Blazin' Quartet - La mer, la pierre, la terre, l'oiseau

Het nieuwe album Blazin 'Quartet's komt uit deze voorjaar! Ik vraag om uw hulp om het uit in het wereld te sturen!

Project visual Blazin' Quartet - La mer, la pierre, la terre, l'oiseau
End date
Out of €3.900
104 %
Srdjanovic2883 days

Čedo, car si, dobijaš sve odmah! :)

Čedomir.Milivojević2883 days

Gotovo! Daj muziku! ;-)

Srdjanovic2885 days

Milica: NO - you can only get 2 times the download :P Carlo: YES!

JP Carlo2885 days

good case we gonna blaze through the maze no faze no gaze good case good craze haze haze chasin' jazz let's blaze !

Milica.Pićurić2885 days

Srdjan! I wasn't able to select it on the site because I already contributed and could only enter the amount manually, but let it be known that I definitely want the MUG! Good luck and looking forward to hearing you play live in Belgrade! Best, Milica

clemauvray2894 days

Good luck ! :)

chatzis_rodopoulos2920 days

Καλή επιτυχία μωρή αδέρφω!