More info here.</p>
And apologies that it all took so long.</p>
All best from a rainy Paris, and poke me if you haven't received your 'prize'.</p>
'A Box of 78s', a soundwork and vinyl record by DinahBird
I am a radio artist and halfway through creating this audio work. I need help to design, produce and press the limited edition vinyl record

End date
Out of €2.630
100 %
The publications
Dear All,</p>
I hope you're enjoying a pleasant and sunny Summer.</p>
A quick word to say I am waiting for the test pressings of the record to be sent to me, and this afternoon</p>
I will finalise the artwork.</p>
This means, with a bit of luck, everything should be finished by the end of September, or thereabouts.</p>
The other piece of good news is the German record label <a href="http://www.gruenrekorder.de/?page_id=1922" target="_blank">Gruenrekorder </a>will be distributing the record.</p>
All this could not have been done without your generous contributions, so, once again, thank you!</p>
Happy days,</p>
Cher kiss-kiss- bangers ..</p>
Je vous presente toutes mes excuses car je n'ai pas encore terminé mon projet .. et je ne vous ai rien dit.</p>
Pour ceux à qui je dois toujours quelquechose, je ne vous ai pas oublié .. et si vous voulez je vous offre une autre création en attendant la fin de celle-ci... Merci encore pour votre generosité, et patience... et plein de belles choses à vous.</p>
Dear Kiss kiss bangers</p>
Just to say I am so sorry not have given any news. I haven't forgotten you, nor gone on an expensive Caribbean holiday instead of making this project, life has got in the way, that is all. I am editing right now .. I would be very happy to send you another sound piece whilst you wait for this one to see the light of day. Please say if this interests you and, once again, thanks so much for your kind donation and patience. Happy days to you all.</p>
J'ai atteint mon but et je vous remercie encore.</p>
Le projet de crowdfunding dure encore une semaine, après laquelle je prendrai contact avec vous individuellement pour vos remises.</p>
Bonne semaine ensoleillé :) </p>
Just to say thank you so much for all your help. I have reached my target which is great !</p>
The crowdfunding officially ends in a week, after which I'll contact you individually for your 'rewards.'</p>
In the meantime have a great and sunny week :)</p>
55 % déja .. whoopeee .. si vous pouvez transferer le lien du projet à vos reseaux ça m'aiderait encore plus.</p>
ET si vous l'avez demandé.. voici des idées pour un nouveau message de répondeur .. écoutez :: <a href="http://www.radio1001.org/Members/dinah/miss-time" target="_blank">Miss Time ( Mademoiselle Temps) </a></p>
55% funded - whoopeee ! If you could share the link to the project that would really help me.</p>
And, if you have signed up for a new answer phone message this is what it <em>could </em>sound like : <a href="http://www.radio1001.org/Members/dinah/miss-time" target="_blank">Miss Time </a></p>
Food for thought.</p>
Très belle soirée à tous.</p>
And a very happy evening to you all.</p>