25 janvier 2014
Festival de Résistance et d'Alternatives Maroc
Donate and support independent artists and activists of the 20th February movement create a festival dedicated to freedom of expression.

Date de fin
452 €
Sur 9 580 €
5 %
Festival de Résistance et d'Alternatives Maroc
<strong>ABOUT THE FESTIVAL</strong></p>
The <em>Festival de Résistance et d’Alternatives</em> (the <strong>Festival of Resistance and Alternatives</strong>, FRA) offers a place dedicated to innovation, exchange and participation where everyone can express themselves freely. During the festival different independent, non-profit groups, artists and other individuals will organize workshops, debates and artistic happenings.</p>
<img alt="Foto1" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/56190/foto1.jpg"></p>
As activists we have experience in the organization of different cultural and political events. The first edition of the festival was organized in Rabat from 17 to 20 February, precisely one year after the onset of a new social movement in Morocco on the 20th of February 2011. The activities took place in different locations such as the headquarters of the Moroccan Labor Union (Union Marocaine de Travail, UMT) and the Moroccan Association of Human Rights (Association Marocaine des Droits Humains, AMDH), high schools, universities and public spaces. Over a span of four days, we established an atmosphere of sharing through different activities, which included theater and music workshops, conferences, public debates, screenings of films and a photography exhibition.</p>
<img alt="Foto2" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/56191/foto2.jpg"></p>
The second edition was held between 15 and 20 February 2013 in different venues of Rabat. Within the same spirit as the first edition, the second one was characterized by the support and cooperation of a large number of active citizens, artists, activists, social groups and movements such as the Students Union for the Change of the Education System (Union des Étudiants pour le Changement du Système Éducatif, UECSE), Guerilla Cinema, Vegetarians in Morocco (Végétariens au Maroc) as well as others.</p>
<img alt="Foto3" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/56192/foto3.jpg"></p>
The two previous editions have been very successful in terms of participation, exchange of ideas and getting to know people. This year we hope to organize the third edition of the festival.</p>
<strong>WHO ARE WE?</strong></p>
The FRA is organized by Moroccan artists and activists, some of us are part of a social movement, others are independent. The cooperation of different groups and movements guarantee a successful programming. The four of us are responsible for the crowdfunding campaign:</p>
<img alt="Picture_simo2" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/60457/picture_Simo2.jpg"></p>
Simo Alami – I am a freelance set dresser in theater and cinema. I am an activist in the Moroccan Association for Human Rights (l’AMDH) the 20th February movement, Guerilla Cinema and other groups. </p>
<img alt="Img_2832" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/56143/IMG_2832.JPG"></p>
Marike Minnema – I am a freelance trainer of theater of the oppressed. We have a group of theater of the oppressed in Rabat. </p>
<img alt="Picture_pokito2" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/60458/picture_pokito2.jpg"></p>
Hamza Mahfoudi – I am a freelance filmmaker and activist in Guerilla Cinema and in the 20th February movement.</p>
<img alt="Picture_youness2" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/60459/picture_youness2.jpg"></p>
Youness Belghazi – I am a freelance filmmaker and activist in Guerilla Cinema and in the 20th February movement. </p>
<strong>CONCEPT OF THE THIRD EDITION</strong></p>
The concept of the festival entails creating an “alternative city”. We will set up the scenery of a city; with a parliament, a police station and other places essential to public life. In these different locations, workshop, discussions and artistic happenings will be held with the aim to look critically and creatively at the current social and intuitional practices. The participant are invited to debate and explore alternatives to the current practices in these locations.</p>
<strong>MAP of the “Alternative City":</strong></p>
· <strong> Entrance</strong>: At the front desk of the festival, visitors can find information about the festival, flyers and a map of the festival grounds.</p>
· <strong>Hospital</strong>: The hospital will be home to workshops and discussion about the body and its social representations as well as the Moroccan health care system.</p>
· <strong>Parliament</strong>: In this parliament it is the citizens themselves that debate legislative and political decisions.</p>
· <strong> Police station</strong>: The police station is a place to reflect on violence, power and security. At the same time the organizers occupying the police station will be responsible for the security issues at the festival and for a lost and found.</p>
· <strong>Market</strong>: This market offers an alternative to the normal market. Every participant is invited to bring stuff they don’t need which they can swop for other things at festival market. There will also be food stands selling cheap and healthy food.</p>
· <strong>School</strong>: What is the history of the Moroccan schooling system? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the current system? How many languages can a child learn at the same time? Learn about learning and feel free to disagree with your ‘teacher’ in this alternative school.</p>
· <strong>Streets</strong>: The streets form the space between the above mentioned spaces. The ‘streets’ will be the background of street theater, flash mobs and spontaneous discussion.</p>
À quoi servira la collecte
It is very important that Moroccan citizens engage in a free and creative search for alternatives to the current situation. Since the political uprising in 2011 the youth of the 20th February movement in Morocco has organized several action to stimulate creative and critical thinking. One of these actions has been the FRA in 2012 and 2013. In 2014 we want to organize the third edition of this festival. We need your help to make it happen.</p>
<strong>WHAT WE NEED!</strong></p>
Communication €150,00</p>
Accommodation artists and organizers </p>
Transportation artists from Morocco €300,00</p>
Transportation artists from outside Morocco €1.500,00</p>
Transportation organizers €200,00</p>
Printing: posters, streamers programs, stickers €300.00</p>
T-shirt of the festival (t-shirts and printing) €400,00</p>
Decor €1.000,00</p>
Sound and light €2.000,00</p>
Catering € 600,00</p>
Logistic needs for workshops and other activities €850,00</p>
Profession printing photographs exhibition <u> €500,00</u></p>
SUB-TOTAL €7.800.00</p>
Unforeseen 10% €780,00</p>
Costs crowd funding and rewards <u> €1000,00</u></p>
TOTAL <u> €</u> 9.580.00</p>
1 €
You will receive a thank you e-mail and your name will show during the festival on a big streamer with all the other backers.
Livraison estimée : mars 2014
25 €
An invitation for the festival will be sent You will receive a thank you e-mail and your name will show during the festival on a big streamer with all the other backers. After the festival we will send you pictures by e-mail of the festival that you have helped realize.
50 €
You will receive a thank you e-mail and an invitation and your name will show during the festival on a big streamer with all the other backers. After the festival we will send you pictures by e-mail of the festival that you have helped realize. You'll receive the video of the 3rd edition by email.
75 €
You will receive an invitation for the festival and your name will show during the festival on a big streamer with all the other backers. After the festival we will send you pictures by e-mail of the festival that you have helped realize. You'll receive the video of the 3rd edition by email.
Livraison estimée : mars 2014
100 €
You will receive a thank you e-mail with a special invitation and your name will show during the festival on a big streamer with all the other backers. After the festival we will send you a file by post with pictures of the festival that you have helped realize, the poster, the program and stickers of the festival. You'll receive the video of the 3rd edition by post mail.
500 €
You will receive a thank you e-mail and a special invitation your name will show during the festival on a big streamer with all the other backers. After the festival we will send you a file by post with pictures of the festival that you have helped realize, the poster, the program, stickers and 2 t-shirts of the festival. You'll receive the video of the 3rd edition by post mail.
1 000 €
You will receive a thank you e-mail and your name will show during the festival on a big streamer with all the other backers. After the festival we will send you a file by post with pictures of the festival that you have helped realize, the poster, the program, stickers and 2 t-shirts of the festival. You'll receive the video of the 3rd edition by post mail. If you donate €1000 or more and you would like to visit the festival, you will be our special guest and we will cover your accommodation and meals during the festival. Maybe we will even sing to you!