Unvisited gestures - A photography book by Olympe Tits
<p>Right now, we are working hard on creating my first photo book: <strong>unvisited gestures</strong></p>
<p>In this book you will see a selection of my photographic work between 2014 -2018.</p>
<p><strong>Who am I?</strong></p>
<p>Olympe Tits</p>
<p>Photographer - dancer - choreographer</p>
<p>1992 * Marseille - Antwerp</p>
<p>To discover more about my photography, awards and publications:</p>
<p>or follow me on Instagram</p>
<p> </p>
<p>(A Book Launch is also part of a book!)</p>
<h2><strong>Book Launch & Exhibition unvisited gestures:</strong></h2>
<p>Where? In the art gallery <strong>Duck Marskal</strong></p>
<p>Lange Koepoortstraat 54, Antwerp</p>
<p>When? <strong>22 February 2019 at 7 pm.</strong></p>
<p>At this exhibition you will discover new work and you will be able to buy the book unvisited gestures.</p>
<p>We would like to welcome you with snacks and drinks.</p>
<p>Save the date!</p>
<p>About <strong>Duck Marskal</strong>:</p>
<p>Duck Marskal is a unique combination of a shop with a graphic twist and an art gallery.</p>
<p>Below you will find a small explanation of the images that will appear in the book <strong>unvisited gestures</strong>. But of course you will discover more about the underlying meaning of the images in the book itself.</p>
<p>For four years I captured images. Concepts. With the intention to create something that would give the viewer a sense of alienation. Coming from a background in dance I observed how the abstraction of a movement can tell a story. When choreographing I develop images in my head which I then try to capture in a photographic way. They become stills. Frozen in a world full of colors. A solitary world with unvisited gestures. A place where you get acquainted with the characters. Characters without a visible identity. Nobody knows why she is there. Or maybe they do? Sometimes she will be alone in her own fragile state of mind. Sometimes she will be accompanied by another figure. At times it can be quite surreal. A sense of loneliness prevails.</p>
<p>Trying to hide but in doing so she draws the attention. To flee from your own identity but not knowing where you are really running from. To take a pose and to wait until everything passes you by. To escape into the background where we don't think we belong just to rediscover ourselves.</p>
<h2><strong>The team behind the book:</strong></h2>
<p>Photographer: <strong>Olympe Tits</strong></p>
<p>Design: <strong>Sonja Thoms</strong> </p>
<p>Text: <strong>Katrien Vanderbiest </strong></p>
<p>To bring this book to life I'm going to need your help.</p>
<p>There are a lot of things to consider when making a book. </p>
<p>To be able to work together with an amazing team and of course the printing of the book itself requires time and money. And financially this is something I can't afford right now unfortunately.</p>
<p>So I would like to ask you for help to realise my dream!</p>
<p>Thank you for your support</p>
À quoi servira la collecte
<p><img alt="" src="https://djxmmoom3injc.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/543992/fotooo-1537960570.png" /></p>
<p>This book can only be created with a team of professionals. Meetings to contemplate on how we really can make it the best possible version of the book, the translation of the text, to have it printed and ready to be shipped to your doorstep, etc..</p>
<p>This all will approximately cost around 5900 euros.</p>
<p><strong>Design</strong>: 1000 euros</p>
<p><strong>Text</strong>: 440 euros</p>
<p><strong>Translation</strong>: 160 euros</p>
<p><strong>Printing of the book</strong>: 3500 euros</p>
<p><strong>Prints in book</strong>: 300 euros</p>
<p>And of course a percentage goes to Kisskissbankbank.</p>
<p>Is there any money leftover? If so, this amount will be used to fund the printing of the photographs for the exhibition of the book release. This will also make it possible to expose more new work in the future.</p>
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