Belgian Enduro Cup 2019

Support the 2019 season of the Belgian Enduro Cup by helping the ASBL Mountainbike Enduro!

Visuel du projet Belgian Enduro Cup 2019
Date de fin
1 355 €
Sur 3 500 €
39 %

Belgian Enduro Cup 2019

<p>For 3 years, the Mountain Bike Enduro Association has been supporting the organization of events around the Enduro.</p> <p>Enduro is a mountain bike discipline that appeared several years ago and consists of several timed stages whose profile is mainly descending on technical and physical courses. All connected by untimed connections but within a certain period requested. This discipline is a Mix between Cross Country and Downhill and is spectacular, as the courses are more and more demanding at the mechanical levelthan Technique or Physics.In full development around the world and growing for 3 years in Belgium thanks to the Belgian Enduro Cup, this discipline sees its number of practitioners increase day by day.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><strong>The goal of the projet </strong></h3> <p>For 2019, we decided to reinforce the important points such as signage or timing but also to improve those who asked for it, such as communication and safety equipment made available to volunteers, while developing the E-bike series with its specificities. Today asks to be set up and put in place an Endurando label to allow new to try the discipline before starting real races!The goal is also to be able to reduce in the long term, the stroke of an organization and therefore the inscription to the races also.</p> <p>The Dates 2019</p> <p>- Daverdisse 28/04 (Enduro / E-duro + Endurando)<br /> - Remouchamps 04/05 (Enduro / E-duro) + Other Date Endurando)<br /> - Banneux 01/06 (Enduro / E-duro)<br /> - Bouillon 07/09 (Enduro / Other Date Endurando)</p> <p>These events affect the youngest from 15 to 65 years old and over!No age limit, you are your own limit ;-)It is also very nice to come and see and follow his friends!</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /><br /> &nbsp;</p> <h3><strong>The Staff&nbsp;</strong></h3> <p>You must be aware of this, but behind the Belgian Enduro Cup lies MBE and its organizing clubs, all of which work on a voluntary basis for you.</p> <p>We find:<br /> - Gregory Masson (Coordinator of the Belgian Enduro Cup, Commercial forseveral enduro brands, sports commentator and practicingenduro).<br /> - Geoffrey Marechal (Assistant, former competitor of Dual-4X and Downhill Mountain Bike)<br /> - Bobaf Comp&egrave;re (Organizer of the Ambl&egrave;ve, Winner Master 2 of the BEC 2017)</p> <p><br /> And the organizers:<br /> - Nicolas Casteels (Tester for Vojomag, organizer and winner of the CategoryMaster 1 2018)- Gr&eacute;gory and Nicolas Burtombois (Organizers of many motocross and trails inDaverdisse for more than 10 years)<br /> - Jean-Fran&ccedil;ois Krier (TOP 10 Belgian Enduro Cup, organizer of the hike ofBanneux)<br /> - Pierre Fran&ccedil;ois Nissen (manager of the communication company Bang!)<br /> - Philippe Cambron (Organizer of Grand Raid Godefroy)<br /> And MORE that give a lot of their time for you !!!</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>Thanks everyone for your support!&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

À quoi servira la collecte

<p>For the good functioning of the association and that it can continue to propose events to you regularly, we need financing.These funds will be used in particular for the following points: Accounting, Purchase of timing equipment, Logistic support, Sponsorship solicitation ...Also know that 5% of the amount will go to KissKissBankBank and 3% for bank charges.</p>


Contrepartie star

Le soutien de départ

5 €

Avec cette donation, vous contribuez directement à nous aider même si cela représente un petit montant! Les petits ruisseaux forment les grandes rivières! Nous ne manqueront pas de vous citer dans les remerciements.

TOP CAP SLICY "designed BEC"

20 €

    Affichez fièrement votre soutien et votre participation à la Belgian Enduro Cup avec ce magnifique TOP CAP perso designé par Slicy Product !

    Livraison estimée : février 2019

    Garde-boue "designed BEC"

    25 €

      Affichez fièrement votre soutien et votre participation à la Belgian Enduro Cup avec ce magnifique Garde-Boue perso designé par Slicy Product ! (Nouveau Modèle)

      Livraison estimée : février 2019

      SET TOP CAP ET GARDE BOUE "designed BEC"

      40 €

        Affichez fièrement votre soutien et votre participation à la Belgian Enduro Cup avec ce magnifique TOP CAP et Garde-Boue perso designé par Slicy Product !

        Livraison estimée : février 2019

        SET TOP CAP ET GARDE BOUE "designed BEC" perso

        75 €

          Affichez fièrement votre soutien et votre participation à la Belgian Enduro Cup avec ce magnifique TOP CAP et Garde-Boue perso designé par Slicy Product ! En plus vous recevrez votre nom inscrit dessus!

          Un panier Garnis surprise

          100 €

            Degustez une cuvée spéciale de la Chimay accompagné de son panier garnis surprise ( Fromage, Bière, accessoires CHimay,... ) !

            Livraison estimée : février 2019

            Pub Facebook et invitation VIP

            250 €

              Une publicité vidéo sur notre page facebook et instagram de votre établissement et une invitation VIP à la prochaine soirée BEC ça vous dit?! Alors voici notre proposition!

              Devenez Sponsor Bronze de l'évènement!

              550 €

                Vous avez un établissement à mettre en avant? Un Commerce dans le vélo? Vous êtes indépendant? Vous êtes bienvenue! Vous recevrez votre bouteille de Chimay en Remerciement ainsi que votre logo sur notre site et une bannière sur les courses.

                Faire un don

                Je donne ce que je veux