<p>Only 3000 € needed!!!!!!<br><br>Even if it is not mentioned on our KKBB page, thanks to the generosity of our printer,<br>we managed to reduce the cost. We already have 2163 €, thus we need 835 € more.<br>We have 30 days left, please keep supporting us. We need you !</p>
<p><img src="http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3b5yuPmb81qjhpa4o1_1280.png" alt="" width="500" height="370"></p>
Adventice — Issue 01
Adventice is an editorial project centered around the confrontation of culture and nature. It is a biannual research publication of observations and visual representations. Adventice concentrates on new ways-of-seeing bad-weeds; species usually excluded from culture and ideal representations of nature. COMING OUT: 19th June 2012.

End date
Out of €7.000
100 %
The publications
<p>We are glad to say that we have two mentors on KKBB: I Heart and Clik Clk! Thanks a lot!</p>
We would like to thank all the people who have supported us so far in our adventure to produce Adventice 01! You have enabled us to raise 1825€ in only two weeks. We are thankful also for your encouragement and positive feedback!
<p>We would like to thank everyone who has donated so far. Today, we have reached EU 1060! Please do not stop spreading the world as there is still a long way ahead.</p>
<p>A big thanks to all our new contributors! We are slowly getting closer to our goal.....</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Thanks a lot to, Lydia McCarthy, Thomas Jaurès Leblond and Noëmi Niederhauser, for their support!</p>