challenge in your life I invite you to take a different attitude towards it and experience it with a positive state of mind. Be grateful for the things you have and that others don’t.</p>
<p>I have just been spending almost a week at <a href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/y2kloopfest?source=feed_text&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARATdSrIT53YT764MkaIiudh5zeQe6bImAVj_uEbpTe6J1WTNIHlfQP83AKnsDdeSigVL3HBxaPcBa7HAb_8xiinSvOEsq23HvBfj1s4iqaIbAZ_qFoLcfQJIne5oXUh_nz9qYvYL0_639bnJZFlc-tjVpEaDSt7I-rf7zmnzo6B3TREPWP5gUTobdUHhd9lX60XEk1YpqrvpoUcE_kNwKhD1HBwZXEjQvAhX9g&__tn__=%2ANK-R">#y2kloopfest</a> with amazing musicians from many different countries including Mexico, Sweden, France and the US, sharing our passion for live looping, learning so much from each other and enjoying deep sounds and outstanding music. Feeling grateful and very inspired by the richness of the worldwide independent scene, so much amazing music isn't online, on radio or TV, keep going to see live music and support your local music scene. Big thanks to all for being who you are, for sharing your art, for sharing your support, for wilding up!</p>
Thank you all for your support! <3</p>
<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BpMzBkVg7Sw/?hl=en&taken-by=wildanimamusic&fbclid=IwAR3-Xahrntn5ItvxkgFQlj1M175-ZDISpplP9dp3XrBJ-vJ_TqBwzTg5ZyU" target="_blank"><img alt='"EXPECT NOTHING EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE" Raise The Frequency - quote of the day #1. . Hello San Francisco! Here we go! Raise The Frequency! I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to play at this year' src="https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/a15c52ad8669c2b08bd9411ddb1b71f9/5C6F715E/t51.2885-15/e35/44637164_573257536444033_3870400763668213437_n.jpg"></a></p>
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<p><strong>“EXPECT NOTHING EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE”</strong> Raise The Frequency — quote of the day #1.</p>
<p>Hello San Francisco!</p>
<p>Here we go! Raise The Frequency! I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to play at this year’s International Live Looping festival in California and absolutely wanted to share this adventure with all of you and send you some magic from here. It is also an occasion for me to expand a little more from just creating music and doing a crowd funding. Every week I’ll be sharing quotes to give you some inspiration to uplift your spirit. They are mainly quotes that had a huge influence on me to change my perspective on my everyday life. This one has definitely been an enormous influence on my life in my early twenties and has led me into amazing adventures until this day. Being in California is a real teaching raising all sorts of thoughts about living the truth of who you want to be and honoring the eco-system as part of daily life, creating our own paradise but also realising the truths about the big paradoxes and limits of our system.</p>
<p>I wish you all a great day and… as it is stated this week, "Expect nothing, everything is possible". Thank you all for your support! ♡</p>