Young Savage
<p>Personal contribution: 3.050 euros<br />
Crowdfunding: 3.000 euros<br />
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<strong>Budget total: 6.050 euros</strong></p>
<p>Payment to KKBB: 150 (5%)<br />
Additional bank fees: 120 (3%)<br />
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<strong>Total of available budget: 5.780 euros</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<h2><strong>Description project</strong></h2>
<p>My name is Nico Vangrunderbeeck, 20 years old, college student Commercial Sciences at the KU Leuven in Brussels.<br />
For a while now, it’s been my dream to produce and sell self-designed clothes under my personal brand name. I have years’ worth of sketches and plans, and have finally decided to take initiative to make this dream a reality. I’ve gathered information at multiple companies, including Merchandise Essentials and Storelaunchers. The production of the articles will take place at Merchandise Essentials, and the latter has provided me with my very own webshop.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" /></p>
<p>I work completely solo and take on the position of student-entrepreneur. I consider this project as the ideal opportunity to discover entrepreneurship. This, accompanied by the fact that I can combine this experience with my creative impulses, makes this project an all-round experience.</p>
<p>Ever since I started attending high school I’ve been designing football jerseys and T-shirts. Eventually I decided to take initiative and inform myself about the possibility of actually launching my own clothing brand. I took my time to design multiple articles of clothing and pick out the definitive designs.<br />
I’ve made a plan/schedule aiming to order the clothes in early September, so I can be ready to launch my webshop on Friday October 19th 2018.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>The eye-catching style of my brand is based on my own style and character.<br />
Swift and controversial streetwear for young people who desire something new, fresh.<br />
All articles are suitable for women and men.</p>
<p>I gather inspiration from brands like Religion, YOURTURN, and Only & Sons. Just like them I want to create a unique and original style, which is exactly what Young Savage will be especially known for.</p>
<p>The marketing will take place on various social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. I utilize a combination of paid advertisement and contacting online influencers with thousands of followers to promote my products. On top of this I will cheer on as many friends and family members as possible to model clothes for Young Savage. Those who advertise my brand on social media will be granted discounts on pieces of clothing.</p>
<p>The own pages of Young Savage will be frequently updated with actions, special discounts, photos of influencers and models, and notifications when a certain article is almost out of stock.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p>My aim in the first place is to get a chance at creating my own clothing brand from the ground up.<br />
There is nothing I want more than a lot of people finding their taste in style in my work.<br />
As second aim, I want to make the project profitable in order to create the possibility of creating a second collection by next year.</p>
<p>I hope that enough interested people will support me to turn this ambitious project into a success.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Application and registration: €526,27 </strong><br />
In order to start up a personal brand I have to register at the Kruispunt Bank van Ondernemingen.<br />
I will also open a professional account at Belfius.<br />
Next to this, I also include the costs of the education and guidance given to me by Store Launchers, who play a major role in the realization of my project.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Products: €4199,00</strong></p>
<p>The largest share of the budget goes into the products themselves. I will have them manufactured at Merchandise Essentials, also known for brands like Topwijf and Kygo Merchandise.<br />
I’ve chosen these producers because I want to create local, qualitative clothing as opposed to cheap mass production of low quality.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Webshop: €240,00</strong></p>
<p>It is via Store Launchers that I am able to design a template for my own webshop where I can sell my clothes, system of payment included.<br />
This will cost me €20 a month. I start with including the costs of the webshop on a yearly basis in the budget.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Material: €117,69</strong></p>
<p>I already possess a high-end camera, lamps for photoshoots, and a tripod for the camera, which just leaves me to find a fitted background in order for me to do my own photoshoots.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Marketing: €500,00</strong></p>
<p>The marketing will take place on social media like Facebook and Instagram via personal advertisement. A wide audience can be reached with just a relatively small budget.<br />
Family, friends, and acquaintances with a considerable amount of followers will promote my clothing on their profiles.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Shipment: €197,04</strong></p>
<p>Every ordered package of clothing will include a Young Savage card with a ‘thank you for buying’ message written on it. Buyers will also find certain discount coupons for complimentary brands (accessories, music…).<br />
On top of this, the first 50 buyers will receive a keychain with the Young Savage logo on it.</p>
<p> </p>
<h2><strong>The first collection will consist of 6 different articles:</strong></h2>
<p>- Black T-shirt<br />
- White T-shirt<br />
- Black hoodie<br />
- Black sweater<br />
- Black cap<br />
- Black cap logo</p>
<p><img alt="" src="" /><img alt="" src="" /></p>
<p><img alt="" src="" /><img alt="" src="" /></p>
<p><img alt="" src="" /><img alt="" src="" /></p>
<h2><strong>What happens when I gather more money than the premised 3000 euros?</strong></h2>
<p> </p>
<p>With the extra gathered money I would, in the first place, invest more in the marketing, when it turns out successful. This way I want to improve the chance on a profitable first run of the first collection.</p>
<p>Secondly I would be able to get started on a Limited Edition collection, consisting of two or three articles that would be released before the planned release of a second collection.</p>
<p>The aim is to launch said collection by the Summer of 2019. This is possible when the profit of collection number one is big enough to support a new line of clothing.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>The funds are deposited on the bank account of my student-entrepreneurship and will be completely and solely used for the realization of the Young Savage project.</strong></p>
<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>